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1、辽宁省铁岭市朝阳中学高二英语上学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. She had a computer at home,and her parents desired that she _ all her work at home.Ado Bdoes Cmust do Dwould do参考答案:B略2. Lets make it tomorrow, if it is_ for you.A. careful B. interested C. convenient D. severe参考答案:C3. 13.In our class there are 46 students, _ half we

2、ar glasses.A. in whomB. in themC. of whomD. of them参考答案:C略4. Good morning, can I help you? Id like to have this watch _. A. fixed B. to be fixed C. to fix D. fixing参考答案:A略5. There are only two days to go way from my test. Im so _ about it! - Take it easy. Good luck! A. serious B. curious C. cautious

3、 D. nervous参考答案:D略6. Do you agree with what he said? Yes, _! It cant be _. A. approximately; better B. ly; better C. ly; worse D. fortunately; worse参考答案:B7. Do you feel like _ there or shall we take a bus? Id like to walk, but since there isnt much time left, Id rather we _ a taxi.A. to walk; take B

4、. walking; took C. to walk; took D. walking; take参考答案:B8. In China, the education is divided into three _: basic education, higher education and adult education. A. scores B. categories C. degrees D. trends参考答案:B略9. She feels her husband _ for the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C.

5、 is to be blamed D. should blame参考答案:A29. Mummy, I have broken my train. I told you so. You _ on it. A. mustnt have ridden B. couldnt ride C. shouldnt have ridden D. neednt ride参考答案:C11. Looking back, Diana, a fashion designer, _ her achievements to the goal she set, the education she received from

6、the college, and above all, the efforts she made.A. adds B. connects C. devotes D. owes参考答案:D12. Im told that you are going to Canada to have a three-month further study. Dont let such a good chance to improve your English _ through your fingers. A. ski B. spread C. slip D. skip参考答案:C13. Ill call yo

7、u _ I arrive in ShenzhenThanks, and good luckAwhile Buntil Cas Donce参考答案:D14. Its only when I failed the exam _I found I was lazy.A. when B. which C. whether D. that参考答案:D15. _ with Japanese provocative(煽动、挑衅的)activities aimed at splitting Diaoyu Island from the motherland, China, we will not sit by

8、 and do nothing.A. Face B. Faced C. Facing D. To face参考答案:B略16. She cant meet the _ you made that she _ the debt by this month.A. requirement; pays off B. request; paid offC. request; pays off D. requirement; pay off参考答案:D17. I am going back to America for Christmas._. And we will miss you.AEnjoy yo

9、urself BYoure welcomeCThats interesting DThe same to you参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. (无论你作出什么样的决定) I will support it. (whatever)参考答案:Whatever decision you (may) make三、 阅读理解19. Many people are already planning to look for a new position when the job market picks up, but the way you quit can have a long term impa

10、ct on your career. How to resign on good terms:Be prepared.Review your employee handbook or employment contract before announcing your decision, so you know what company policy is regarding resignations, severance(解聘), the return of company property and pay for unused vacation time. If you have anot

11、her job lined up, be sure to have your offer in writing before you resign.Use it or lose it.If you havent used vacation time and will lose it if you quit, you might want to use your time before leaving or link it to your resignation date. But if you dont want to burn any bridges, never announce your

12、 departure just after returning from vacation.Make an appointment.Be formal and make an appointment with your boss. Prepare what you want to say. Be direct and be transparent. After the discussion, put your resignation in a hardcopy letter that includes your last day and any transitional help youve

13、offered. Keep a copy. Two weeks advance notice is still standard but experts recommend offering more time if youve worked at the company for more than five years. You also need to be prepared to leave right away - some companies require it.Scrub your digital footprint.Clear your browser cache(浏览器缓存)

14、, remove passwords to websites you use from work, such as your personal email or online bank account and delete any personal files on your work computer that arent relevant to work. Dont delete anything work-related if youre required to keep it.Stay close.Consider joining an employee alumni association, which often serves as a networking group for former employees. It can be


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