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1、江苏省淮安市棉花中学高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The winning of hosting _ 2014 Youth Olympic Games is _ victory not only for Nanjing residents, but for _ people of the whole Chinese nation A the; a; the B a; the; a C a; a; the D the; the; a参考答案:A2. Margaret Thatcher_ as the Iron Lady died at 87 after suffering a strok

2、e.A. knowing B.to know C.being known D.known参考答案:D3. It was experience that I didnt want to recall it Asuch a terrible Bso a terrible Cwhat a terrible Dso terrible参考答案:A 4. One of my classmates accidentally _ he had cheated in the last examination, or he wouldnt have got so high a mark.A. pointed ou

3、tB. let outC. took out D. tried out参考答案:B5. Mike was usually so careful, _ this time he made a small mistake.A. yet B. still C. even D. thus参考答案:A考察连词辨析。根据上下文的意思可知是表示转折关系,只有yet表示转折关系B仍然;C甚至;D结果是;结合句意可知A正确。句意:麦克是如此的细心,然而这次他犯了一个小错。6. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night

4、,no matter what we during the day Amay have done Bcould do Cmust have done Dwould do参考答案:A 7. 28He was nearly killed in the rainstorm in Beijing When was ? was on July, 21 he was driving to his office Athat, It, when Bthis, This, that Cthis, It, when Dthat, It, that参考答案:A略8. More than a dozen studen

5、ts in that school abroad to study medicine last year. Asent Bwere sent Chad sentDhad been sent参考答案:B解析:本题考查时态和语态。 这句话的意思是:去年,那所学校十多个学生被送往国外深造医学。本题首先排除A,C两个选项,被往国外应该用被动语态,然后排除D选项,去年是明确的过去时间状语,不能用过去完成时。9. Here_ someone _. Lets see who it is. It might be John according to the figure, but Im not sure.A.

6、 is coming; runningB. comes; runningC. comes; is runningD. is coming; is running参考答案:B10. The noise from the top floor,loud and constant,of the meeting-room_ can be clearly heard in our classroomAto decorate Bhaving been decoratedCbeing decorated Ddecorating参考答案:C11. Do you think this shirt is too t

7、ight _ the shoulders?A. at B. on C. to D. across参考答案:D。介词考点12. Ouch! You hurt me! I am sorry. But I any harm. I to drive a rat out. A. didnt mean; tried B. dont mean; am trying C. havent meant; tried D. didnt mean; was trying 参考答案:D解析:本题考查动词时态。根据句意“我本没有打算伤害你,我刚才只不过是把一只老鼠赶出去,”可知:前一空应用一般过去式,而后一空应用过去进行

8、式。13. This is painting I told you aboutI seeIsnt it beautiful one? Aa;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe;the 参考答案:C14. For holidays,many people visit the Great Barrier Reef_the northeast coast of AustraliaAbeyond Bon Cwithin Doff参考答案:29D 考察介词, off prep离开,在 之外。略15. Many people_the topic on the Internet for some ti

9、mes, but there is still no clear agreement. A.will have discussed B.have been discussing C.were discussing D.had discussed参考答案:B16. The frozen waterfall has attracted floods of tourists to_ the natural beauty.A. cherish B. admire C. observe D. discover参考答案:B【命题立意】考查动词的用法。句意:冰冻的瀑布吸引了大量游客欣赏自然美景。cheris

10、h珍贵;admire欣赏,赞赏;observe观察;discover发现。故判断选B。17. What made your skin look so terrible? _ to sunlight for a long time.A. Because it was exposed B. After being exposedC. Being exposed D. Exposed参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. While going through life with the pursuit of money on our mind, were often told that money ca

11、nt buy happiness. But what truth is there in the saying? Is there a relation between money and happiness? 36 Humans are very sensitive to change. When we get a rise, we really enjoy it. But some studies have shown that in North America, additional income beyond 75,000 dollars a year stops impacting

12、day-to-day happiness. 37 They often end up spending all the money, going into debt, and experience ruined social relationships.So surely money cant really buy happiness. Well, recent studies suggest that the problem may actually be in the way that we spend money. 38 Studies show that people who spend their money on others feel happier. As for the people who spend money on themselves, their happiness is unchanged. 39 0ne experiment showed that instead of an organization writing a large check to a charity, dividing the amount up among employees, allowing


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