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1、2024学年九上英语期末模拟测试卷注意事项:1 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用05毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Put on more clothes _ youll catch a cold in the strong wind.AandBbutCorDso2、-Jenny, whats h

2、appened to you? You seem a bit angry.- Bad luck. I was walking across the street when a car _ hit me.AnearlyBmainlyChardlyDmostly3、-In the past four years, we have learned a lot from our teachers. -They are great, so without doubt we will be forever thankful them.AtoBforCof4、I enjoy the party very m

3、uch,but I _ go home. Its too dark.Ahave toBmayCmustntDcant5、How about going hiking this weekend?Sorry, I prefer _ rather than _.Ato stay at home, go outBto go out, stay at homeCstaying at home, go outDgoing out, stay at home.6、一Im considering how to my new job. Any suggestions?一Its only half an hour

4、s walk, I advise you .Ato go; not to drive Bgoing; to driveCto go; not driving Dgoing; not driving7、-Can I go now, sir?-If you _ leave, do it quietly.AshouldBmustCmay8、Have you seen the film Monkey King?Yes. I it three times. It is so interesting.Asaw Bhave seen Cwill see Dam seeing9、The 24th Winter

5、 Olympics will be held in China in 2022._ exciting news it is!AHowBWhat anCWhatDHow an10、We usually have lunch _ the dining hall _ half past twelve.Ain; atBat; inCon; atDat; on. 完形填空11、 A teenage girl couldnt stand her parents family rules, so she left home. She wanted to be 1 , but she had poor edu

6、cation and several years later she had to ask for food on the street for a living. Now her father has died. Her mother is an old woman. But she is still 2 her daughter. She has been to every corner of the city. Everywhere she goes, she 3 a big photo of herself on the wall. At the lower part of the p

7、hoto she writes, “I still love you., 4 home!” One day, the daughter saw one of the photos. The face was familiar (熟悉). “Is that my mother?” She moved closer and read the 5 : I still love you. She cried. When she got home, it was early morning. She 6 the door. The door opened itself. She rushed to he

8、r mothers 7 . Her mother was sleeping. She woke her mother up, “Its me! Your 8 is back home!” The mother and daughter held each other, full of 9 tears (眼泪). The daughter asked, “Why is the door not locked? A thief could get in.” The mother answered 10 , “The door has never been locked since you left

9、.” The door of parents love for their children will never be closed.1ApoorBfamousCprettyDsick2Alooking throughBlooking forClooking afterDlooking up3Alooks atBgives upCfinds outDputs up4Acome backBgo backCrun backDrun away5AwordsBphotoCposterDpicture6ApulledBunlockedCknocked onDlocked7AbathroomBlivin

10、g roomCkitchenDbedroom8AdaughterBsonCgrandchildDfather9AangryBmoodyChappyDsad10ApolitelyBsoftlyCexactlyDloudly. 语法填空12、 Have you ever been cycling(骑自行车运动)? This spring my elder brother and I 1 (spend) a long weekend cycling in the countryside. We rode2 (slow) along because we hadnt come to break any

11、 speed records, or to do sports. We just wanted3 (get) some fresh air and a break from schoolwork. We really had a great time4(ride) along country roads. And there was one of the best things about our trip that made us happy: every few5(kilometer) there was a village where we could find everything w

12、e needed.All the local people were really friendly. However, on the 6(two) day, something happened. We were going down the hill when my brakes(剎车)started making a 7 (noisy), but I didnt mind at all. At midnight we were woken by the noise in the hotel. We were tired when we set off the next morning,

13、but soon felt 8(cheer) when the sun came out.What we enjoyed9 (our) most about cycling isits simple and fun. I think nothing is10 (good) than cycling if youre looking for a break that is active and cheap. Why not have a try?. 阅读理解A13、When I was about seven or eight years old, I once went into the ba

14、rn (马厩) one evening where my dad was doing his daily work. I was surprised to see him wearing his hat backwards. It looked funny.When I asked Dad why he put his hat backwards, he smiled and gave me an explanation. There was a large water tank for the cattle that had to be filled every day. Since it

15、took a long time to finish the work, he would turn the water on and then go about doing other things like cleaning the barn or feeding the cattle, which usually cost him twenty minutes or even more time. The danger, of course, was that if he forgot to turn the water off, the tank would overflow and water would be wasted,



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