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1、四川省广元市旺苍中学高三英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. _to the world for help, Hollywood stars led a huge fundraising drive for Haiti. A. AppealedB. To appealC. To have appealedD. Appealing参考答案:B2. His statement refers to people in general, the president added, not to anyone_.A. in effect B. in danger C. in particular D. in

2、 sight参考答案:C3. He is due to _ a conference on some current affairs, including unemployment and education, next week.A. addressB. previewC. instructD. assess参考答案:A【详解】考查动词辨析。句意: 下周,他将在一个有关失业和教育等时事的会议上发表演讲。A. address演说;致词;B. preview预习;C. instruct指导;通知;D. assess评定。根据句意on the conference上就某问题演讲,可知选A。4. D

3、ont _ the speaker. Wait for your turn to ask your question later.A. disturb B. tease C. interrupt D. finish参考答案:C5. They _to finish the project before noon, but the heavy snow held them up. A. are planning B. were planning C. had planned D. will plan参考答案:C6. I didnt see you see at the theater last n

4、ight. Why? I _ her performance before. It is just so-so. A. have see B. see C. will see D. would see参考答案:A10. The experience that I went_ a plane to go _was very exciting.A. aboard, abroad B.abroad, broad C. aboard, board D. board, broad参考答案:A 8. To make members of a team perform better, the trainer

5、 first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values参考答案:A略9. - Why didnt you join us last night? - I _ the close game of CBA final between Bayi and Guangdong. A. watched B. would watch C. was watching D. had watched参考答案:C略10. It is the talent and hard w

6、ork of the musical group _ allow them to win over many fans()AwhoBthatCwhichDwhere参考答案:B本题考查强调句型强调句型是由it is/wasthat/who构成,用来对句子中的某个部分进行强调,使用时只要将被强调部分放到it is/was后即可,其它结构不变如果强调的是人用who,其它都是that,故选B11. The number of people who _ exposed to second- hand smoking in public places_ up to 740 million in Chin

7、a.A. is; are B. are; are C. is; is D. are; is参考答案:D12. Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment _ be made in cash.Ashall Bneed Cwill Dcan参考答案:A略13. It is understood that the filming of legends is almost complete and the film is not to be delayed

8、 . Aprobably Blikely Cavailably Deasy 参考答案:B14. Only by shouting at the top of his voice _.A. was he able to make himself hearB. he was able to make himself hearC. he was able to make himself heardD. was he able to make himself heard参考答案:D 15. I will not wait for him for a second he may have somethi

9、ng else to do, so he could not _ here.A. come up B. come out C. turn out D. turn up参考答案:D16. After a pause for a drink, I took up my story just _ I had left off. A. what B. that C. which D. where 参考答案:D17. Dont try to persuade your boss;he wont have the of employing mea flesh studentAintention Batte

10、ntion Csense Dattraction参考答案:A二、 新的题型18. It is not cool to follow the fashion trends wear the latest clothes.Your stylethe way you dress up,the way you carry yourself,the trends you followplays a key role in helping you stand out in a crowd of faces._16_Just be original.Everyone has their own way or

11、 thinking and experiences that shape their style.You can stand out of the crowd and be not copied.However,self-doubt can drive many to abandon their ways and follow others. _17_To be .Lets face it;you cant please everyone._18_In fact,explore and experiment with different styles that may be completel

12、y non-conventional(非常规的)to find something that you prefer.Keep track of recent trends._19_Similarly,your sense of fashion changes as you gain more experience in life. Keeping up with the latest trends will help you reshape your style._20_You can wear a dress exactly how you want it ,however,your att

13、itude can make a significant difference on how you look.You can wear a very beautiful dress,but if you cant carry it with confidence,it will not look good on you.So trust yourself and wear it confidently.A.Wear your confidence.B.You should discover your true feeling.C.You can and should have your own style.D.So let your style reflect your individuality.E.Also,it tells a lot of things about your personality.F.Changing trends reflects the changes in peoples taste.G.You have to face people who do not approve of your fashion sense.参考答案:16. E 17. D


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