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1、湖北省襄樊市成考专升本考试2022年英语预测卷附答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(30题)1. The water will be further polluted unless some measures _.A.will be taken B.are taken C.were taken D.had been taken2. What he described as only a _ detail I thought was the most important part of the plan.A.common B.plain C.just D.mere3.We mu

2、st _ early in the morning so as to catch the first train.Aset upBset outCset aboutDset aside4. This is just the place_he and his wife visited last year.A.where B.that C.when D.why5. My father_me by saying that I could win in the speech contest, so I took part in it.A.discouraged B.encouraged C.preve

3、nted D.asked6. There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need them. Keep looking. _ is sure to turn up.A.One B.It C.That D.This7.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, _ we are all familiar, govern the worldA.to which B.on which C.which D.with which8. So badl

4、y _ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for several weeks.A.did he injure B.he injure C.was he injured D.he was injured9. Oh, Mary! You should do your work instead of sitting here watching TV. _.A.Thats not a very good idea.B.TV produces good influence on children.C.What makes you sa

5、y that?D.You said TV was educational.10.It is reported that many a new house _ at present in the disaster areaA.are being builtB.were being builtC.was being builtD.is being built11. Let me help you, _?A.wont yon B.will you C.shall I D.shant I12. Finally he got time for a glance_this report.A.off B.r

6、ound C.on D.at13. No conclusion has been _ yet.A.achieved B.reached C.attained D.arrived14. We were overjoyed at the news of China_ another man-made satel1iteA.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting15. _ your homework and make sure that you dont _ any mistakes.A.Do; do B.Make; make C.Make; do D.

7、Do; make16.- Between the two possible plans, I m bound _the second oneA.favouring B.to favour C.for favouring D.to favouring17.New typewriters cost about_price of the secondhand onesA.three times theB.a three timesC.the three timesD.three times a18. Thats me when I got married. See what I look like

8、now! Why not go on a diet to get into _ ?A.shape B.form C.appearance D.body19. -If you are offered a trip to the moon, _ it?-Of course. Why not?A.did you acceptB.are you going to acceptC.will you acceptD.would you accept20.to sunlight for too much time, as the doctors say, will do harm to one s skin

9、.A.Being exposedB.Having exposedC.ExposedD.After being exposed21. Jane has brown hair, in fact, its quite similar in shade_yours.A.as B.with C.like D.to22._ many times, he finally understood the problem.A.Told B.Telling C.Having told D.Having been told23. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face a

10、nd she may_.A.come round B.come back C.come again D.come out24. Thank you for the _you did me. to move the sofa upstairs.A.favor B.good C.help D.kindness25. Sometimes children have trouble _ fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist.A.to separate B.separating C.for separating

11、 D.of separating26. I wonder how much _ .A.that car was B.was that car C.is that car D.that car is27.These national parks are very important for preserving many animals, which would run the risk of becoming extinct.A.instead B.therefore C.nevertheless D.otherwise28. When we _ the museum is not decid

12、ed.A.visited B.visit C.will visit D.visiting29. Sickness deprived me _ the pleasure of seeing you.A.from B.of C.out of D.with30.Busy as they are, parents should _ at least two hours to spend with their children.A.set out B.set away C.set aside D.set off二、汉译英(10题)31. 人们发现欧洲没有任何瀑布可与尼亚加拉媲美。32. 干了一整天繁重的

13、工作后,他筋疲力尽地饿着肚子回了家。33. It was not until two oclock a.m that (他妻子才回来).34. 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。35. 为了解决这些问题,我们需要依靠双方共同的诚意。36. (不用说), the second list can be remembered more easily than the first one.37. 如果有机会,约翰也许就已经成为一位杰出的画家了。38. 稍微仔细一点就可避免此类事故。39. Both the cars (一出发就抛锚).40. He remained calm even (面临) su

14、ch obvious danger.三、语法与词汇(10题)41. Have you ever considered _ (look) for a new job with a decent pay in a large company?42. What a pity that they didnt realize the entire event had been arranged for their _(convenient).43. With the hospitality (热情好客) so _ (character) of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.44. The birth of this test-tube baby marked a major _ (break) in life science.45. It is a(n) _ (formal) party, so you dont need to wear suit and tie.46. Only applicants with proper _ will be


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