牛津译林版九年级英语上册Unit 4 Growing up第3课时示范课教学课件

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1、Unit Unit Unit Unit 4 4 4 4 Growing up Growing up Growing up Growing upReading Reading Reading Reading()牛津译林版九年级英语上册Revision Spud WebbYear&place of birthTexas,1963Height170 cmDreamplay in the NBAJunior hightry out,be refused,score 20 points,star of the teamSenior highsit in the stands,change his min

2、d,become leader of the team.Player of the YearCollege/Universityinvite to,a junior college,lead to,bring him to the attention of,succeed inNBAbe interested in,be forced to,take notice of,the Atlanta Hawks,great achievements,his proudest momentWhat he provedhard work,do not matter,never give upRetell

3、 the passageMatch the words with the meanings Pre-readingtry out for sth.尝试做某事try v.尝试e.g.Sam参加了校篮球队的选拔。Sam tried out for the school basketball team.十名学生参加了哈姆雷特这个角色的试演。Ten students tried out for the role Hamlet.Language pointsWhile-reading1.While attending junior high,Spud tried out for the school t

4、eam,but he was refused at first because he was too small.lose heart 失去信心While-reading2.He did not lose heart.Although he failed in this entrance examination,_.这次入学考试他虽名落孙山,但他并不气馁。_!Failure is the mother of success.不要灰心!失败是成功之母。he didnt lose heartNever lose heartchange ones mind 改变主意make up ones mind

5、 下定决心While-reading3.He practised even harder and got the coach to change his mind.Youd better go quickly before I _.趁着我还没有改变主意,你赶快走吧。If she once decides to do something,you wont _.她一旦决定干什么,谁也改变不了她的主意。Be your own man._.要有主见,你自己做主吧。change my mindchange her mindMake up your own mind lead v.引领,带领leader

6、n.领袖;首领While-reading4.There he led his team to the national championship.我试图把讨论引回到主要问题上。I tried to _ the main issue.她是个天生的领袖。_.lead the discussion back to Shes a born leadersucceed in doing sth.成功做了某事While-reading5.As a result,he succeeded in getting a scholarship.如果你尽力而为,你一定会成功地提高自己。If you try your

7、 best,youll surely _.你是如何做到让这两个性格迥异的人相安无事的?How did you _ the peace between these two very different men?succeed in improving yourselfsucceed in keeping be forced to do sth.被迫做某事force v.强迫While-reading6.After he graduated,he was forced to play in another basketball league.我被迫在回家前完成剩下的工作。I _ before go

8、ing home.她对他们强装客气。She _ to them.was forced to finish the rest of the work forced herself to be polite remain v.保持,继续存在take notice of 注意While-reading7.He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.下班后我留在办公室,因为有些工作还有待完成。I _ after work because some of the work _.他很骄傲,不理睬别人。He is

9、too proud to _.remained in the office take notice of othersremained to be doneprove v.证明,证实 give up 放弃give in 屈服While-reading8.Through hard work,Spud Webb proved that size and body type do not matter you can do almost anything if you never give up.如果他们证明我错了,那么我就会照他们说的去做。If they _,then Ill go by what

10、 they say.一旦接受了一个想法,他们就永远不会放弃。Once they get an idea into their heads,_.他拒不向恐吓威逼势力让步。He _ to bullying and threats.prove that I was wrongrefused to give in they never give upTranslate the sentencesPost-reading1.这个故事证明了他很容易丧失信心。_2.布莱克先生先写了一封信,接着继续看电视里的篮球赛了。_ _This story proved that it was easy for him

11、to lose heart.Mr.Black wrote a letter first,and then went on to watch the basketball match on TV.Post-reading3.尽管他通过努力进入了校队,但是却一点也不高兴。_ _4.这些男孩们又成功地搭建了一个帐篷,这个帐篷比上一个 更大。_ _5.结果,我被迫改变了主意。_Although he got into the school team through hard work,he was not happy at all.These boys succeeded in putting up

12、a tent again.This tent was bigger than the last one.As a result,I was forced to change my mind.Write a letter to your pen friend and tell him/her what you know about Spud.Write a letterPost-readingTry to use the words and phases below:try out for,lose heart,succeed in doing sth,remain,be forced to d

13、o sth,score points,get the coach to change his mind,lead his team to,graduate,prove,matter SummaryKey words and phrases:simply,achievement,matter,lead toKey sentences:No university would invite him to play basketball simply because he was only 170 cm tall.He remained there for about a year before the NBA took notice of him.Spud Webb proved that size and body type do not matter.Homework 1.Write down what youve learnt on your notebook;2.Perfect your letter.3.Preview Grammar.敬请各位老师提出宝贵意见!Bye-bye!Bye-bye!



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