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1、湖北省宜昌市当阳玉泉办事处干溪中学高三英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. If a man _ stand at the front line of the business world, he must be a good combination of knowledge, hard work and good attitude. Awill Bis to Cis going to Dshould参考答案:B 2. Across the Yangtze River _ more than one bridge, the Nanjing Changjiang Bridge being the f

2、irst one.A. lay B. lies C. lie D. laid参考答案:B【考查方向】考查主谓一致的用法。句意为:长江上有不止一座跨江大桥,南京长江大桥是第一座。题干是介词短语放在句首的完全倒装句。主语是more than one bridge,应视为单数。根据句意,谓语用一般现在时单数。 故选B。3. To know what? Tom wants to be a teacher after he graduates from college. Are you kidding? He will never a good teacher he has no patience.A.

3、 change B. turn C. get D. make参考答案:D4. He wrote a letter _ he explained what had happened in the accident.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. what参考答案:C【详解】考查定语从句。句意:他写了一封信。在信里,他解释了事故中发生的事。分析句子结构可知,“_ he explained what had happened in the accident”是定语从句,修饰a letter,关系词在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导该从句。C选项正确。5. How ca

4、n you keep fit you smoke so much?AasBwhile Cwhen Dfor参考答案:C6. _ youve tried it, you cant imagine how pleasant it is. AunlessBBecause CAlthough DWhen参考答案:解析:A该题考查状语从句。句意:要是没尝试过,你永远不可能想象他的美妙!7. I have an appointment _ DrBrown,but I need to change itAto Boff Cwith Dfrom参考答案:C考点:词组短语试题解析:我和DrBrown有一个约会,

5、但是我需要改变一下。have an appointment with sb和某人有个约会/约定,为固定短语8. The examination was coming, but she couldnt go to sleep easily. Thoughts _ in and images flashed into her mind. A. crowded B. broke C. fitted D. settled参考答案:A9. Prices climbed high in 2011, with the monthly CPI figure _ an 11-year-high of 69 pe

6、rcent in November Ahit Bto hit Cto have hit Dhitting参考答案:D略10. _ several times, but he still doesnt know how to do it properly.A. Being shown B. Having shown C. Having been shown D. Ive shown him参考答案:D11. - How about going to hear the pop singer tonight?- _, but I already have other plans.A. Id rath

7、er not B. Thanks for asking C. Ill try my best D. No, thanks参考答案:B12. .Hard Charles worked, he wasnt qualified enough for the position of the sales manager. A.although B.while C.when D.as参考答案:D略13. _not to miss the lecture at 2 p.m,Wang Dong left in a hurry.A. Reminding B. To remind C. Reminded D. H

8、aving reminded参考答案:C14. China recently tightened its water controls near the Huang Yan Island to prevent Chinese fishing boats from _ in the South China Sea.A. attacking B. having attacked C. being attacked D. having been attacked参考答案:C15. I telephoned him twice and I couldnt get through to him.The

9、line might have been out of order, _?A. dont you B. do you C. wasnt it D. hadnt it参考答案:C16. The health care experts have worked out a detailed plan to make sure the famous athlete can _ as quickly as possible.A. strengthen B. accelerate C. recover D. transform参考答案:C17. Do you like your present job ,

10、Jack?,but I have to do it before I find a favorite one.A. Yes, of courseB. Not reallyC.Not a littleD. Dont mention it参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. (共5小题,每小题2分共10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余。Making FriendsDifferent nations have different cultures; different cultures produce different concept of making

11、 friends; even everybodys concept of making friends is different as well. _36_ First, the Anglo-American peoples concept of making friends is more practical. When they meet strangers for several times, they talk much with one another and they have common interests and hobbies, then they can become f

12、riends. They might call one another to exchange greetings, send cards as soon as they become friends in the beginning, while all will disappear into air as time goes by. Perhaps they will meet again a few years later, but they will talk something in the past only._37_ Secondly, the Anglo-American pe

13、ople dont have the responsibility and obligation for their friends, nor do they have too much expectation and love. _38_ However, if he tells the private affairs to you, it doesnt mean that he will keep the long-term friendship with you. Sometimes you will find that a bunch of people from English-sp

14、eaking countries go out for dinner, its normal for each of them to pay his own share after dinner, but we cant understand it. _39_ Maybe you help them a lot, but they will call you and exchange cards for greetings only when they return to their own countries. You will find that they have less and less contact with you day by day. You shouldnt be surprised at thi


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