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1、上海江湾高级中学2022年高一英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Howard Beach is a mostly white neighborhood that is perhaps best known for a racial incident, _ a group of white teens caused the death of a black man.A. where B. what C. which D. when参考答案:A考查定语从句。句意:霍华德海滩是一个以白人为主的社区,最出名的可能是种族事件,在这个事件中一群白人少年导致了一个黑人的死亡。先行词是racial inci

2、dent,在定语从句中作状语,指在这个事件中。故选关系副词where.2. She told me that it was _ you spoke ill of her behind her back _ she disliked you. A. since; that B. for; that C. because; that D. that; why参考答案:C3. Great changes _ in his hometown in the last twenty years. A. were taken place B. have taken place C. have been ta

3、ken place D. took place参考答案:B4. Tell Mary there is someone _ for her at the door.A. wait B. to wait C. waiting D. waited参考答案:C5. Andrew has travelled to a great many countries so far. _, he toured Holland, Brazil and Mexico in 2005.A. Like B. Such as C. For example D. That is to say参考答案:C6. The Engl

4、ish spoken in the United States is only slightly different from spoken in England.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. the one参考答案:C【详解】考查代词。句意:在美国说的英语与在英国说的英语略有一点不同。由spoken in England可知,此处不是从句,不能使用which/what。在比较级中,为了避免重复,要用that代替前面出现的同一事情,但此处English为不可数名词,要用that, 而不用the one,the one代替可数名词时,可与that互换。故选C。7. The r

5、oad conditions there turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect.A. it B. what C. which D. that参考答案:C略8. -Go for a picnic this weekend, OK?-_. I love getting close to nature. A. I couldnt agree more B. Im afraid not C. I believe not D. I dont think so.参考答案:A略9. I _ Beijing in a few d

6、ays. Do you know when the earliest plane _?. A. am leaving for; takes off B. leaves for; takes off C. am leaving for; is taking off D. leave for; is taking off参考答案:A10. -Im afraid I cant find the key to the car. -_, my dear. Ill wait for you. A. Come on B. All right C. It is up to you D. Take your t

7、ime参考答案:D11. I made a promise to myself _this year , my first year in high school, would be different .A . whether B . what C . that D . how参考答案:C12. _ you continue your efforts and achieve new and greater success!A. Would B. Will C. May D. Should 参考答案:C13. After the long journey, the three of them

8、went back home,_. A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tired C. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired参考答案:B14. -Have you been to Hangzhou? -No. I_ go there this summer. Im looking for ward to visiting the West LakeA. used to B could C need D have to 参考答案:B15. As a volunteer teacher, she often go

9、es to poor mountain areas to help the children, who are _ of knowledge. A. amazed B. starved C. concerned D. devoted参考答案:B16. John shut everybody out of the kitchen_ he could prepare his great surprise for the party.Aeven though BuntilCso that Dunless参考答案:C考查连词。句意为:约翰把所有人都关在厨房外,目的是为聚会准备一个大惊喜。so that

10、引导目的状语从句,意思是“为了;以便”。17. My teacher asked me and Awhat was my name, what was the matterBwhat my name wills,what was the matterCwhat was my name,what the matter wasDwhat my name was,what the matter was参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. How to Rent Your HouseBefore handing the keys to your house over to a complete stran

11、ger for care, there are decisions you need to make. In fact, the decisions you make now, before searching for a tenant (房客), will make the biggest impact on the success of your rental. _16_What Condition Do You Want Your House in?There is no end to the amount of improving you can do to your house be

12、fore renting it out. _17_ When is good enough, good enough?A house should be clean, empty (unless you are offering it “furnished”, which is uncommon) and free from any major repairs at the time the tenant moves in.Remember, the home does not need to be as fancy as you would want it to be. _18_ Tenan

13、ts will generally never take as good care of your house as you doso dont spend too much time or money making unnecessary upgrades that will only be ignored or broken.Should You Use a Property Manager?_19_ If you have the time, abilities, and energy to manage yourselfyou can save a good deal of money

14、 by doing so. However, if you try to manage without the abilityit could end up costing you much more than what a property manager might charge.How Much Can You Rent Your House for?Luckily, discovering what the monthly rent will bear for your house is not difficult. _20_ In business, market research means to get out there and find out what others in your industry are charging; learning how much to charge for rent i


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