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1、山西省晋中市道北街中学2022-2023学年高三英语上学期摸底试题含解析一、 选择题1. Did Zhou Libo say anything that _ you in Mr Zhou Live Show? Not really. Actually I slept through his performance.A. adapted to B. attached to C. referred to D. appealed to参考答案:D2. Its ten years since the scientist _on his lifes work of discovering the val

2、uable chemical.A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up参考答案:C3. The speed light travels is said to be the maximum in the universe.A. in whichB. by whichC. at whichD. from which参考答案:C4. I went there yesterday_ to see my uncle.A. special B. especially C. specially D. particularly 参考答案:C略5. -Wha

3、ts happened to George?-I dont know. He _. A. must have got lost B. may have got lost C. should have got lost D. cant be lost参考答案:B.6. The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference, _ to answer all kinds of questions.A. prepared B. preparing C. to be prepared D. hav

4、ing prepared参考答案:A【考查方向】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:新闻发布会上新闻发言人坐在了所有记者的前面,准备好回答各种各样的问题。be prepared to do sth准备好做某事。故选A。【举一反三】过去分词与现在分词被动式的区别:两者均可表示被动,其区别主要在于它们所表示的时间概念不同,但有时它们也可表示相同的意思。 如:Written in haste, the book has many mistakes. 这书因写得仓促,所以错误不少。 Being written in haste, the book has many mistakes. 这书因写得仓促,所以错误

5、不少。Having been written in haste, the book has many mistakes. 这书因写得仓促,所以错误不少。有时虽然所表示的时间概念相同,但有细微区别: 如:Having been show the lab, we left. 被领着看了实验室后,我们就离开了。7. The young man, _ several attempts to beat the world record in high jumping, decided to have another try. A. to make B. making C. made D. having

6、made参考答案:D27._ the stomachache, he couldnt fall asleep. A. Suffered from B. Suffered C. Suffering from D. Suffering参考答案:C略9. How do you like the that children be sent abroad to study? Aidea B view Copinion Dsuggestion参考答案:D 10. Her father is very rich._ She wouldnt accept his help even if it were of

7、fered. A. What for? B. So what? C. No doubt. D. No wonder.参考答案:B略11. Being able to speak another language fluently is a great _when youre looking for a job.A. chance B. important C. assistant D. advantage参考答案:D12. _ we all know is _ the old lady, though she is very rich, still works every day AAs; t

8、hat BWhat; that CIt; what DThat; why参考答案:B略13. I never dreamed of there _ such a quiet place in the noisy city. A. was B. had been C. being D. to be参考答案:C14. Come in, please. Make yourself at home. _. Im glad you like it. A. Thanks. You have a nice place here. B. Oh, this picture is so beautiful. C.

9、 Thanks. What nice food youve prepared! D. OK. Let me look around your new house.参考答案:A15. Our duty is to _ their country against both domestic and foreign enemies attack.A. delay B. defend C. defeat D. depend 参考答案:B略16. -Thanks for teaching me how to p ay basketball, Alice. -_.I am happy to be your

10、 basketball coach. ( ) A. No way B. No wonder C. No doubt D. No problem参考答案:D17. Today we focus on _ is called recurrent obesity (复发性肥胖) or yo-yo obesity (溜溜球式肥胖), _ is the phenomenon _ we gain weight and then go on a successful diet, but within 12 months we go back to our original weight.A. what; w

11、hich; in which B. which; which; whereC. all; that; that D. whatever; as; which参考答案:A考查名词性从句和定语从句。句意:今天,我们集中在被称为复发性肥胖或溜溜球式肥胖目标上。这是一种现象,一个人在体重增加后通过节食成功减重,但是在12个月以内又恢复到原有的体重。“_ is called recurrent obesity (复发性肥胖) or yo-yo obesity (溜溜球式肥胖)”是宾语从句,从句中缺乏主语,what引导宾语从句,从句中作主语、宾语或者表语,故第一空填what;第二空which引导非限制性定

12、语从句,which指代这个主句,从句中作主语;“_ we gain weight and then go on a successful diet”是定语从句,先行词是the phenomenon,从句中作抽象地点状语,引导词用关系副词where或者in which。故选A。二、 新的题型18. Ways to Worry LessDo you want to worry less? Of course you do, fight? Thats like me asking if I could send you free bacon. Worry is like black moldit a

13、ppears in damp conditions and spreads uncontrollably. And often times we dont realize its there until its killing us. We must get rid of worry before it destroys us. But how?_36_Do what you need to do._37_You ought not to avoid tough projects or hard conversions until the last moment. If you dont do what you should be doing, you will end up spending the rest of the time worried about the must-to-do things. Believe it or not, the anxiety that comes from worrying is much worse than the task were worried about._38_I think many of us act like were puppets(木偶)in a play and were waitin



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