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1、江苏省盐城市长荡中学高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Why, Jack, you look so tired!-Well, I _the house and I must finish the work tomorrow. A. was painting B. will be painting C. have painted D. have been painting 参考答案:D2. This kind of flower needs special care _ it can live through winter. A. becauseB. so thatC. whileD. a

2、s参考答案:B略3. Come and join us, Henry. Lets enjoy the great meal _ by my mother. A. cooking B. cooked C. to cook D. be cooked参考答案:B考查过去分词。句意:来吧,我们一起享用我妈妈给我们做的大餐。the great meal与cook之间是被动关系,所以用过去分词作定语。故选B。4. -Excuse me where is the bus station?-Sorry, I am a newcomer. -_A. What a shame. B. Thanks anyway.

3、 C. It doesnt matter. D. Why not buy one?参考答案:B解析:Thanks anyway “无论如何都要谢谢你”,常用于对对方没有帮上忙的答谢语。5. We can improve our English ability by _ of reading and listening to it a lot every day. A. methodB. approach C. way D. means参考答案:D6. Some football fans, _money was a big problem, could not afford to see th

4、eir star play. A. for whose B. for whom C. with whom D. with whose参考答案:B7. The engines of the ship were out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the crew at sea.A. resulted from B. turned out C. made up D. added to参考答案:D8. _ is reported in the newspaper is that seventeen climbers have

5、been killed in the snow tsunami.A. It B. As C. What D. That参考答案:C9. All the workers believe the assembly hall _ the curtains need to be changed _ rebuilding.A. which; deserve B. of which; is deserved C. whose; deserves D. of which; deserves 参考答案:D10. He doesnt like reading, _A neither cant I B nor c

6、an I C nor do I D neither I can参考答案:C 11. - Look at those clouds! - Dont worry. _ it rains, well still have a great time. A. As if B. Even if C. As though D. If参考答案:B12. Every possible means to save the future of the baseball player so far.A. was tried B. were tried C. have been tried D. has been tr

7、ied参考答案:D13. She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to _ her. A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. seen参考答案:B14. - Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight? -_.A. No, I wont be free B. Thanks a lotC. Id love to, but Im not free D. Im sorry to hear that参考答案:C15. Is there anything _?A

8、. you are not sureB. about which you not quite sureC. that you dont undestand D. which you dont understand参考答案:C16. Shall we go to the art exhibition right away? _.AIts your opinion BI dont mind CIts all up to you DThats your decision参考答案:CIts all up to you.这你说了算。是对对方征求意见的答语。而A项的意思为“它是你的意见”;B项意为“我不介

9、意”;D项意为“那是你的决定。”17. What about the party last night? It was_ great success. I think its _ great pity that you didnt attend it.A. /; the B. a;aC. /;a D. a; the参考答案:B【详解】考查冠词和固定句型。句意:昨晚的聚会怎么样?这是一个巨大的成功。我认为你没有参加真是太遗憾了。第一个空泛指“一个巨大的成功”,great的首字母发音是辅音,所以用不定冠词a;its a great pity that真遗憾该句型是固定句型,所以第二个空填a,故选B

10、。二、 新的题型18. When I was an international student in China, I was lucky to experience Chinese New Year. The build-up was exciting as everywhere _51_(decorate) with red.Some fellow students and I decided to travel from Xian to Guilin for the festival. Travel during that time is quite_52_ adventure-many

11、 people journey home _53_ (see) their families and everywhere is very busy. On the eve of New Year, we watched the CCTV New Years Gala. Although we didnt really understand everything, it was good to be lost _54_the atmosphere(气氛) of the occasion! At New Year, families make _55_(taste) dumplings toge

12、ther as part of the celebrations. On New Years Day, and for several weeks afterwards, you can hear firecrackers and fireworks everywhere, and the air_56_(smell) strongly of dynamite(火药) and smoke. This was adventurous for us!Being in China during New Year somewhat meant_57_(lonely) though it was a g

13、reat experience. I can_58_( ) explain it with how international students in the UK might feel at Christmas if_59_(have) no loved ones around them. Overall, my first Chinese New Year was an amazing experience_60_I will never forget.参考答案:51. was decorated 52. an 53. to see 54. in 55. tasty 56. smells

14、57. loneliness 58. ly 59. having 60. that/which本文介绍一名国际留学生在中国过新年的情景。51. 句意:到处都是红色的装饰,这让人兴奋不已。根据句意可知用一般过去时态的被动语态,主语是everywhere,单数第三人称形式,答案为was decorated。52. 句意:在那段时间旅行是一种冒险。adventure是元音开头,可知答案为an。53. 句意:许多人回家看他们的家人,到处都很忙。动词不定式做目的状语,答案为to see。54. 句意:沉醉在这种场合的氛围中是好的。in the atmosphere of在-氛围中,答案为in。55. 句意:家人包美味的饺子作为一起庆祝的一部分。形容词修饰名词,故答案为tasty。56. 句意:


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