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1、内蒙古自治区赤峰市林西县官地中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. Jane had to speed up to _ for the hour she had lost in the traffic jam.AKeep up B. take up C. make up D. catch up参考答案:C2. They are quiet, arent they?Yes. They are accustomed _ at meals.A. to talk B. to not talk C. to talking D. to not talking 参考答案:D3. With his teac

2、her behind his back, he still kept his eyes _ on the screen.A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. being fixed参考答案:A【详解】考查非谓语作宾补。句意:老师在他背后,他眼睛仍紧盯着屏幕。fixon为固定搭配,意为“把集中在”,本句中keep的宾语eyes与fix二者是被动关系,所以B和C是主动的,不能选。而A表状态,D表示动作正在进行,此处表示状态,要用过去分词。因此选A。4. I hate _when people shout loudly in public.A. itB. theseC. t

3、hemD. that参考答案:A【详解】考查it做形式宾语。句意:我讨厌人们在公共场合大声喊叫。在enjoy (享受),hate (恨),like(喜欢), love (爱)等动词之后用it充当形式宾语,在it 后面用宾语从句作真正宾语,故选A。5. _Olympic torch has reportedly stayed alight throughout _varied extreme weather conditions in a German testing center. A. 不填; the B. The; 不填 C. 不填; an D. The; a参考答案:B略6. In mo

4、dern education, I think, students should be in involved in various activities, especially those_they can gain experience for growth.A. who B. where C. which D. whom参考答案:B7. The girl looked at me with a _expression. Maybe the problem was quite _.A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; p

5、uzzled D. puzzling; puzzling参考答案:D略8. According to the news, a(n) driver carelessly ran into and damaged a family car on a highway.Aashamed Brandom Copposed Dawkward参考答案:D9. Was it in 1969 _ the American astronaut succeeded _ landing on the moon?A. when; on B. that; on C. that; in D. when; in参考答案:C1

6、0. Tom _his homework yesterday, because he was in hospital all day.A. cant finish B. couldnt finish C. couldnt have finished D. mustnt finish参考答案:C11. Smith didnt expect to see you yesterday, _? A. did he B. wasnt he C. didnt he D. was he参考答案:A12. In my opinion, the time students devote to computer

7、games has a bad effect on their studies.A. in which B. on which C. when D. that参考答案:D13. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us _ itself out of the water and then crashing down again. A. to throw B. throw C. throwing D. thrown参考答案:C14. and class began.A. In came the t

8、eacherB. The teacher in cameC. In came heD. Came in the teacher参考答案:A15. Every possible means , but none prove successful. Ahas tried Bhas been tried Cis being tried Dtried参考答案:b略16. During the last three decades, the number of people participating in physical fitness programs _ sharply. A. was incr

9、easingB. has increasedC. had increasedD. will be increasing参考答案:BB 考查时态。句意:在过去的三十年里,参加健身计划的人数急剧增加。”由时间状语during the last three decades可知描述的是从过去一致持续到现在的动作并将继续下去的动作,故用现在完成时态。选B。17. Do you know what the type of a story _ a detective tries to identify a murderer is? A. that B. whose C. which D. where参考答案

10、:D略二、 新的题型18. 由于MP3播放器的普及,在互联网上如雨后春笋般出现了许多提供MP3音乐供人们选购的音乐网站. Because of the popularity of MP3 players, music websites have _ _ all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase. 参考答案:sprung up 三、 阅读理解19. It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas 2005. While most

11、people were warming up their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to get up early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work. On arrival, he parked his bike outside the back door as he usually does. After putting in 10 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike gone. The bike, a black Kona 1

12、8 speed, was our only transport. Trevor used it to get to work, putting in 60-hour weeks to support his young family. And the bike was also used to get groceries(食品杂货),saving us from having to walk long distances from where we live. I was so sad that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the

13、newspaper and told them our story. Shortly after that, several people in our area offered to help. One wonderful stranger even bought a bike, and then called my husband to pick it up. Once again my husband had a way to get to and from his job. It really is an honor that a complete stranger would go

14、out of their way for someone they have never met before. People say that a smile can be passed from one person to another, but acts of kindness from strangers are even more so. This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it strengthened our faith in humanity(人性)as a whole. And it has influenced(影响)us to be more mindful of ways we, too, can shar



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