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1、广西壮族自治区桂林市灵川县高级中学高二英语摸底试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ your friend didnt offer you a gift on your birthday doesnt mean that he will break up with you. A. That B. What C. As D. It 参考答案:A2. The reason_ she didnt get the job was_ her English was not very good.Awhich;that Bwhy;thatCwhy;because Dthat;because参考答案:B3. If

2、the cat makes a mess one more time, Jane _ give it away.A. will B. would C. is going to D. were going to 参考答案:A4. Some people are color1 -blinded and can not _ between blue and green. A. distinguish B. divide C. recognize D. identify参考答案:A5. Thanks for looking after all my things - I will return the

3、 _ sometime .A. dignity B. bonusC. approvalD. favor参考答案:D6. I like getting up very early in summer . The morning air is so good _A. to be breathed B. to breathe C. breathing D. being breathed参考答案:B7. - Is Bob still performing? k$#s5u- Im afraid not. He is said _ the stage already, as he has become a

4、n official.A. to have left B. to leave C. to have been left D. be leaving参考答案:A8. Do you know _ had reported the accident to the police?A. who it was that B. who was it that C. it was who that D. that it was who参考答案:A9. Excuse me, can you spare me a few minutes? Sorry, I havent _ time to talk to you

5、 just now. I have to leave early to catch _ 4:30 train. A. /; / B. the; the C. a; the D. the; / 参考答案:B10. But as John became more and more successful, _enjoying his wealth, he began feeling troubled by his luxurious life.Ain debt Bin charge Cin place of Dinstead of 参考答案:D11. -Will you go to the hist

6、ory museum tomorrow? -Sure I will, _it rains heavily.A. in case B. as if C. as long as D. even if参考答案:D略12. The task is too much for me, so I cannot carry on _any longer. I must get some help.A singly B. simply C. alone D lonely参考答案:C13. What should I do now?Id prefer _if you didnt smoke in front of

7、 children.A. one B. that C. it D. this参考答案:C14. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ to Shanghai.A. will be flying B. will flyC. have been flying D. have flown参考答案:A15. Maybe there are some things among the girls papers, like her school reports, old photos and so on. Can you _them an

8、d give me whatever you find .A. go through B. go across C. go around D. go with参考答案:A16. Limited natural resources should be made full use of _ the _ need of energy.A. meeting, increasing B. to meet, increased C. meeting, increased D. to meet, increasing参考答案:D17. _the help from the doctor,the little

9、 boy_ his life.A. Apart from; should have lost B. Without; could lose C. But for; would have lost D. Except for; would have lost参考答案:C二、 新的题型18. Change is scary._16_It can go hand in hand with the fear that we might hurt someone else if we think about ourselves. The truth is that youre so much more

10、courageous than you give yourself credit for and far stronger than you realize. Here are some ways that you can use to help yourself make the process of creating change more manageable.Make change into small bite size pieces._17_Remember that as long as you attempt to take regular practice towards y

11、our goal, such as eating more healthily every day, or walking twenty minutes a day, youre heading in the right direction to make changes.Form a habit of keeping a diary every day. Writing a journal every night before going to bed can effectively help you cope with the emotional impact of the change

12、process. Go to grab a pen or pencil and remember a journal is not for being neat and tidy with good spelling._18_.Rest is essential to success. Have a rest and take timeout to build your energy._19_If we dont give ourselves time to rest, we just end up burning out by the constant striving and worry.

13、 As we dont have the energy to keep going, we have to give up!_20_Just accept it! Im sorry to say that unless some people are really secure in themselves and truly happy in their own life, theyre never going to like your changes. This has nothing to do with whether they love you or not. They are jus

14、t for self-preservation! Therefore, give them a little time to adjust and get used to it.AIt is a step into the unknown.BIts not being lazy to have time out.CNo one else is going to like your changes.DDont try to eat the elephant in one sitting.E. Creating change is about building your character.F. Keep repeating your small steps over and over again.G. It


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