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1、山东省聊城市临清第二中学2022-2023学年高二英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Manythings_impossibleinthepastarequitecommontoday. A. havingbeingconsidered B.considered C.areconsidered D.considering参考答案:B略2. You can borrow my car _ you promise not to drive too fast.A. unless B. even ifC. in case D. as long as参考答案:D3. Dr. Peter, _ headm

2、aster of the school, told us, _ fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; 不填 D. 不填; a ; 参考答案:D略4. Oh no! Were too late. The train _._. Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London. A. was leaving B. had left C. has left D. has been leaving参考答案:C略5. - C

3、ould I use your computer for a few moment, please? - _. Im not using it myself. A. Come on B. It depends C. Go ahead D. Thats great参考答案:C6. We just got word that Steve is out of surgery and going to be okay.- I _ where he was. I had a new joke to tell him.A. did wonder B. am wondering C. wonder D. w

4、as wondering参考答案:D7. Take care during the holidays!Drinking too much can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.A.contribute toB.relate toC.attend toD.devote to参考答案:A提示:句意为:“在假期中要注意,饮酒太多会导致心脏病和高血压。”contribute to此处表示“促成,导致”之意。relate to“与有关”;attend to“服侍,照料”;devote to“奉献,专注于”;devote需接宾语。8. I dont

5、 think our relationship could _the strain of her mother visiting for a month.A. bearB. tellC. put upD. hold参考答案:A略9. - Were organizing a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come.- ! I have another one that day. Thank you just the same.A. Good luck B. What a pity C. Never do it again D. Well done

6、参考答案:B10. Designed for adults only, the programme is not _ for children. A. suitable B. aware C. beneficial D. comfortable参考答案:A11. Your work would be much better _ you are always in such a hurry.A. when B. becauseC. once D. unless参考答案:D试题分析:句意:你的工作会做的更好如果你不是那么地匆忙的话。when当时候;because因为;once一旦;unless如果

7、不。根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考常考的语法项目,主要考查的是它们的用法及意义,还需正确理解句意及正确分析句子的成分才能做出正确的判断。即学即练:_ installed, this heater operates automatically.A. Why B. Because C. Once D. Unless解析:C。句意:一旦安装好以后,这加热器就会自动地运行。12. -Im dying to see the boy but what if he doesnt want to see me ?-_ . A. Congratulations B. Poor girl C

8、. Its your life D. Never see him again参考答案:C13. They_on the program for almost one month before l was arranged to help them.Now, we_on it as no result has come out.A. had been working: are still working B.had worked; were still workingC.have been working; have worked D.have worked; are still working

9、参考答案:A14. The New York Times has a wide _ in that town and that people each read a copy in the subway is a common occurrence.A. consumptionB. assumptionC. circulationD. distinction参考答案:C15. Half a month passed and the boy _ all his money, so he had to turn to his friends for help.A. ran out B. ran o

10、ut of C. ran across D. ran away with参考答案:B略16. Look! The children_ basketball on the playground.A. plays B. are playing C. is playing D. played参考答案:B17. His physical disability makes _rather difficult for him to find a good job. A. him B. that C. this D. it .参考答案:D二、 新的题型18. I happened to be walking

11、 along the city street when I set my sight on a bakery, where a man with a tall hat is making _46_cake, so I stopped _47_ (watch) how it was made. After watching it for several times for the next few_48_ (day), I decided to make one myself. With everything I needed _49_ (prepare), I began to carry o

12、ut the whole process _50_ the help of the instruction book without _51_ (interrupt). After three times of failure, I finally made it and couldnt be more _52_ (excite)From this experience, _53_I have learnt is that as long as you try, God will always be on your side; on the contrary, if you just do t

13、hings halfway, only _54_ (leave) the rest unfinished, the regrets will _55_ (definite) come after you.参考答案:46. a 47. to watch 48. days 49. prepared 50. with 51. being interrupted/ interruption 52. excited 53. what 54. leaving 55. definitely本文介绍了作者在一个偶然经过的面包房里学做面包的故事。46. 考查冠词。句意:我注意到一个带着高帽的男士正在做一个蛋糕。名词cake是可数名词,此处用不定冠词a表示“一个”,故填a.47. 考查不定式。此处用动词不定式表目的,故填to watch.48. 考查名词。可数名词day前有修饰语few,所以要用复数形式t,即the next few days(接下来的几天),故填days.49. 考查过去词。With的复合结构,过去分词prepared作宾语补足语,与宾语everything是被动关系,故填prepared.50. 考查介词。固定短语:with the help of



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