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1、江苏省徐州市幼师中学高一英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ her hair getting gray, she decided to have it dyed.AWith BAs CFor DBecause of参考答案:A2. Shall we have our Christmas tree decorated? _ . I think its fine as it is. A. Why not? B. I cant agree more C. Not exactly. D. Better not.参考答案:D3. People in western countries usually

2、 celebrate Christmas, _people in China observe the Spring Festival.A. so B. because C. which D. while参考答案:D略4. She is always serious, so you should not _ her.A. play a trick on B. make fool with C. make fun on D. play a joke of参考答案:A5. This restaurant has become popular for its wide_ of foods that s

3、uit all tastes and pockets. A. division B. area C. range D. circle参考答案:C略6. It was in Guangzhou _ the 16th Asian Games were held.A. / B. that C. which D. what参考答案:B略7. -My family usually holds a big party for my birthday, but I want to try a different way this year. - _A. Like what? B. Go ahead. C.

4、Come along. D. So what?参考答案:A8. It seems that living green is _ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.A. exactly B. fortunately C. surprisingly D. hardly参考答案:C略27.World Wildlife Fund _ very much the efforts that China has made to protect endangered species from being further endan

5、gered.A. enjoys B. appreciates C. thanks D. prefers参考答案:B略10. 语音知识(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。1.southern A.birthplace B.think C.though D.three2.violentA.strike B.ruin C.position D.figure3.nutshellA.bury B.current C.pollution D.fuel4.meansA.smoke B.eyes C.

6、laughs D.maps5.notebookA.foot B. school C.pool D. food参考答案:01-05 CABBA略11. _ an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth. A. Even if B. As though C. Only if D. as if 参考答案:A略12. _, the 21-year-old girl won three Olympic medals in track events.ATo believe or not BBelieving it

7、or notCBelieve it or not DWhether believe or not参考答案:C考查固定短语。句意:信不信由你,21岁的女孩在田径赛中获得了三枚奥林匹克奖牌。根据语境“21岁,三枚奥林匹克奖牌”可知“持有怀疑态度”故有“信不信由你”。13. The committee _ over the problem among themselves for two hours. A. has argued B. has been arguing C. have argued D. have been arguing参考答案:D14. Dont laugh at people

8、who are _.A. in troubles B. in a trouble C. in trouble D. in many troubles参考答案:C15. Pop music is a great with young peopleA. favourable B. favored C. favourite D. favor参考答案:C16. Have you some new ideas?Yeah. Ill tell you later.A. come about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with参考答案:C略17. Thi

9、s is the third time I _Beijing. The second time I _here was on National Day last year. A. have visited; came B. have visited; have come C. visited; came D. visited; have come参考答案:A略二、 新的题型18. How to Celebrate ThanksgivingCelebrated yearly on the fourth Thursday in November ,the holiday of Thanksgivi

10、ng was first ob-served (庆祝) in 1621 and continues to be an American tradition today. _16_.(1) Make the table merry._17_. If not, lay out the food somewhere readily reachable on the day. Get the kids to help set the table, which is regarded as part of their contribution to the preparations.(2)_18_. T

11、here are a few traditions connected with Thanksgiving that are enjoyed in many families, such as gathering around the TV and watching football games or watching the Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV with the kids.(3) Spend a little time thinking the meaning of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a chanc

12、e for many families to spend time together after being apart for much of the year._19_. Think of your familys own ways to express your appreciation (感激) on this day and in the following year.(4)_20_. Offer to help prepare meals at a homeless shelter, and start food or clothing donation (捐赠). This ca

13、n be an important part of teaching your children about gratitude in action.A. Take a long nap after the meal if youre feeling sleepyB. Consider helping the less fortunate during ThanksgivingC. Enjoy some traditional activities in Thanksgiving holidayD. It is a good time to think the love that you have for one anotherE. If you want to know how to celebrate Thanksgiving, just follow these stepsF. Here are some things youll have to do to prepare the food for your holidayG. Arrange the table decorations the day bef


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