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1、(2023年)四川省成都市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.John_ French very quickly during the last three months in France()A.took out B.picked up C.looked for D.led to2.There used to be a restaurant opposite the hospital()A.didnt it B.wasnt it C.didnt there D.wasnt there3.Free tickets will be give

2、n to _ phones us first()A.that B.whoever C.whomever D.who4.Although I told him to be careful over and over again, he never took any _ of what I said()A.attention B.warning C.notice D.observation5.I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into _ when judging my examination()A.regard B.counting C.

3、account D.observation6.I have no objection()your design for the new type of machine this timeA.to adoptB.to adoptingC.to having adoptedD.to have adopted7.Chinese culture and Japanese culture have a lot_()A.in fact B.in sight C.in common D.in touch8.you have realized your trouble with English learnin

4、g, you can take some effective steps()A.Now that B.From now on C.Ever since D.By now9.The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables()A.have persuadedB.are persuadedC.persuadeD.will be persuaded10.Staying in a hotel one day costs renting

5、a room in an apartment for a week()A.twice many thanB.twice as much asC.twice the same asD.twice as many as二、完型填空(10题)11.()A.situation B.status C.circumstance D.position12.74.()A.firstly B.at first C.first D.early13.65.()A.In fact B.As a result C.Above all D.By the way14.57.()A.spring B.raise C.swel

6、l D.rise15.45.()A.feels B.leads C.sounds D.appears16.Mama, when I grow up, Im going to be one of those! I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my1took on a vivid form and acted as something important to start my training. As I grew o

7、lder and was2 to more, my interests in the world of dance 3varied but that little girls dream of someday becoming a 4in the company never left me. In the summer of 2005 when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a 5; I became a member of the company 6can date back to 1925.As I lo

8、ok back on that day now, it surely 7any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief 8I was halfway through rehearsals(排练) on my first day. I never actually 9to get the job. After 10the position, I was completely astonished. I remember shaking with excitement.Though I was ab

9、solutely thrilled with the chance, it did not come without its fair share of 11. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to12up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It was that extreme 13 to detail and stress on practice that set us 14. To

10、then follow those highenergy rehearsals 15a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new 16of the words hard work. What I thought was my physical 17were pushed much further than I thought 18. I learned to make each performance better than the last.Today, when I look at the

11、 unbelievable company that I have the great 19of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a 20that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to develop and grow and inspires people every day to follow their dreams1()A.hobby B.

12、plan C.dream D.word17.55.()A.worthy B.valueless C.valuable D.useless18.24.()A.be found B.find C.found D.been found19.62.()A.Because B.Instead C.When D.As20.58.()A.somewhat B.little C.much D.something三、翻译(3题)21.The manufacturing industry should develop chiefly through technological advances22.他们在工作中很

13、注意理论联系实际23.我们向李先生学习,因为他有丰富的工作经验四、词汇与语法(3题)24.A new house will have been built here _()25.The cost of the products_ to 56,000 yuan()26.It is _ from my school to the railway station()五、单选题(0题)27.They have planted trees for years in this area, yet the tops of some hills are still _()A.blank B.bare C.em

14、pty D.vacant六、单选题(0题)28.The opposite is St. Pauls Cathedral, you can hear some lovely music()A.which B.that C.when D.where参考答案1.B2.C医院对面曾经有一个饭店,不是吗?考点反意疑问句【精析】C当陈述句部分是there be句型时,反意疑问句部分应用there。当陈述句部分的谓语中含有used to时,反意疑问句部分应用usednt或didnt。因此,空处应用didnt there或usednt there。故选C3.B无论是谁第一个打电话给我们,都会得到免费票。考点宾

15、语从句【精析】B分析句子结构可知,to之后为宾语从句。从句成分不完整,缺少主语。whoever表示任何人,不论什么人,不论是谁,充当从句的主语,相当于anyone who。其他三项无此用法。故选B4.C尽管我一次又一次地告诉他要仔细,但他从不在意我说的话。考点词语搭配【精析】Ctake notice of为固定搭配,意为留心,在意。attention:注意,pay attention to意为注意,重视;warning:警告;observation:观察。故选C5.C我希望老师在评定我的考试成绩的时候,能够考虑到我生病的事实。考点词语搭配【精析】Ctakeinto account是固定词组,意为顾及,考虑到6.B这一次我不反对采用你对这款新机器的设计。考点固定用法【精析】Bobjection to中的to为介词,后面需要跟名词或者动名词。adopt表示的动作还未发


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