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1、年寒窗苦读日,只盼金榜题名时,祝你考试拿高分,鲤鱼跳龙门!加油!2021年江苏省泰州市中考英语真题及答案 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:120 分)注意事项: 1. 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。2. 所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。第一部分 选择题(共61 分)一、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案。(10 分)1. The landing of Chinas rover (登陆车) Zhurong on Mars shows China has made great _ in space exploration.A. progressB. project

2、C. productD. protection【答案】A2. 一I often see the sign in schools. What does it mean?一Students _ bring mobile phones to school.A. needntB. cantC. couldntD. wouldnt【答案】B3. Its reported that, _, people with college education can make more money than those without.A. in generalB. in publicC. in timeD. in

3、 all【答案】A4. Sir, I have trouble doing the voluntary work for the 20th Games of Jiangsu Province in Taizhou.一Dont worry. A lot of support _ soon.A. is offeredB. will be offeredC. was offered D. were offered【答案】B5. 一Why do you choose to use Beidou Navigation (导航) Satellite System, Mr. Li?一Because I th

4、ink it has many advantages _ GPS (全球卫星定位系统).A. onB. inC. overD. of【答案】C6. The old man, Bai Fangli, donated about¥350,000 to over 300 students _ he lived a simple life himself.A. untilB. unlessC. becauseD. though【答案】D7. The documentary For the Sake of Peace(为了和平)brings the War to Resist US Aggression

5、 and Aid Korea (抗美援朝战争) _ on screen.A. livingB. livelyC. aliveD. live【答案】C8. We should pay much attention to saving natural resources. Otherwise, they will _ one day.A. put outB. run outC. get outD. sell out【答案】B9. 一I think Taizhou is a wonderful place to live.一_. And it was chosen as one of Chinas

6、top 100 happiest cities in 2020.A. Thats all rightB. Believe it or notC. Thats a good ideaD. I cant agree more【答案】D10. The chart shows that to be more popular, the largest number of students in schools would like to _.A. take more exercise to be strongerB. make more friends in a new schoolC. ask mor

7、e money from their parentsD. study harder to improve their abilities【答案】D二、完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(15分)Not long ago, my daughters leather shoes were cut by a knife. She burst into tears. I took the shoes to a shoemaker to get them repaired.The young shoemaker took a look at the opening and

8、 said, “There is _11_ I can do but change the leather.”His master looked at them and said to me, “If you _12_ me, I will add more cuts in the form of special style and reuse.”I didnt quite know why, but I decided to _13_ the shoes.Two days later, I went there to get the shoes. At the first sight I f

9、ound there were indeed five or six _14_ on each shoe, but all the openings were covered by soft red leather sewed (缝) with thick thread (线). The shoes looked more special and interesting than ever. I couldnt help _15_ the master for his work.Another time, my sisters white _16_ had a large opening on

10、 the back. My wife took it over and checked _17_ , and then said, “Let me take it home and repair it.”Three days went past, and I was _18_ to see it again: all the openings were sewed up by thin and _19_ thread and they looked like the ice crystal (晶体) on winters branches (树枝) in the north. She _20_

11、 made a lovely snowman and a wooden house on the blouse. I said with praise,“Its just as beautiful as a piece of _21_ .”“I learned from the master. Patches (补丁) can be designed to look _22_.” replied my wife.Her words taught me even more: perfection is _23_ to achieve in everything; patches are unav

12、oidable (不可避免的), so is humans life, which will appear in the form of wound, disability or disease. _24_ you cant change that, all you can do and have to do is to cover the wound by patches and try your best to make a most beautiful flower on the wound, and that is _25_ life teaches us. Once you unde

13、rstand it, you can enjoy your life better.11. A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything12. A. knowB. seeC. trustD. like13. A. leaveB. buyC. dropD. take14. A. marksB. coloursC. flowersD. cuts15. A. praisingB. payingC. invitingD. asking16. A. skirtB. dressC. blouseD. shirt17. A. carefullyB. excit

14、edlyC. sadlyD. happily18. A. luckyB. sadC. worriedD. surprised19. A. blackB. whiteC. redD. yellow20. A. reallyB. onceC. evenD. just21. A. artB. iceC. woodD. leather22. A. poorB. perfectC. oldD. ugly23. A. unhelpfulB. necessaryC. importantD. impossible24. A. ButB. SinceC. UnlessD. So25. A. howB. whyC

15、. whatD. where【答案】11. B 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. A 22. B 23. D 24. B 25. C三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(36分)AGreat mix of representatives from across ChinaA total of 2,287 representatives (代表) attended the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (中共十九大), which was held in Beijing from Oct. 18.2


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