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1、2022年辽宁省丹东市凤城第三中学高三英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. -Indeed, last month IBM finally gave up its mainframe business, its CEO saying that they had_, since fewer and fewer people wanted mainframes.A. killed the fatted calf. B. seen the handwriting on the wall.C. reaped what they had sown. D. hired themselves out.参考答案

2、:B【详解】考查情景交际。句意:事实上,上个月IBM终于放弃了它的大型机业务,它的CEO说他们已经看到了不祥之兆,因为越来越少的人需要大型机。A. killed the fatted calf热情款待;B. seen the handwriting on the wall觉察到不祥之兆;C. reaped what they had sown种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;D. hired themselves out投靠某人。根据fewer and fewer people wanted mainframes.可知大型机的需求越来越少,表示看到了不祥之兆,故选B.2. Can I pay the bil

3、l by check? Sorry, sir. But it is the management rule of our hotel that payment _ be made incash.A. shall B. need C. will D. can参考答案:A略3. I think learning at school is better than learning alone at home because teachers couldmy learning schedule and guide me.A.put up withB.keep up withC.come up with

4、D.get on with参考答案:B考查动词短语。句意:我认为在学校学习要比单独在家学习好,因为老师们可以了解我的学习计划并指导我。put up with忍受,容忍;keep up with跟上,了解;come up with想出;get on with与相处。根据句意选B项。4. 一Do you mind if your sisters come along with you?一 _ ,but I dont want to share this trip with anybody else. A. Of course not B. No problemC. I couldnt agree

5、more D. Im sorry参考答案:D5. One of _ most common illnesses in our society is “time sickness”, _ sense of time pressure and hurry that causes anxiety and tension. A. /; a B. /; the C. the; a D. the; the 参考答案:C略6. - Who _ it be that left the door unlocked? - It might be Mike. He is always forgetting thin

6、gs. A. might B. should C. mustD. could参考答案:29. D 考查情态动词。情态动词表猜测,在疑问句中只能用can或could。7. Who would you rather _ the watch?A. have to repairB. have fixedC. get repaired D. get to repair参考答案:D8. Weve just sold out the last copy of this dictionary.Well, it doesnt matter. I think I might get in another book

7、shop.A. one B. that C. this D. it参考答案:A15. - Mike was rushed to hospital last night. Is he all right? - Really? But dont worry! I _ to the hospital and see him this afternoon. A. will go B. am going C. have gone D. went 参考答案:A略10. The computer by some unknown virus cant work well now. Aattack Bto be

8、 attacked Cattacking Dattacked参考答案:D略8. Ashley still remembers the excitement when she _ for a trip to Canada. A. chooses B. has been chosen C. chose D. was chosen参考答案:D12. Im planning to two hundred books to the students in poor areas .A. give up B. give off C. give away D. give back 参考答案:C13. Musi

9、c should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits _ can have on the development of the brains of young children.A. which B. that C. it D. one参考答案:C14. It has been announced that all the candidates _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. shallB. couldC. would

10、D. ought参考答案:A【详解】考查情态动词用法。句意:据宣布,所有的候选人都要坐在位置上,直到所有的试卷都被收齐。根据句意可知本句是考试规则,情态动词shall可以表示“按照规则/规定/法律要做的事情”,符合本句语境。故A项正确。15. Although he was in poor health , Robert succeeded _ other more famous engineers failed.A. which B. that C. what D. where 参考答案:D16. Why are you not content with the decoration?I w

11、ish a big sofa in the living room but my wife doesnt like that style. Athere is Bthere being Cthere to be Dthere been参考答案:C略17. She must have arrived there yesterday,_?A. mustnt she B. neednt she C. hasnt she D. didnt she参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. One day I heard two girls talking about making net friends in

12、a caf. One said that she _61_(meet) one of her net friends and the other told her not to because most people found their net friends _62_ (disappoint) in real life.We all know it is quite common now that many teenagers, especially _63_ from one-child families, like to make net friends and spend lots

13、 of time _64_(chat)with them because they need someone to talk with and share their sorrow and _65_(happy). However, is it wise for them to do so?In my opinion, it is possible _66_ you to find some real good friends with the help of new technology but you have to take care. When you talk with someone unknown on the Internet, you have no idea at all what kind of person he is and _67_ he is telling you the truth. _68_, we cant deny that some bad guys mask themselves very well so that they can get many nice peop


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