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1、(2021年)四川省成都市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.Before leaving the village, he visited the old house_ he spent his childhood()A.in which B.which C.to which D.at which2.(), Madam. Is there a post office near here?Keep on going ahead.Turn right at the first crossroad.Then youll find one the

2、reA.Sorry B.You are welcome C.Excuse me D.Thanks a lot3.Smith regretted _ to the meeting yesterday()A.not goingB.not having been goingC.not to goD.not to be going4.When drinking from a well, one mustnt forget _ who dug it()A.this B.these C.that D.those5.According to the regulation, inspections_ to e

3、nsure that the systems are in good condition()A.demanded B.have demanded C.be demanded D.are demanded6.When Mr. Jones gets old, he will()over his business to his sonA.take B.hand C.think D.get7.Had he worked harder, he the exams()A.must have got throughB.would have got throughC.would get throughD.co

4、uld get through8.It is good mannershelp to others when they are in nee()A.to obtain B.obtaining C.to offer D.offering9.She never laughed, _ lose her temper()A.or she ever didB.nor did she everC.or did she everD.nor she ever did10.Evidence came up _ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as

5、young as six months old()A.what B.that C.which D.whom二、完型填空(10题)11.At one time Einstein traveled all over the United States giving a lecture. He traveled by car, and soon became quite friendly with the driver. The driver always listened to Einsteins lecture,_ _ the great scientist gave again and aga

6、in. One day, he told Einstein that he knew _ so well that he was sure he _ it himself. Einstein smiled and said, Why dont you give the lecture for me next time? The driver agreed.That evening, both of them went along to the lecture hall. Nobody there _ Einstein before. As the driver_his place on the

7、 stage everyone clapped. Then he began the lecture. Sure enough, he did not make a single mistake. It was a great success, and when it was over, people clapped and clapped. Then he started to leave, shaking _ with everybody, _by Einstein quietly a few steps behind.Just before they got to the door, a

8、 man stopped them and asked the driver a very difficult question. The driver listened carefully. Of course, he did not understand a thing, but he nodded his head as if he _.When the man stopped _, the driver said that he thought the question was very interesting but really very simple, in fact,_ sho

9、w how simple the question really was, he would ask his driver to answer it()A.that B.this C.which D.it12.58()A.attractive B.special C.novel D.unkind13.()A.with B.without C.near D.opposite14._()A.agreed B.suggested C.explained D.attempted15.47.()A.related B.tied C.combined D.put together16.65.()A.roo

10、f B.position C.wall D.building17.34.()A.made B.done C.finished D.performed18.Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man 41 it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something definitely. His purpose is settled and decided in 42. He knows what he wants, and his 43 is to f

11、ind it and get it. Almost all men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for their needs if they are not in a supermarket. If the shop has them in 44, the deal can be made in less than five minutes, with 45 any chat and to everyones satisfaction.For a man, slight problems may begin when the s

12、hop does not have 46 he wants. In that case, the salesman tries to sell the customer something47he offers the nearest to the article required.Good salesman brings out such a substitute with 48:I know this is not the style you want, sir; but would you like to try it for size?It happens to 49 the colo

13、r you told me. Few men 50 patience with this kind of treatment, and the usual response is:This is the right color and maybe the right size, 51 I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it 52.For a woman, buying clothes is always done in the opposite way. She goes 53 when she wants to wander on

14、 the streets. She has never been fully aware what she wants, and she is only window shopping. She is always open 54 persuasion, willing to try on 55 number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding 56 that everyone thinks suits her. Most women have an excellent sense of value and ar

15、e always on the look-out for the unexpected 57. Faced with a roomful of 58, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. 59 is a tiresome process, but apparently an enjoyable one. Most dress shops 60 chairs for the waiting husbands()A.with B.as C.to D.than19.66.()A.As a result B.For example C.In other words D.In particular20.53.()A.beer B.coffee C


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