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1、2022-2023学年黑龙江省伊春市宜春黄岗中学高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Are you satisfied with his answer? Not at all. It couldnt have been _.A. better B. worseC. more D. less参考答案:B试题分析:考查形容词比较级。 句意:-你对于她的回答满意吗?一点也不满意,它不可能比这个更糟糕了。因为Not at all是否定的,所以后面是不满意,这里是比较级用在否定句中表示最高级的意思,故选B项。2. -How long is it _ the new math teacher came

2、 here? - Two weeks. The students just wonder how _ they can go with him.A. since, far B. when, soon C. before, far D. that, long 参考答案:C略3. - I bring you your coffee now or you rather have it with your lunch?-Id like it now,sweetheartAShall,would BWill,should CShould,would DShall,will参考答案:A4. _ our n

3、ational football team lost the game to a weak team as Syria by 2 to 3, I held no doubt about the new coachs ability.A. Until B. Bythetime C. Unless D. Afier参考答案:A略5. In fact fuels we burn and plant food we eat _ their chemical energy in the form of heat.A. give in B. give off C. give away D. give up

4、参考答案:B略6. The government has promised to _ the matter and will give the workers a satisfactory answer. A. look into B. look after C. look on D. look out for参考答案:A7. Last night on my way home I saw an old lady driving a BMW car at_I thought was a dangerous speed.A. that B. which C. what D. how参考答案:C8

5、. I will never forget the day Shenzhou VII was launched,has a great effect on my life Awhen,which Bthat,which Cwhich,that Dwhen,that参考答案:A9. Do you realize that I _ some very important people to dine with me tonight? Your mistake could cost me an important contract. A. invited B. have invitedC. had

6、invited D. have been invited 参考答案:B10. _, but the idea of having to work more than ten hours a day without weekends discouraged me. A. Wanting to be a teacher B. Although I wanted to be a teacher C. I had wanted to be a teacher D. As I want to be a teacher参考答案:C11. - Will you please spare me a few m

7、inutes now? - _, but Ill be free in half an hour.A. No, I cant B. Yes, with pleasure C. No problem D. Im afraid not参考答案:D12. -Dont be a slave to work,Ralph! You must take it easy sometimes.-I cant help it. _ A. Easier said than done B. Nothing is easier than fault-finding C. Easy come, easy go D. Ea

8、sy does it参考答案:a略13. He looked at the letter and _ Jennys handwriting immediately.A. knew B. recovered C. recognized D. understood参考答案:C14. -Do you think you can finish the project by five oclock this afternoon? -_. Ill be busy with my term paper all day. A. Not a little B. Not a chance C. Not a bit

9、 D. Not to mention it 参考答案:B15. Only when possible to settle the problem.A. our teacher comes will it be B. does our teacher comes will it be C. our teacher comes it will be D. has our teacher come will it be参考答案:A略16. Last year, every employee in our company _ a physical examination free of charge.

10、A. offered B. was offered C. has offered D. had been offered参考答案:B【详解】考查一般过去时的被动语态。句意:去年,我们公司里的每一位雇员都被给予一次免费体检,题干中的时间状语Last year表明应用一般过去时,且应该是被提供给免费体检,因此空白处应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。17. Some young people these days just _ go out of their homes to contact the real worldA. mustnt B. wont C. mightnt D. shouldnt

11、参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。What will you do if you cant eat everything bought in the canteen? 36 According to a survey, what students waste every year could feed over 10 million people. 37 . According to Xinhua News Agency, the food wasted by Chinese people is about 50

12、 million tons of grain every year, which could feed 200 million people.Food waste, which has become a global issue, serves as a mirror that reflects various cultural and social issues in different countries. In the West, for instance, consumerism, the belief that its a good thing to use a lot of goo

13、ds and services, is often to blame for food waste. 38 . Chinese people are well known for being hospitable and generous. Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food. On campus, a generation of single children is less aware of the food waste issue. Students nowadays are

14、 well protected by their families and hardly have any concept of how much toil (辛劳) others go through in order to provide them with the food they eat. 39 . There are over 925 million hungry people in the world, most of whom live in underdeveloped countries and areas. They dont have enough food to eat. Many children die for lack of nutrition each year in some African cou


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