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1、江苏省泰州市戴南高级中学高二英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. A broad smile spread_ Jacks face when he eventually gained a scholarship.A. acrossB. throughC. atD. in参考答案:A2. It is from whatever materials they can find in the cities _ migrant workers construct their shabby homes. A.when B.where C.that D. which参考答案:C3. How long wil

2、l it _ man can find another planet like the earth?- Ten years or longer.Asince Bafter Cuntil Dbefore参考答案:D4. The light in the office is still on.Oh, I forgot_. 参考答案:C略5. Enough of it! Nobody here thinks what you are saying should make any _.A. value B. use C. fun D. sense.参考答案:D6. _more careful, his

3、 ship would not have sunk .A If the captain were B had the captain been C should the captain be D If the captain would have been参考答案:B略7. You will get 300,000 yuan as a compensation if the car _ break down within the 1st 12 months. A. should B. would C. could D. will参考答案:A略8. -Jenny, I think Ill jus

4、t have some coffee for a change-_The coffee I bought yesterday is in the cupboardA. Change it, pleaseB. Never mind C. With pleasureD. Help yourself参考答案:D9. It _be the vocabulary that caused you the problem in the exercise because you know a lot of words.A. may B. couldnt C. should D. neednt参考答案:B试题分

5、析:考查情态动词。A也许;B不可能;C应当;D不需要。couldnt 是非常肯定的推测。句意:因为你已经掌握了很多单词,所以,引起你练习中出现问题的因素不可能是词汇。故B正确。考点:情态动词10. _,the experiment will be successful. A. If carefully doing B. If it done carefully C. If carefully done D. If doing carefully参考答案:C11. The medical reform in that country turned out to be _ failure, but

6、 as we know, success often comes after _ failure.A. a; the B. a; /C. a; a D. /; /参考答案:B考查failure的用法。句意:医疗改革在那个国家失败了,但众所周知,成功都来自于失败。第一个空表示“一件失败的事”是可数名词,在其前加不定冠词a;第二个空表示抽象概念“失败;不成功”,是不可数名词,与“成功”相对应,其前不用冠词,故选B项。12. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ to Shanghai.A. will be flying B. wi

7、ll fly C. have been flying D. have flown 参考答案:A13. I was awarded a prize for doing volunteer work._. A. Youve got itB. You deserve it C. Good ideaD. Here we are.参考答案:B14. When _ what made him a popular person, he said it was his personality. A. asking B. asked C. being asked D. ask参考答案:B略15. _spendi

8、ng summer moving from the coach to the computer, by aiming for a specific goal, like volunteering, mastering a new skill, or working at a job.A. Avoiding B. AvoidC. Resisting D. Resist参考答案:B考查动词辨析。Avoid避免;Resist抵抗。本句是一个祈使句,表达说话人对对方的叮嘱、劝告、请求或命令等。句意:避免整个夏天都是从沙发上转移到电脑前,确定特定的目标,如参加志愿活动,掌握一项新的技能,或者工作。故选B

9、。16. When he got a low score on his university entrance exam, Ang Lee decided to study acting at an art academy _. A. therefore B. otherwiseC. insteadD. though参考答案:C17. .Mary began here as a(n) _ worker and ended up getting a full-time job with the company.A. optimistic B. temporary C. previous D. u

10、ncertain参考答案:B二、 新的题型18. How to Protect Yourself from Hackers OnlineAn increase incyber-attacks (网络攻击) makes the Internet seem like a scary place these days. How can individuals protect or make it more difficult for hackers to access their information? Here are several tips that can help you protect

11、 against cyber-attacks:_96_Hard passwords include upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. They should be at least eight characters in length. They should alsonotspell out words easy for hackers to find, like your pets name or the name of a family member.Change your password reg

12、ularlyA very common mistake made by users is to create one hard password, but then never change it. Remembering a long list of complicated passwords can be difficult. But no password is unbreakable. Hackers are better able to hack multiple accounts if those accounts all have the same password. A pas

13、sword management service, like Dashlane or PasswordBox, can help you keep track of hard passwords. _97_Clear your browser (浏览器) historyThis goes for all the devices you use in a day your home computer, your work computer, or your friends iPad. Internet browsers like Firefox or Chrome keep track of w

14、here youve been and what youve done online. They keep records of every site you visited. _98_ It is very easy for anyone who sees that information to steal a detailed record of your online activities.Do not use free Wi-Fi_99_ Often, a user does not need a password to connect to these wireless networks. These services might be useful, but theyre also an easy way for hackers to access everything on your device.Use anti-virus protectionThere are many anti-virus



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