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1、湖北省襄阳市襄南中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. When her brother was to cross the street he was knocked down by a truck and badly . A. injured B. damaged C. harmed D. destroyed参考答案:A31. He of murder by the police.A. was accusedB. accuseC. accusedD. was accusing参考答案:A3. The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I _

2、 the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.A. shouldnt have takenB. couldnt have takenC. mustnt have takenD. neednt have taken参考答案:D【详解】考查情态动词。句意:昨天天气不错,所以我原本不需要费心带着我的雨伞。A项,should have taken “本应该带”(没有带);B项,could have taken “本可以带”(没有带);C项,mustnt have taken(一般不用这种说法);D项,neednt have taken “本不需要带”(带了)。由题

3、中“昨天天气不错”可知,此处应指“我本不需要费力带伞”,只有D项符合题意,故正确答案为D。4. all the warnings about high-fat foods, many people refuse to give up eating rich heavy meals.A. Over B. With C. Beyond D. Despite参考答案:D5. Why do your eyes look so red? You _ have slept well last night. A. neednt B. mustnt C. cant D. shouldnt参考答案:C略6. S

4、helly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first .AattractionBattemptCarrivalDarticle参考答案:B【详解】考查名词词义辨析。A. attraction 有吸引力的(人或事物)B. attempt 尝试;C. arrival到达;D. article文章。句意:雪莉为她的生物学考试做了精心准备,以便她能确保第一次通过考试。根据句意,雪莉想第一次考试就通过,attempt意为“尝试”,符合句意,

5、故选B项。7. I plan to go back home to visit my family during the Spring Festival, but if I cant get the train ticket, I still have an _ plan: to visit the museums.AappropriateBalternativeCapproximateDanxious参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我计划在春节期间回家探望我的家人,但如果我买不到火车票,我仍然有备用计划:参观博物馆。A. appropriate合适的;B. alternativ

6、e备选的;C. approximate大概的; D. anxious 焦虑的。根据句意,参观博物馆不是我的首要计划,而是首要计划不能实现后的备用计划,根据句意,选B项。8. _all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post. A. Since B. While C. If D. As参考答案:B9. -Can I help you with cooking the meal? -_. I think I can manage it.A. Yes, better not B. No, thanks C

7、. Go ahead D. Help yourself参考答案:B16. At the meeting, student representatives _some very good suggestions.A. put out B. put off C. put forward D. put down 参考答案:C略11. We all to the eighty-year-old man, wishing him a happy birthday.A. raised the glassB. raised our glasses C. sent our glassesD. gave the

8、 glass参考答案:B12. Only lately about the dark secrets behind the seemingly-happy marriage of the golf star Tiger Woods.A. the public have known B. were the public knownC. have the public known D. the public knew参考答案:C13. _ to the climate here, the old couple prefer to live here for the rest of their li

9、fe rather than move to another city. A. Having accustomed B. Accustoming C. Accustom D. Accustomed参考答案:D14. The demand for cell phones is on the rise. _, the sales of fixed line phones are falling.A. Somewhat B. Anyhow C. Meanwhile D. Otherwise参考答案:C15. The laptop computer was here a moment ago, but

10、 I cant put my hands _it now.A. in B. atC. with D. on参考答案:D【详解】考查词组。put ones hands on 找到。句意是:笔记本电脑刚刚还在这,但是现在找不到了。故选D。16. Do you often talk with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone? _ . I like using QQ. A. None B. Either C. Any D. Neither参考答案:D17. Music often _ us of events in the past.A. r

11、emembers B. memorizes C. reminds D. reflects参考答案:C略二、 新的题型18. 阅读下面的短文和问题,根据短文内容,在相应题号后的横线上写下相关信息,完成对该问题的回答。答语要意思清楚,结构正确,书写工整。The letter of recommendation will never outweigh (比更重要) a students performance in the classroom, but it can be an important factor in the college admission process.A strong re

12、commendation letter will offer a good sense of a students personality beyond just their grades. Its important to think about which teacher knows you best. The fact that you received an “A” in a class is not a good enough reason to choose that teacher. Some of the best letters come from teachers who

13、witnessed a student struggling with course material or showing commitment (投入). These are the kinds of qualities a college wants to see.If a college requests two letters of recommendation, make sure that each letter reflects a different part of your education. In other words, dont ask both your chem

14、istry and physics teachers. Students need lo demonstrate varied strengths and interests to colleges.Try to include one recommendation from a non-core subject teachersuch as art or musicor a coach or club adviser.How exactly can you help your “recommender” write a great letter?The best thing a student can do besides asking early is to provide their recommender with information. This could


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