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1、广东省河源市上陵中学2022年高一英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He was disappointed that his plan didnt _.A. go on B. go off C. go through D. go out参考答案:C2. Jane, I hear you _ to China. Have you got everything right?A. have traveledB. travelC. are traveling D. would travel参考答案:C3. hisbusiness, he had little time to have fun wit

2、h his little daughter.A. Absorbed in B. Be addicted inC. Being absorbed in D. Occupying with参考答案:A略4. Why can your neighbor know so much about London? He _ have been there before.A. must B. can C. should D. need参考答案:A略5. _ is most important to him this week, as a student in duty, is to check the doo

3、rs are closed and _ all the lights are off before he leaves.A. It; that B. It; / C. What; / D. What; that参考答案:D6. -Im going to Bettys birthday party. Bye-bye, Mom. - _, baby. A. Best wishesB. Take careC. Have funD. No problem参考答案:C7. It was not until Andrew had stopped smoking _ better again.A. did

4、he feel B. when he felt C. that he felt D. then he felt参考答案:C8. Sometimes _ English is quite different from _ English in many ways.A. speaking, writing B. spoken, written C. speaking, written D. spoken, writing参考答案:B9. Father often teaches me, “Do it _ or dont do it at all.”A. finally B. difficultly

5、 C. properly D. excitedly参考答案:C10. In China both men and women enjoy _ rights.A.mean B.equal C.willing D.unfair参考答案:B11. If you feel tired and sick of fat food, that is you have to go to the hospital for a medical examination.A. why B. when C. what D. whether参考答案:B12. The basketball coach, as well a

6、s his team members, _ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.A. were B. was C. is D. are参考答案:B考查主谓一致。当as well as, together with, with, rather than, but等词连接主语时,谓语动词和前面的保持一致。根据句意,本句应该用一般过去时。故答案为B。13. Hey, look where you are going!- Oh, Im terribly sorry. _. A. Im not not

7、icing B. I wasnt noticing C. I havent noticed D. I dont notice参考答案:B14. _the money shortage, many small companies closed down.A.As a result from B.As a result C. Resulted in D.As a result of参考答案:D15. I got to the office earlier that day the 7:30 train from Paddington.A. caught B. to have caught C. t

8、o catch D. having caught参考答案:D16. _ you have come, you may as well stay. This is really true. A. As soon as B. After C. Now that D. Although 参考答案:C17. - Youve left the light on.- Oh , so I have. _and turn it off. AIve gone B. Ill go CI go DIm going参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. Do you enjoy your work? Maybe you d

9、o or maybe you dont. Chances are that you fall somewhere in the middle: you have good days and bad days, and you could definitely be happier than you currently are._11_Be Friendly to Your ColleaguesIn some big offices, people might not even say “good morning” to one another. _12_. You might think th

10、at you have nothing in common with them, but if you strike up a conversation, you may well find that they share some of your interests, hopes or ambitions.Focus on How Youre Helping ClientsSome jobs are pretty tiresome theres no way round that. Whatever youre doing, though, youre helping someone.Per

11、haps you work in McDonalds, helping customers who want a cheap, quick meal. Perhaps you do data entry, helping a big company to get their records organized so that they can take better care of their clients. In most jobs,youve got the potential to make someone elses day that bit better._13_Do Your H

12、ardest Task FirstHave you ever put off a difficult phone call or a high-pressure task for days and days, only to find it appears larger and larger in your mind? Ive read a lot of productivity advice over the past few years, and something that almost all experts seem to agree on is that its a good id

13、ea to get tough tasks out of the way as quickly as possible._14_Plus, youll constantly have that task hanging over you and dragging your mood down._15_Try eating at regular intervals and go for healthy, tasty foods which make you feel energized rather than sluggish. Fresh fruit is a great snack opti

14、on, or you can have dried fruit, nuts and/or seeds. Dont forget to drink enough water, too.These are all little, but significant, ways to be happier at work today. Put them into practice and you will feel inspired!AEat Sensibly and RegularlyBEat Outside during Your Lunch BreakCHere are several ways to be happier at workDThe longer you wait, the more resistant you will feelEDoing that will almost certainly put a smile


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