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1、初三英语语法总复习资料精品讲义:合成形容词 初三英语语法总复习资料精品讲义:合成形容词 英语中有许多种形式的合成形容词,仅在初中阶段需要学习使用的就达九种。现分述如下: 1数词单数名词。 如:20minute 20分钟的Its 20minute walk步行20分钟的路程。secondclass 二等的Thats the secondclass room那是个二等房间。500word 五百字的 This is a 500word composition这是一篇五百字的文章。 2数词单数名词形容词。 如:8yearold 八岁的Mr Green has an 8yearold child格林先生

2、有个八岁的孩子。 3数词名词的ed形式。如:threelegged 三条腿的Tom bought a threelegged table yesterday昨天汤姆买了一张三条腿的桌子。 4形容词名词。如: roundtrip来回的;往返的Do you need a roundtrip ticket你想要一张往返的车票吗? parttime 非全部工作时间的;兼职的He found a parttime job他找到了一份额外的工作。 5形容词名词的ed形式。 如:kindhearted 好心的Father Christmas is very kindhearted圣诞老人的心肠非常好。 6名

3、词过去分词。如:manmade人造的 China has sent up many manmade satellites中国已发射了许多人造卫星。 7名词名词的ed形式。如:glasstopped带有玻璃罩的 I want to own a glasstopped table我想要一张带有玻璃罩的桌子。 8副词过去分词。如:socalled所谓的 I dont like those socalled singers我不喜欢那些所谓的歌星。 9副词副词。 如:soso马马虎虎;不好不坏的My English is just soso我的英语很一般。 Eg:To an American,a Chi

4、nese is a _. (foreign) 前缀例词派生词 un-“不” happy unhappy like unlike usual unusual friendly unfriendly im-“不” possible impossible后缀例词派生词-er“人” teach/play/clean teacher/player/cleaner drive driver(以e结尾,-r)run runner(重读闭音节,双写-er) win winner travel traveller -or“人” invent inventor visit visitor -ly(副词后缀) ba

5、d badly quick quickly careful carefully happy happily deep deeply lucky luckily usual usually noisy noisily slow slowly angry angrily strong strongly quiet quietly 特例:true - truly terrible - terribly possible - possibly -ful(形容词后缀)care careful help helpful use useful forget forgetful -y (形容词后缀) rain

6、 rainy luck lucky cloud cloudy noise noisy(以e结尾,去e,加-y) snow snowy sun sunny (双写,加-y)wind windy -ion(名词后缀)invent invention operate operation -ness(名词后缀)busy business good goodness 一些特例: 动词形容词动词现在分词转化为名词 sleep asleep boat boating die dead build building enjoy enjoyable begin beginning cross crossing

7、名词形容词meet meeting friend friendly turn turning south southern shop shopping wool woolen danger dangerous 动词过去分词转为形容词difference different fry fried worry worried 动词名词break broken know knowledge lose lost fly flight please pleased please pleasure colour coloured 名词名词动词现在分词、过去分词转为形容词 farm farmer 农夫follow following interest interested“感兴趣的” 只作表语,仅用于be interested in develop interesting “有趣的” 可作表语和定语developed “发达的”developing “发展中的”



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