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1、读后续写身残志坚的男孩题型解读01 读后续写读后续写:提供一篇提供一篇350350词以内词以内的材料,要求考生依据材料内容、的材料,要求考生依据材料内容、所所给段落开头语给段落开头语及所标关键词进行续写(及所标关键词进行续写(150 150 词左右词左右),将其发),将其发展成一篇与给定材料有展成一篇与给定材料有逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整逻辑衔接、情节和结构完整的短文。的短文。(满分(满分2525分)分)(ReadWrite)写作思路&试题分析02Reading(读取信息)取信息)Predicting(预测发展)展)Writing (续写故事)写故事)Polishing (润色定稿)色定稿)写作

2、思路与步骤写作思路与步骤Step Reading(读取取信息)信息)Basic information(基本信息)(基本信息):when;where;what;why;how;whosetting(when,where)plot(what,how,why)characters(who)main idea&writing purpose1.Read for basic information(5w+1h)whowhenwhereMain ideaI-a special education teacher of Davids schoolDavid-a ten-year-old boy with

3、a brain diseasethe day of the big cross-country runthe race spot(a place with thick evergreen forest)On the day of the big cross-country run,I saw David standing at the race spot and found out the reasons why he to take part in the race.alonehesitatedClues&details1.His usual big toothy smile was abs

4、ent today.2.After making sure.,his small body rocking from side to side as he swung his feet forward.3.He always participated to the best of his ability in whatever they were doing.4.David had not missed a single practice,and although he always finished his run long after the other children,he did a

5、lways finish.比比赛结束束时,受到在,受到在场师生的鼓励和生的鼓励和钦佩甚至尊敬,佩甚至尊敬,David很可能有很可能有这个表情。个表情。可以用来描述可以用来描述David赛跑跑时的的样子子-动作描述作描述 两个两个always的部分可以用来描的部分可以用来描述述David在比在比赛时的的结果:他不果:他不可能跑可能跑赢别人,但仍人,但仍坚持跑完全持跑完全程。程。这可能是有些同学容易忽可能是有些同学容易忽视的地方。的地方。这是是David最令人敬佩的最令人敬佩的品品质,也,也应该是是“我我”说服服他参他参赛的关的关键点。点。Predicting(预测发展)展)第一段(逆向思第一段(

6、逆向思维):):结合原文,由合原文,由第一第一段首句段首句和和第二段首句第二段首句推出故事情推出故事情节(动作、作、情感、情感、对话等等细节)第二段第二段:结合上文,根据合上文,根据第二段首句第二段首句展开展开内容,列出要点内容,列出要点(动作、情感、作、情感、对话等等细节),最后最后想好一个升华句:想好一个升华句:体现故事圆满结局体现故事圆满结局的句子或故事给我们启示的句子的句子或故事给我们启示的句子首句首句线索索Para1:We sat down next to each other,but David wouldnt look at me.Para2:I watched as David

7、 moved up to the starting line with the other runners.Why?What was he doing then?How was he feeling then?What did I decide to do?What and how did I say to him then,making him determined to run?-I managed to persuade David to join in the race.-Though David finished the run long after the other childr

8、en,he was admired and respected by other kids.How did he perform in the race?What did I feel when seeing him perform that way?What was the other kids response to his performance?Writing (续写故事)写故事)细节:动作,情感(感受),对话,表情,独白,外貌,环境过渡:then,but,therefore,however,unfortunately,obviously,in fact,to his joy,next

9、 day,丰富的句子结构:with复合结构,非谓语动词“V-ing/-ed/todo”做状语,never,so等引导的倒装句,三大从句,It形式主语句,虚拟语气.with+宾语宾语+名词名词形容词形容词副词副词介词短语介词短语v-ingv-edto do主动、进行被动、完成将要发生注:With结构不是句子,而是在句中作定语或状语,因此也不会有动词的谓语形式。状态读后续写中的with结构用法with+宾语+宾语补足语with+sth+doing/done/to do 他静静地站着,眼泪流下他的脸颊 读后续写中的常用with结构用法with ones eyes full of+tears or情感

10、名词情感名词With his eyes full of terror,he stopped and turned to me.他停下来转向我,眼里满是恐惧。He stood silently with tears rolling/sliding/streaming down his cheeks.4.她脸上露出笑容,双眸闪烁着喜悦的光芒。她脸上露出笑容,双眸闪烁着喜悦的光芒。(shine/spark)_A smile lit up his face with his eyes shining/sparking with great joy.2.她声音颤抖她声音颤抖tremble,哽咽着。,哽咽

11、着。_She chocked with her voice trembling.He sighed with disappointment.1.他失望的叹了叹气。他失望的叹了叹气。_3.他眼中满是感激的泪水,不停地说:他眼中满是感激的泪水,不停地说:“非常感谢!非常感谢!”_With tears of gratitude welling up in his eyes,he kept saying,“Thank you so much!”Polishing (润色定稿)色定稿)无语法拼写错误无语法拼写错误,词汇、句型的打磨升级。词汇、句型的打磨升级。情感连贯情感连贯,符合逻辑符合逻辑,衔接自然衔

12、接自然,与原文融洽与原文融洽度高度高logical+vivid+coherent+correct范文赏析03 We sat down next to each other,but David wouldnt look at me.Seeing his face filled with anxiety,I felt sad,deciding to talk something with him.Turning to David,I smiled,“David,Look,what a wonderful event!”“Yeah!”David smiled weakly,bowing his he

13、ad低头.Patting on his shoulder,I said in a soft voice,“I heard you had worked so hard for this event.How I admire your strong determination.Why not give it a try?”“I am afraid kids from other schools will laugh at me.I think what the coach said is right.”murmured David,with glum忧郁的looks on his face.“B

14、ut David,what counts most is to participate to the best of your ability in whatever were doing.Do you agree?”After a temporary hesitation,David nodded in agreement,finally deciding to join in the cross-country team.I watched as David moved up to the starting line with the other runners.With a blast响

15、声of the gun,David tried his best to shoot from the start line,but he failed.Painful and a bit embarrassed as he was,he still dragged拖,拽his feet to keep moving forward.The sun was beating down太阳暴晒.After what seemed years,David,rocking his small body,eventually finished his run as the last one.When ap

16、proaching the finish line,he burst into a big toothy smile and waved to me with excitement,crying“I made it!I made it!”All the kids including those from other schools erupted into a big applause,cheering for his determination and persistence.At that moment,a flush of admiration and joy swept over me.Homework04Correct and polish your writing.Submit your homework this Friday.



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