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1、广西壮族自治区北海市市第五中学高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. 一Mary,you look confusedHave you made sense of the passage we are talking about?一Yes,I another problem just now. Ahave thought of Bwas thinking of Cthought of D. had thought of参考答案:B 2. The scenery in this area is _ in that it is the only place where you can enjoy t

2、he sea, the mountain and the lake together.A. different B. splendid C. unique D. attractive参考答案:C7. -Our manager has sent me over to say that hell come to the dinner party.-Oh, _.A. that would give us the greatest of pleasure. B. thats ok. C. he is welcome. D. it sounds great.参考答案:A略4. You may come

3、this Saturday or next Sunday _ will doA A11 BBoth C Either D Neither参考答案:C5. Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind? Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still _.A. available B. affordable C. acceptable D. valuable参考答案:A6. Yesterday, Project Hope got a large amount of money

4、 from one company and it _ to build 300 schools in poor rural regions over three years. A. has been used B. was used C. will be used D. had been used参考答案:C7. Only with the greatest of luck _ to escape from the rising flood waters.A. managed she B. she managed C. did she manage D. she did manage参考答案:

5、C8. The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked he was wondering if he was going in the right direction. Aso that Bas if Con purpose Dbecause of参考答案:B9. Why havent you asked her to come here?She _ an important experiment when I found her and she _ it. A. had done; didnt finish B. was doing; hasn

6、t finished C. did; wouldnt finish D. was doing; hadnt finished参考答案:B10. Are you content with Ang Lees new film Life of Pi?Not a little. It couldnt be _.A. any betterB. any worseC. so badD. the best参考答案:A11. As a saying goes that “A good medicine tastes bitter”, you shouldnt _ listening to others sug

7、gestions. A. refuse B. resist C. reserve D. risk参考答案:B12. Have you searched the kitchen for your car key?No. It was in the study I remember I left it.A. which B. whereC. that D. as参考答案:C考查强调句。句意:你已经在客厅里找钥匙了吗?没有。我记得我把它落在了书房里了。去掉It was和该空之后,剩余部分可组合成一个完整句子:I remember I left it in the study。根据强调句的判断依据可知

8、,这是一个强调句,故该空应填that。C选项正确。13. - Haven you written these letters?- No, time to do any other work yet.Ahardly I have had Bhardly have I had CI have had hardly DI hardly have had参考答案:B 14. -Let me help you cross the street.- _ ! Im not that old.A. Take your time B. No way C. Come on D. Go ahead参考答案:C15.

9、 Since its start,WeChat _ into the most popular messaging communication service in China()Ahas developedBdevelopedCdevelopsDwas developing参考答案:A在中国,微信从它出现的时候起,已经成为最受欢迎的信息交流平台本题考查现在完成时态的用法题干中,since its start从它开始出现起,是表示从过去到现在的持续时间段,是完成时态典型的时间状语故选A16. Mo Yans writing has_ him a large audience, not only

10、 in China but overseasAdeserved Bexpanded Cadmitted Dgained参考答案:D17. _ “ Double 11”, which is quickly turning into Chinas biggest grassroots festival, somewhat overlaps with Valentines Day and provides another occasion for lovers to buy each other gifts, most spending on that day doesnt involve a ch

11、ange of single status.A. Ever sinceB. In case C. Even thoughD. As though参考答案:C考查状语从句连词辨析。连词ever since从那时到现在; in case万一;even though尽管; as though仿佛。连词even though引导让步状语从句。句意:尽管“双11”迅速变成中国最大的基层节日,跟情人节有点重复地给恋人们提供了一个买礼物给对方的理由,但是那一天大部分的开销并不能改变单身的状态。故选C。二、 新的题型18. Choosing a brand nameTalk to anyone n the b

12、usiness world and they will tell you that a good advertising campaign can only get you so far_47_So how do you go about choosing one?A descriptive business name, for example Petes Bakery, might secm the best solution. It effectively communicates what your business is so it is easy for people to unde

13、rstand what you ?o.This is especially useful if you are a small business with limited advertising budgets. Another bonus is that this sort of name will be thrown up in internet searches, so you may get easy additional business.However, descriptive names have some drawbacks. The biggest ore is if you later decide to expand your business to other areas_48_Another disadvantage is that these generic names can easily be confu



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