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1、重庆梁平县第一中学高二英语下学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. We look towards strengthening cooperation with universities all over the world _ scientific research.A. in response to B. in regard toC. in defense of D. in case of参考答案:B【详解】考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:关于科学研究,我们期待与世界各地的大学加强合作。A. in response to回答;B. in regard to关于;C. in defense of为辩

2、护;D. in case of以防。故选B。2. _ the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans_ the click of a button.A. From . by B. Throughwith C. By . with D. By .by 参考答案:B3. We have _ of time, and so we must end the meeting as soon as possible today. Well choos

3、e other time to continue our discussion.A. taken up B. come out C. given up D. run out参考答案:D4. Sarah looked at _ picture she had taken in the park with _ delightAthe; a B/; a Cthe; / Da; the 参考答案:C5. We found a new cure _ H1N1 virus and many patients were cured _ this severe disease. A. of; of B. of

4、; for C. for; for D. for; of参考答案:D6. _ you have tried it, you cant imagine how pleasant it is. A. Unless B. Because C. Although D. When 参考答案:A7. They desired that they _ the right to attend the meeting.A. had B. have C. are D. were参考答案:B8. Please _ where to begin and how to do it.A explain us B expl

5、ain it us C explain to us D explain it to us参考答案:Dexplain后不跟双宾语,只能说explain sth to sb或者explain to sb sth9. He talked of other cultures as if they were more _ him than his own. A. familiar to B. familiar with B. similar to D. identical with参考答案:A10. In the future, there will be _ rise in the demand fo

6、r social workers, and the number is expected to reach 20,000 by _ year 2016.A. the ; the B.the; a C. a; the D. a; a参考答案:C略11. Turn the bottle to empty it before you fill it with oil.A. back and forth B. up and downC. upside down D. now and then参考答案:C12. _ mutual trust leads to the relationship betwe

7、en the two countries becoming worse.A. Lacking of B. Lacked in C. Lacking D. Lack for参考答案:C13. Bears often hide themselves in places _ cant be found by hunters. A. in which B. where C. that D. 不填 参考答案:C14. Magaret was so _ to hear any news of her lost son that she was almost driven mad.A. relevant B

8、. annoyed C. bound D. dying 参考答案:D15. Most members of the committee were in favor of the suggestion; only a _ were against it. A. majorityB. minorityC. quantityD. amount参考答案:B16. A big fire broke out in a restaurant last night, at least 5 people. k*s5uAhaving been injured Bhaving injured Cinjuring D

9、injured 参考答案:C17. I thought wed be late for the concert, _ we ended up getting there ahead of time.A. or B. however C. for D. but参考答案:A考查连词。but在这里表示而,相反。语意:我本来以为看音乐会会迟到,而结果是我们提前到了那里。二、 新的题型18. Easy Ways to Improve Your Writing SkillsFor better or for worse, school is filled with writing homework. Go

10、od writing is important for getting a good grade. 36 Luckily, anyone can improve his or her writing with the right guidance and a little practice. Here are four easy tips to help you improve your writing skills:1. Organize your thoughts first.Good writers outline their thoughts before starting putti

11、ng their pens to paper or hands to a keyboard. Firstly, write out each main topic. Next, list subtopics(小标题) beneath much main topic. Lastly, put the topics and subtopics into a logical(符合逻辑的) order. 37 2. Take a standpoint.Most writing homework asks you to take a position on what youre writing abou

12、t. 38 Your thesis(论点) should determine the content of your writing homework. The stronger your thesis is, and the better you back up your thesis with related information, the stronger your writing will be overall.3. Dont copy others homework. 39 Most teachers use detective software to catch copycats

13、 in the act. Students found copying are usually punished and whats worse, even dismissed(开除).4. 40 Some students finish writing a passage and then give it to their teachers without checking it. This is a huge mistake. Its likely that there are mistakes that need to be corrected. Additionally, ones w

14、ork can always be bettered and improved.Happy writing!A. Look over and correct.B. Keep a dictionary handy.C. This main idea is called a “thesis”.D. However, its still a skill many students struggle with.E. Use this outline to give shape to your writing homework.F. And all good writing is organized with a



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