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1、安徽省亳州市马园中学2022年高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. One more week, _ we will accomplish the task. A. or B. so that C. and D. if参考答案:C略2. Can I go now, sir? If you _ leave, do it quietly.A. will B. may C. shall D. must参考答案:D考查情态动词的用法。句意:-先生,我可以走吗?如果你必须离开,悄悄地走。will愿意,将要;may可能;shall将要;must必须,一定。故选D。3. The surface of the

2、 table _ smooth enough Ahasht felt Bisnt feeling Cdoesnt feel Disnt felt参考答案:C4. Micro-letters (Weixin) will be charged has not been decided yet.A. ThatB. WhetherC. WhichD. Since 参考答案:B5. 原创 _ on the small island, the tower has been seriously damaged by the sea water?A. Being lain B. Lain C. Being l

3、ocated D. Located 参考答案:D略6. When asked by the police, he said that he remembered at the party, but not . Ato arrive; leaving Bto arrive; to leave Carriving; leaving Darriving; to leave参考答案:C 解析:此题考查了动词remember后非谓语动词的用法。remember doing sth 意为“记得做过某事”remember to sth意为“记得要去做某事(还未做)”。7. Since the United

4、States of America is a multicultural country, youll find it easy to _ the life there within a couple of months.A. put up withB. get along withC. team up withD. fit in with参考答案:D8. For_ cancer patients there may not be _ bright future; today has to count.A. / ; / B. /; a C. the; / D. /; the参考答案:B【命题立

5、意】考查冠词的用法。句意:对于癌症患者来说,可能没有一个光明的未来;今天必须重视。第一空后是复数形式,不特指不用冠词;第二空的名词中心词是future,一个光明的未来,应用不定冠词a。故选B。【举一反三】不定冠词的特殊用法:(1)用于序数词之前,表示数量或序数的增加: 如:Soon I saw a second plane.不久我又看到了另一架飞机。 This is the second time that Ive read the book. “这是我第二次看这本书。”Do you want to read it a third time?“你还想看第三次吗?” (2)用于表示“非常”、“很

6、”等意义的most前: 如:This is a most interesting story. 这是一个非常有趣的故事。(3)用于物质名词前,使之转化为具体名词,表示“一种”、“一杯之量”等: 如:A coffee, please. 请给我来杯咖啡。 Id like a tea, please. 我要来杯茶。 (4)用于抽象名词前,使之具体化,表示与该之相关的具体的人或事: 如:He was a success in business. 他事业成功。 Its a pleasure to talk with you. 同你谈话是件令人愉快的事。 (5)用于指人的专有名词前,指某人、某人的作品或艺

7、术品、似(式)的人等: 如:A Mr Smith wants to see you. 一位名叫史密斯先生的人想见你。 He bought a complete Lu Hsun. 他买了一套鲁迅全集。 He thought he was a Zhu Geliang. 他自以为是诸葛亮。 (6)用于某些由动词转化来或具有动作意味的名词前,表示一次、一番等义(通常与have, take, make, give等动词连用): 如:Lets go out for a walk. 我们出去走走吧。 如:Do you care for a smoke? 抽烟吗? Would you like a drink

8、? 要喝一杯吗?(7)有的不可数名词或本来带有定冠词the的名词,由于受定语的修饰,其前可用不定冠词,表示某种状态。此时的不定冠词含有类似a kind of的意思: 如:have breakfast 吃早餐have a quick breakfast 吃快餐 the world 世界a world like ours 像我们这样的世界 (8)构成短语表示数量: 如:a few apples 几个苹果;a little money 一点点钱 a lot of time 许多时间;a great many friends 许多朋友9. Helen is a mere washer woman, y

9、et shes now buying a big house.Yes. Because shes always saved _.A. what little she earnsB. how little she earnsC. for little she earnsD. with little she earns参考答案:A10. It is the third time so far that such a festival _in my hometown.Ais held Bhas been held Cwill be held Dhad been held参考答案:B11. What

10、is your plan for the holiday, Richard? Ill go on a trip to Korea with my family. _.A. Have a nice timeB. Good luckC. Come back soonD. Congratulations参考答案:A略22. Words failed to _ my feelings the moment I saw my long-lost sister.A. control B. convey C. exchange D. affect参考答案:B略13. The ceremony was att

11、ended by thousands of film stars, only a small number of_ went there with the hope of winning an award. A. whomB. thoseC. themD. which参考答案:A14. Youre telling me a lie. Your facial expression has _ you _.A. given; away B. given; off C. given; out D. given; up参考答案:A15. The hijackers were arrested and

12、didnt know where they _. A. were being taken B. are taken C. will be taken D. would take参考答案:A 16. Well never get to the station on time we run as fast as we canAin case Beven if Cprovided that Dif only参考答案:B17. When a person really needs something, he often _ some new ways to get it. A. looks throu

13、gh B. calls for C. takes up D. figures out参考答案:D略二、 新的题型18. Chocolate was first used as a drink over 3,500 years ago in Central America. It was very popular with the Mayans and the Aztecs. In fact, cocoa beans were very important to people there. That was _4_ they were used as money. In the beginning, cocoa _5_ (plant) in Ecuador, which was, for a long time, the worlds number-one producer of cocoa beans. It is still one of the top _6_ (producer) of the beans, but nowadays more than 70 per cent of cocoa beans come from West Africa.参考答案:4. why 5. was planted 6. producers本文是一篇说明文。文章主要简单地介绍了可可豆


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