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1、河南省南阳市社旗县第二中学2022年高一英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It was on my way to school this morning _ I picked up this wallet.Awhere Bthat Cwhen Dhow参考答案:B该句是强调句型,被强调的部分是on my way to school this morning。25. Without Ms Smith _ your way, I bet you wont find their secret living place. A. leading B. will lead C. to lead D. t

2、o be leading参考答案:C略3. The man _ lives next to us is my English teacher.A. who m B. which C. who D. /参考答案:C4. -_you received the news ?-Last night .A. When was it that B. When was itC. When it was that D. When it was参考答案:A略5. On seeing the accident, he felt A. scary B. scared C. scare D. scaring参考答案:

3、B6. Up to now, they _ a good way to solve that problem. A. didnt find B. cant find C. hadnt found D. havent found参考答案:D略7. Tom looks discouraged._?Its hard to tell what has happened.A. Do you think what is the matter with him B. What do you think the matter is with himC. What do you think is the mat

4、ter with him D. What do you think he is with the matter参考答案:C【详解】考查插入语。句意:汤姆看起来沮丧。你觉得他怎么了?很难说发生了什么事。do you think遇到特殊疑问句时,只能用作插入语。即把do you think放在wh-word之后,句子语序按照陈述语序。分析选项可知,A项 Do you think what is the matter with him 没把特殊疑问句提前;B项What do you think the matter is with him后面的语序错误;C项What do you think is

5、the matter with him正确;D. What do you think he is with the matter多了个he。故选C项。【点睛】do you think用作插入语的用法。do you think遇到特殊疑问句时,只能用作插入语。即把do you think放在wh-word之后,句子语序按照陈述语序。从本质上讲,有没有do you think作插入语,并不影响句子的意思,省去无妨,只需要调整句子的语序而已。如:1. What do you think will happen next? 你认为接下来会发生什么?2. How do you think the war

6、 broke out? 你认为那场战争是怎样爆发的?3. How much do you think this radio will cost? 你认为这台收音机值多少钱?句1去掉do you think,语序不变,因为What作主语。句2,去掉do you think,需要在the war之前加did,broke out变为原形,还原成原来的特殊疑问句。句3,去掉do you think,需要把will提到主语前面,还原成原来的特殊疑问句。8. -Did you see Sandy in the managers office?- Yes, she _ by the manager. A.

7、is questioned B. was being questioned C. had been questioned D. was questioned 参考答案:B9. The number of private cars in China _ since 2005, but only 15 percent of them _ made in China.A. has been increasing; are B. have increased; is C. has been increased; is D. had increased; are 参考答案:A10. The _ lang

8、uage used in most international organizations is English. A. official B. native C. frequent D. separate参考答案:A11. -Have you read the timetable ? -Yes . The train _ at 10:12 p.m.A. will start B. is going to start C. should start D. starts参考答案:D12. It was foolish of him to _ his notes while taking such

9、 an easy test, and as a result, he got punished. A. refer to B. speak of C. cheat in D. take out参考答案:A略13. - Its a very interesting book. - _.- And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long. A. Im glad you like it. B. Thats all right. C. Dont mention it. D. I hope you like it. 参考答案:A解析:交际用语

10、。由情景可知,B将一本书借给了A,A觉得这本书很有趣,故B说“我很高兴你喜欢”,A接着说:“谢谢你借给了我这么长的时间”。Thats all right回答感谢和道歉;Dont mention it(别人道谢时回答)不客气;I hope you like it指期望对方喜欢,而事实是对方的确很喜欢,所以选A 14. If there isnt a good play on CCTV 8, Ill _ CCTV 5.A. switch on B. switch offC. switch over D. switch over to参考答案:D句意:如果中央八台没有好节目,我就调换到中央五台。sw

11、itch over to“将频道转换到”; switch on“打开(电器等)”; switch off“关掉(电器等)”; switch over“调换”。15. I wont forgive them for what they said, _ they apologize.A. so that B. even if C. so far as D. in case参考答案:B略16. Im sure that if you make good use of your _ time, your English will be improved in a short time. A. extr

12、a B. common C. special D. spare参考答案:D17. Mr. Brown, in his fifties, had to retire _ ill health.A. because B. because of C. such as D. as a result参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. 1 Do you ever wish you were as thin as a model or as strong as your favorite football player? Maybe you wish you were taller or just shape

13、d a little differently. Those thoughts are a natural part of growing up. How can you feel better about your body?2 Firstly, learning what you can and cant change about your body is part of growing up. It can be hard to accept. But when people accept the way they look, they often feel happier.3 Eating healthy foods can make people feel better about their bodies. Why? Because eating _61_will make you full of energy and keep your body working just t


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