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1、浙江省温州市鲤溪乡中学2022-2023学年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. .What he said at the meeting referred to _he was interested in the project. A. that B. which C. what D. the fact that参考答案:D略2. Scientists have created GM tomatoes which _ fresh for 45 days, three times as long as normal tomatoes.A. are stayed B. have been st

2、ayed C. stay D. stayed参考答案:C3. Where did you get robbed of your handbag, Madam? It was at the stop _ I usually wait for my bus for work.A. that B. when C. which D. where参考答案:D 【解析】4. Only when _ hard _ make your dream come true.A. do you work; you can B. you work; you can C. do you work; can you D.

3、you work; can you参考答案:A5. Marys skirt looked just the same as Joans, but it cost _ hers. A. as much twice as B. twice as much as C. much as twice as D. as twice much as参考答案:B6. If the dog hadnt woken us, we wouldnt have noticed the fire and it _ to the house next door Acould spread Bshould have spre

4、ad Cwould spread Dmight have spread 参考答案:D略7. The most exciting moment during the Spring Festival is _ the family enjoy the big dinner together.A. what B. why C. which D. when参考答案:D 本题考察名从。横线前有 be 动词,说明主句不完整少表语,从句主谓宾结构齐全,不缺少成分,但需要补充句子含义,句义和时间相关,因此选择 D 选项。【翻译】春节最让人兴奋的时刻就是家人团聚分享大餐的时间。8. Your speech wa

5、s heard by a group of judges, all of _ agreed that it was the best one this year. A. who B. whom C. which D. them参考答案:B9. The way you think of _ our living conditions sounds reasonable. Aimprove Bto improve Cimproving Dimprovement参考答案:B略10. He has refused to _ any information on the matterAput away

6、Bgive out Chand over Dsee through参考答案:B【知识点】动词短语句意:他已拒绝发表有关此事的任何消息。put away放好;抛弃;储存;give out 分发,发出;公布;hand over交出;移交;see through识破,看穿11. Only when _ possible to settle the problem.Adoes the chief editor come will it be Bthe chief editor comes will it beChas the chief editor come it will be Dthe chie

7、f editor comes it will be参考答案:B12. I wish every married couple who fights all the time _ The Mermaid()Awill seeBseesCsawDhas seen参考答案:C我希望老是吵架的每一对已婚夫妇都去看看美人鱼这部电影分析句子结构可知,本句是宾语从句;由于主句中使用了谓语动词wish,因此从句应使用虚拟语气;此处表达的是与现在事实相反的愿望,因此要使用一般过去时;故选C本题考查了一般过去时在虚拟语气中的用法做本题时,需要知道wish后的宾语从句应使用虚拟语气的用法(若要表示与现在事实相反的愿

8、望,从句谓语用一般过去时或过去进行时;若表示与过去相反的愿望,从句谓语用过去完成时或would/could+have+过去分词;若表示将来没有把握或不太可能实现的愿望,用would/could+动词原形)13. Try to be friends with your children, you will find they will open their hearts to you.A. so B. and C. or D. but 参考答案:B14. There is something wrong with Jacks MP3. He is going to get it .A. fix

9、B. fixing C. to fix D. fixed参考答案:D15. - Is there anything I can do for you, sir?- _. Im being served.A. Oh, you are a nice girl B. Thats all right C. Youre welcome D. Thank you all the same参考答案:D16. Low-carbonlifestyleisofgreatbenefittoimprovetheworldenvironment. _ can be enjoyed from it until you h

10、ave a deep under, standing of it, however. ASomething BNothing CFew DMuch参考答案:B17. makes a scientist different from ordinary people? Curiosity, I think.A.How is it that B.What is it that C.What is that D.How is that参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. A strong memory depends on the health and vitality of your brainThey

11、 say that you cant teach an old new tricks, but when it comes to the brain, scientists have discovered that this old saying simply isnt true 1 Give your brain a workoutMemory, like muscular strength, requires you to “use it or lose it”The more you work out your brain, the better youll be able to pro

12、cess and remember information 2 Dont skip the physical exerciseWhile mental exercise is important for brain health, that doesnt mean you never need to break a sweatPhysical exercise helps your brain stay sharpIt increases oxygen to your brain and reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory lo

13、ssGet enough sleepThere is a big difference between the amount of sleep you can get by on and the amount you need to function at your best 3 Keep stress in checkStress is one of the brains worst enemiesOver time, stress destroys brain cellsStudies have also linked stress to memory lossHave a laugh 4 That holds true for the brain and the memory, as well as the bodyUnlike emotional responses, which are limited to specific areas of the brain, laughter engages multiple regions across the whole brain 5 Just as the body needs fuel, so does


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