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1、四川省资阳市简阳职教中学高二英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Seeing the happy of children playing in the park, Im full of joy and confidence in the future of our country. A. sight B. scene C. view D. sign 参考答案:B2. Though bought several years ago, the car is still in good.A. situationB. conditionC. standardD. position参考答案:B略3. P

2、eople have the belief _ factories should produce fewer things from raw materials, _ the supply is growing smaller and smaller.A. which; that B. that; of which C. that; whose D. which; whose 参考答案:B试题分析:考查名词性从句和定语从句 句意上:人们认为工厂应该少用原材料生产东西,且对此的供给也会愈来愈少。第一空表示的belief一词的同位语从句,故使用that一词;第二空为非限制性定语从句的考查,其先行词

3、为前面一句中的“few things”,故使用“of which”适合;如果要使用whose一词引导的话应该去掉supply前面的定冠词the才可以,故选B项适合。4. .To tell you the truth,I think it is you _Tim,_to blameA.more than, who isB.rather than, that areC.other than, that isD.less than, which are 参考答案:B略5. Its surprising that your brother -_ Russian so quickly-he hasnt

4、lived there very long. A. picked up B. looked up C. put up D. made up参考答案:A6. There will be an English exam next week. My English needs _.A. studying carefully B. to study carefullyC. reading and writing D. to studying carefully参考答案:A略7. _, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.A. S

5、trange as it might soundB. Strange although it might soundC. As it might sound strangeD. As strange it might sound 参考答案:A8. At last, I should thank Mr. White for the _ of speaking here and for ensuring me such an attentive audience. A. prejudiceB. privilege C. ambitionD. favor参考答案:B9. It remains _ w

6、hether he is suitable for the position.A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see参考答案:B10. According to a report, cigarette smoking _ in all indoor public places in our city next year.A. will ban B. have banned C. will be banned D. have been banned参考答案:C略11. Based on the agreement, all payments _be m

7、ade by the end of the month.A. may B. canC. shall D. will参考答案:C考查情态动词。句意:根据协议,所有的款项都将在这个月底支付。Shall用于法律,条款中表示必须要做的事情,故选C。点睛:情态动词用法较多,无人称和数的变化,情态动词后边跟的动词需要用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加“not”。个别情态动词有现正式和过去式两种形式,过去式用来表达更加客气,委婉的语气,时态性不强,可用于过去,现在和将来。12. Which performance do you like best?All are marvelous and the bes

8、t one is just a matter of personal_.A. explanationB. preferenceC. assumptionD. reference参考答案:B考查名词。A. explanation 解释; B. preference更喜欢; C. assumption 假定; D. reference参考,涉及。上句:你最喜欢哪个表演?下句:一切都是美妙的,最好的只是个人喜好的问题。故选B。13. She _ concerts every day since last week. A. was performingB. has performedC. has be

9、en performingD. had performed参考答案:C14. As a matter of fact , it is difficult to _ someone in a friendly way , isnt it ? Acontradict Bcomfort C acknowledge Drequire参考答案:A15. 34The girl very fast around the track used to be very weak when she was a child.Aruns Bran Cto run Drunning参考答案:D略16. Speaking

10、in an inspection in Yunnan Province, Xi Jinping said authorities must _ poverty removal efforts to support the building of a rich and successful country.A. abandon B. allocate C. accelerate D. appreciate 参考答案:C试题分析:考查动词辨析A. abandon 抛弃;B. allocate分配;C. accelerate 加速;D. appreciate欣赏;句意:在云南调研中,习近平说政府应该

11、快速消灭贫困来为分设富有的国家而做出努力,故选C项。17. These problem students make trouble at school. In addition, they are often in _with their parents at home. A. case B. conflict C. collection D. conclusion参考答案:B二、 新的题型55. Street music usually _ the passengers who hurriedly passed on their way to work.56. _ his imaginati

12、on, the writer added flesh to the bones of his latest novel.57. Their son returned home, safe and sound, much _.58. I cant _ the exact date when we last met, but I think it was about the end of May.59. When we were in the middle of the lake, a strong wind came _.60. A ceremony was held _ the soldier

13、s who had devoted their lives to our country.61. When a story presented itself and I _ what I had, I captured it in a swift, skeletal draft.参考答案:55. lifted the spirits of 56. Drawing upon 57. to their relief 58. bring to mind 59. all of a sudden 60. in honor of 61. caught a glimpse of【55题详解】考查动词时态。句

14、意:街头音乐能振奋匆匆赶去上班的乘客的精神。分析句子可知,从句使用一般过去时,故主句也是一般过去时态,lifte the spirits of意为“振奋的精神”,符合句意,故填lifted the spirits of。【56题详解】考查现在分词做状语。句意:利用想象力,作者在他最新小说的结构上增添了情节。分析句子可知,主语the writer,谓语added;draw upon(利用,使用,采用)不能做谓语,与逻辑主语the writer是主动关系,所以用doing做状语,且谓语句首。故填Drawing upon。【57题详解】考查固定短语。句意:他们的儿子回家了,安然无恙,让他们松了了口气。to ones relief意为“让人松了口



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