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1、2022-2023学年湖北省咸宁市赵李桥中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. We have to prevent pollution _ a peaceful and harmonious life.A.living B. to live C.from living D. to proctecting 参考答案:B2. Your performance in the exam did not reach the required standard ,you failed. A. as a result B. in other words C. in a way D. in partic

2、ular参考答案:b略3. Our company will organize a trip to Hongkong next month. I _ my mother there.Id rather you _. After all she has just recovered from her illness and she still feels weak.A. will take; wont B. am taking; dontC. will take; didnt D. am taking; didnt参考答案:D4. Children need many things. _, th

3、ey need love.A. After all B. Last of all C. First of all D. At last参考答案:C5. -Have you got any particular plans for the coming holiday?- Yes. _, Im going to visit the Palace Museum.A. If necessary B. If possible C. If any D. If ever参考答案:B6. My brother always insisted on his _ Tom instead of Tim.A. ca

4、lling B. called C. having called D. being called参考答案:D7. Many excellent graduates are writing _the advertisement for the position as an English teacher in our school. A. in honor of B. in favor of C. in return for D. in response to参考答案:D考查介词词组辨析。in honor of纪念;in favor of支持;in return for换取;in respons

5、e to响应,作为回应。句意:很多杰出的毕业生正在写信响应那则在我们学校当一名英语教师的招聘广告。故选D。8. Women _ drink more than two cups of coffee a day have a greater chance of having heart disease than those _ dont. A. who, / B. /, who C. who, who D. /, / 参考答案:C9. It is almost _ that he will be elected chairman of the Students Union.A certain B

6、 exact C right D sure参考答案:AIt is certain that(可能)为固定句型,sure不能用于该句型中。10. The couple watched the Kongming light go higher and higher until they lost_of it.A. view B. sceneC. vision D. sight参考答案:D考查名词。A. view视野; B. scene情景;C. vision 眼力; D. sight视力。句意:那对情侣看着孔明灯越飞越高,直到看不见了。词组lose sight of意思是“不再看见”。故选D。11

7、. Come and see me whenever _ .A. you are convenient B. you will be convenient C. it is convenient to you D. it will be convenient to you 参考答案:12. Italy is _most attractive European country and I wish I would go there for _ second time. A. a ; a B. x; a C. the; the D. a; the 参考答案:C13. It was _ back h

8、ome after the experiment. A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didnt go参考答案:C略14. 22 I would appreciate _, to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon as possible Ayou Bthat Cit Dmyself参考答案:C略15. Thoug

9、h the designs of some old TVs are out of fashion, _their quality is superior _ that of the modern ones.A.but;to B.but;than C.;than D.;to参考答案:D略16. _ matters most in keeping healthy is to eat a healthy diet and do lots of exercise.A. Where B. Why C. What D. Which 参考答案:C17. She passed herself off _ a

10、servant into the noblemans house. A. as B. for C. by D. to参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. Building the thinking habit is important because it helps you live with a purpose. How can we build the thinking habit? Here are some tips. Be curious.Curiosity is powerful. _16_ It also helps you recognize the ideas when the

11、y come. Curiosity is an important attitude to have in building the thinking habit. Read widely.If you want to come up with good ideas, you need to feed your mind with good ideas._17_ This will give you fresh, new ideas. Dont just read from the fields you are familiar with. Read from other fields as

12、well. Read activelyNot only should you read widely, but also you should read actively. Find some ideas and think about how you can use them. My favorite way to do this is by highlighting the book I read. I will then put the actionable ideas in my idea journal._18_ Keep an idea journal.When you find

13、a good idea, dont just keep it in your mind. Instead, write it down to catch the idea._19_ Keeping an idea journal makes you more alert lo new ideas. You will quickly recognize them because you already have the habit of catching ideas. _20_Of course, it doesnt do you much good if you just write down ideas. Take time to read these ideas every now and then. In my case, I mark the ideas that I consider important and review them regularly. This often opens the way to new ideas.A. Go over your ideasB. Design your own ideasC. One way to do


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