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1、年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你考试拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!2016年吉林白山中考英语真题及答案注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名. 准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2. 答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸. 试题上答题无效。一. 听力(共20分). 情景反应 根据你所听到的句子,选择适当的答语。(5分)1. AYoure welcome BThank you CIm fine 2. ARed BMath CSpring 3. AOn foot BAbout 5 kilometers CAt 6:30 4. ASorry,

2、I wont BYes, I did CIt doesnt matter 5. AIts crowded BIts delicious CIts boring. 对话问答 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。(5分)6. AStay at home BVisit his uncle CJoin a club7. A$500 B$50 C$1508. AHis son BHis mother CHis wife9. AIts sunny BIts rainy CIts cloudy10. AIn the room BUnder the tree CBehind the door. 图片理解

3、看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的选项。(下列图中有一幅图片与描述内容无关)(5分) _11_ _12_ _13_ _14_ _15_. 短文理解 根据你所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)16. Mrs. Nikko is a 110-year-old woman from _.AAmerica BJapan CCanada17. Mrs. Nikko sleeps _ hours a night.A7 B8 C918. Mrs. Nikko goes swimming at the nearby beach _.Aevery morning Bevery afternoon

4、Cevery evening19. When the weather is fine, Mrs. Nikko also goes fishing with her _.Asons Bdaughters Cgrandchildren20. For the evening meal, Mrs. Nikko usually has _,vegetables, rice and some soup.Afish Btomatoes Cchicken二、基础知识(共20分).句意填词根据所给句子,填入一个适当的单词,使句意完整。(5分)21.Childrens Day is in June,the mon

5、th of a year.22.He was very excited to buy a to that basketball game.23.I often to some smooth music to relax before going to bed.24.Passengers are waiting the bus at the station.25.My brother is a lazy boy, and he ever exercises every day.单项选择从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(15分) 26. Molly dreams of becoming

6、 excellent engineer in the future.A.aB.anC.the27.The teachers are very patient when we ask for help.A.theyB.themC.their28.Gina cut her finger just now, she didnt cry.A.butB.andC.or29.David,close the door .Your sister is studying for the exam.A.clearlyB.easilyC.quietly30.Have you seen the movie Zooto

7、pia(疯狂动物城)?Of course.I think its cartoon I have ever seen.A.funnyB.the funniestC.funnier31.Steve TV in the living room when his mother came in.A.was watchingB.watchesC.is watching32.Do you know some robots are able to serve as waiters in restaurants?Really? interesting it is!A.WhatB.What aC.How33.Th

8、e pollution is becoming more and more serious.We havent seen blue skies for several days.A.noiseB.waterC.air34.I wonder .Its about an unusual experience of a little girl.A.who wrote the bookB.what the book is aboutC.how I can get the book35.Many parents have to early to make breakfast for their kids

9、.A.get upB.stay upC.give up36.Joining a summer camp is a great chance free time with your friends.A.spendB.spendingD.to spend37.Rice by hand in many countries,such as China and India.A.growsB.is grownC.grew38.You look smart in the T-shirt your daughter bought for you.Thanks a lot.A.whichB.whoC.whom3

10、9.Mr. Smith,what do Chinese often do on ?They usually enjoy the full moon and think of their relatives or friends in the open air.A.the Spring FestivalB.the Water FestivalC.the Mid-Autumn Festival40.Would you like some orange juice,Julie? I prefer to drink milk.A.No,thanks.B.Yes,please.C.Id love to.

11、三、交际运用(共15分).完成对话从方框中选择正确选项。(方框中有一个选项与对话内容无关)(5分)A.Dont forget to show me the photos when you come back.B.An adult panda has only one baby every two years.C.What can we do to help them?D.This is one of the reasons.E.Is it very cute?F.Whats up?Alice:Hi, Frank!Are you free on Saturday?Frank:Yes. 41Ali

12、ce:I heard a baby panda was born in the zoo. Lets go and have a look.Frank:Oh,I have been there twice.I think youd better learn something about pandas before you go to the zoo.Alice:I know a little. 42 There are about 2,000 pandas living in the forests.Frank:Thats true.They are endangered now.Alice:

13、Why?Is it because they dont have babies very often?Frank:43 Another main reason is that humans cut down lots of bamboo forests,and pandas dont have enough food to eat.Alice:What a pity!44Frank:We can make some posters to tell people the importance of saving pandas.Alice:I will take some photos of th

14、e pandas first when I visit the zoo.Frank:45 Have a good time!Alice:Thank you.补全对话根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。(每空词数不限)(10分)Susan:I cant believe that we are leaving school very soon.Harry:Me neither. But the end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.46?Susan:I am going to study in a senior high school near my home.Harry:47 going to a farther one?Maybe you can make some new friends th


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