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1、山西省朔州市镇子梁乡南马庄中学2022-2023学年高三英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Don t be joking. It s time to_your business. A. set out B. take up C. go on D. get down 参考答案:A略2. In the story of Atlanta, I dont think Hippomanias _winning the race because he cheated the princess in the race.Areserved Bpreserved Cdeserved Dresponded参考答

2、案:3. Life is ten percent happens to you and ninety percent you respond to itAwhich;how Bwhat;what Cthat;that Dwhat;how参考答案:D略4. If you buy more than ten, they knock 20 pence off _. A. a price B. price C. the price D. prices参考答案:C解析: knock sthoff减除,此题特指价钱减除20,应用定冠词the,所以正确答案为C。5. - Hi, Uncle Chen. Do

3、 you still play Majiang? - _. Its two years since I played Majiang. A. No, I dont B. Yes, I do C. Not too much D. Oh, yes, but I wish I didnt参考答案:A6. Did you have a wonderful time at the ball last night? _! Ive never had a more wonderful time all my life. A. You bet B. No problem C. Dont mention it

4、D. Got it参考答案:A7. 31 Whoever is never _ with the progress he has made will be a success. A. content B. proud C. abundant D. familiar 参考答案:A略8. - Im so tired. Give me some time to have a short break. -Its Monday today. You at weekends.A. ought to have stayed up B. need have stayed upC. might have sta

5、yed up D. must have stayed up参考答案:D9. It is said that the old coins _ under the earth for about 100years by the time they were discovered. A. had buried B. had been buried C. buried D. were buried参考答案:B10. Winter _, but children cant wait to go skiing.A. wont arrive B. didnt arrive C. hadnt arrivedD

6、. hasnt arrived 参考答案:D试题解析:考查动词的时态。句意:冬天还没有到来但孩子忍不住想去滑冰。根据children cant wait to go skiing可知这个动作还没有产生影响,故选D项。11. Many young people turn to alcohol to reduce, though they clearly know it is not a good way to relax.A.fearB.lonelinessC.pressureD.depression参考答案:C句意:许多年轻人通过喝酒来缓解压力,尽管他们清楚地知道这并不是一个好的放松方式。根据

7、题干中的reduce和relax可推知,此处表示缓解压力。12. Blind people have their own ways to tell the shape of an object and _ it is day or night.A. /B. whetherC. how D. what参考答案:B13. I am all tears, _,I am listening to you with all attentionA in another words B in the other words C with other words D in other words参考答案:D1

8、4. Obama,the first black president in American history,_ presidency on January 20th,2009Aset up Bheld up Ctook up Dpicked up参考答案:C15. It should be that the civil servant should be dismissed for the drunk driving Aout of control Bout of practice Cout of place Dout of question参考答案:D16. Everybody in th

9、e village likes Jack because he is good at telling and_ jokes.A. turning upB. taking up C. making up D. showing up参考答案:C17. His father is a laid-off (下岗的)worker with a total income of around 300 yuan per month,which _ only the basic needs of his family.A. offers B. supports C. affords D. covers参考答案:

10、D二、 新的题型18. 阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。M: So, what do you want to do tomorrow? W: Well, lets look at this city guide here. Uh, heres 41. interesting. Why dont we first visit the art museum in the morning? M: OK. I like this idea. And 42. do you want to have lunch? W: How about going to

11、43. Italian restaurant? The guide recommends one downtown, just a few blocks from the museum. M: It sounds great. After that, what do you think about visiting the zoo? Well, it says here that there are some very unique animals not 44. (find)anywhere else. W: Well, 45. (tell)the truth, Im not really

12、interested in going there. Why dont we go shopping instead? There 46. (suppose)to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs. M: Nah, I 47. think thats a good idea. We only have a few travelers checks left and I only have $50 left in cash. W: Dont worry. We 48. use your credit card to pay for m

13、y new shoes. M: Oh, no. I remember the last time you 49. (use)my credit card for your purchases. W: Oh, well. Lets take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach. M: Sounds 50. a wonderful idea. 参考答案:41.something42. where43. an44. found45. to tell46. are supposed47. dont48. can49. used50. like解析:41.something。something interesting表示“一些有趣的事情”, 形容词修饰不定代词要后置。42. where。结合语境可知这里是要询问就餐的地点。43. an。restaurant为可数名词, 且此处表泛指, 故其前面应用不定冠词, 又因为Italian以元音音素开头, 故应用不定冠词an。44. found。这里过去分词短语作后置定语, 强调一个被动的、已完成的动作。45. to tell。to tell the truth为固定搭配, 意为“说实话”。46. are suppo


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