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1、福建省福州市福清龙西中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The natural environment should be protected because of the important role _ plays in human survival and development.A. which B. the one C. it D. that参考答案:C考查代词。句意:自然环境应该被保护,因为它在人类生存和发展方面起着重要作用。此处用it指代The natural environment,在从句中作主语,it用于替代上文出现的同一事物,所指的是同名同物;one用于替代上文提到

2、的可数名词单数,表示泛指;that用于替代上文出现的可数名词单数或不可数名词,表特指。one和that所指的是同名异物。不能用which,如果是which的话,那构成定语从句,先行词是role,但这不符合语境。故只能选C。2. Every few years, the coal workers their lungs X-rayed to ensure their health.A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had参考答案:B考点:本题考查时态。解析:根据时间状语every few years,可判断本句应为一般现在时,因此答案选B。3. T

3、he criminal was finally sentenced to death.Just as a biblical idiom says, “_.” A. You reap what you sow B. An eye for an eye C. See the handwriting on the wall D. Kill the fatted calf参考答案:B4. Love is _ Mummy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is more handsome than David Beckham.A. that B

4、. how C. when D. since参考答案:C5. is expected, according to the online survey, is that housing prices cant go up any more. AWhich BWhat CIt DAs参考答案:B6. -You seem to be familiar with this city.-I _ here for three years. Its great to be back.A. have lived B. lived C. had lived D. live参考答案:B7. I know she

5、can be very annoying, but I think you should apologize to her for your rude remarks. Aall the while Bin fact Conce in a while Dall the same参考答案:D8. 一Would you be so kind as to take this heavy box upstairs for me?一 AIts my pleasure BHelp yourself CSure,with pleasure DTake your time参考答案:C略9. When Than

6、ksgiving Day is the corner, stores and supermarkets are busy with people. Aaround Bon Cwith Dat 参考答案:A略10. Its high time you had your hair cut; its getting _.A. too much long B. much too longC. long too much D. too long much参考答案:B解析:考查much too与too much的区别 Much too 太,非常,修饰形容词,如: The book is much too

7、thick Too much 很多,修饰名词或充当名词来用, 如: What he said is too much for me. / There is too much water in the basin. 11. My name is KellendShall I spell it for you? _ _. ANot at all BNice to meet you CTake it easy DIf you dont mind 参考答案:D略12. People_better access to health care than they used to, and theyre l

8、iving longer as a result.A.will haveB. haveC. hadD. had had参考答案:B考查时态。句意:人们有着比过去更好的医疗保险,因此他们更长寿。与过去对比是现在,而且后一句用的就是现在时态,故前面也用现在时态,故选B。13. -Are you taking morning exercise tomorrow?-Sure. We do sports every morning_ it rainsA. as long as B. in case C. as though D. unless参考答案:D略14. How_you expect to ge

9、t something in return when you never willingly lend a hand to others?Ashall Bcan Cshould Ddare参考答案:B15. Im not feeling well. I know. its the kind of illness leaves you feeling low.A that B which C what D不填参考答案:A16. Although we havent got accurate statistics, it is estimated that _ 300 factories in t

10、his province closed down during the economic crisis.A. finally B. previously C. obviously D. approximately参考答案:D略17. Lady Gaga tops list of “l0 most popular singers in the world”in Survey made recently among young fellows. A.the; a B.a; a C.a;the D.the;the参考答案:A略二、 新的题型18. It is generally believed t

11、hat obesity is a global epidemic and crisis. But peoples view on weight is keeping us from doing things to help us get 61 healthy body. Obesity researchers hate 62 when I say this, but their own data shows that obesity is not going to kill us. Most obese people dont have 63 (short) lifespans(寿命)than

12、 non-obese people and in fact its the underweight people 64 are at most at risk.So why does everybody think obesity is deadly? One reason is that obesity is associated with three different things that 65 (be) deadly and lead to shorter lifespan: being sedentary(久坐); 66 (have) lower income; and not g

13、etting enough medical care. Everyone, the media, the medical community operate from the firm 67 (assume) that obesity is deadly. So any evidences 68 (contradict) that are ignored. It is true that obese people are more likely to get diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But there are two things you need to realize. First of all, the obesity paradox. When obese people get the 69 (disease), theyre less likely to die of them t


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