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1、江苏省淮安市高沟中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. There are two rooms in the apartment, _ serves as a kitchen.A. the smaller of them B. the smallest of which C. the smaller of which D. smallest of which参考答案:C8. China was cracking down on drunk driving, including fines, 15-day detention, and having license

2、s _ for up to 6 months.A. set down B. got off C. taken away D. given away参考答案:C3. . He is supposed to make his visit to the club soon, but Im not sure whether he _ or not. A. does B. is C. had D. will参考答案:D略4. Its reported that both sides have _ their willingness to start a new round of talk.A.inspi

3、redB.represented C.signaledD.reflected参考答案:C【知识点】考查动词辨析。句意:据报道双方已经表明愿意开始新一轮的会谈。Inspire鼓舞;represent代表;signal表明;reflect反应。signal ones willingness to do sth表明愿意。故选C。5. Making mistakes is a part of life. _ matters is _ you do afterwards.A. It; what B. All; what C. What; what D. That; what参考答案:C6. Planni

4、ng so far ahead _ no sense-so many things will have changed by next year. A. makes B. made C. making D. make 参考答案:A7. Coughs and colds are _ among young children because of the sudden climate change.A. painful B. sensitive C. harmful D. frequent 参考答案:D8. At the club, Johnny scanned the crowd for Lis

5、ette and _ her.A. caught B. searched C. sought D. spotted 参考答案:D9. At the age of 29, Dave was a worker, in a small apartment near Boston and _ what to do about his future.A. living; wondering B. lived; wondering C. lived; wondered D. living; wondered参考答案:A10. We can observe that artificial intellige

6、nce has already made a(n) _ on our lives in many waysA. statementB. impactC. impressionD. judgment参考答案:B【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们可以观察到人工智能已经在许多方面已经对我们的生活产生了影响。A. statement陈述说明;B. impact影响,效果;C. impression印象;D. judgment判断。故选B符合语境。11. His room needs_,so he must have it _. A.painting ; painted B. painted ; pa

7、inting C. painting ; painting D. painted ; painted参考答案:A12. Id appreciate it if you could _ me in finishing the experiment.A. offer B. helpC. guarantee D. assist参考答案:D【详解】考查动词词意辨析。句意:如果你能帮助我完成实验,我将不胜感激。分析四个选项:offer提供,常用offer sb sth.=offer sth. to sb.;help帮助,常用help sb. with sth,“帮助某人某事”和help sb to do

8、 sth意为“帮助某人做某事”; guarantee保证,担保,guarantee sth./sb.to do sth.意为“担保某人做某事”;assist帮助,援助,assist sb.in doing sth.意为“协助/帮助某人做某事”。分析可知只有D答题意。13. Can I have a look after you finish it?_, but youd better not take it out of the reading-room.A. Oh come on B. That depends C. Dont ask me D. I suppose so参考答案:D14.

9、When we arrived in the middle of the night,there was no food as all the shops were shut Aleft Bavailable Cremaining Dconvenient参考答案:B 15. Computer lessons must be to students of all grades,so that they can master this modern communication and learning tool Aavoidable Baccessible Cvaluable Dacceptabl

10、e参考答案:B35. _ from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. A. Being separated B. Having separated C. Having been separated D. To be separated参考答案:C略35. Five people won the “ Chinas Green Figure” award, a title _ to ord

11、inary people for their contributions to environmental protection. A. being given B. is given C. given D. was given 参考答案:C略二、 新的题型18. Self-motivationSelf-motivationoccurswhenapersonhasthewillingnesstodosomethingandisinternally motivatedtodoit.36 .Thereisajobtogoto,groceriestodo,televisiontowatchwhoop

12、s!IguesswegetprettygoodatfindingexcusestoescapegettingstartedongoalslikeanexerciseroutineorreadinganewbookThefactisthatwearecreaturesofroutineandhabitSowhatcanwedotomotivateourselvestoaccomplishourgoals?37DecidewhatyouwantItshardtomotivateanaimlessmind.38 Thenbreakitdownintosmallersectionssoitseasie

13、rtohandleandlessoverwhelming(势不可挡)KeeptrackofyourprogressKeepajournalwhereyoucanmeasurehowmuchyouhaveaccomplished39PostmotivatingpicturesorsloganswithinyoursightItisalwaysinspiringtoseepicturesofpeoplewhohaveaccomplishedwhatyouregoingforItmakesitattainableLikewise,littlesloganslike“goforit”or“justdoit”cangiveyouthelittlesupportyouneed40 Onceyouhaveaccomplishedyourobjective,e.g.becominganearlyriser,keepitupsothatitssecondnaturetoyouandyoudon


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