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1、2023 年中考年中考英语英语第第二二次模拟考试卷次模拟考试卷英英 语语试题满分试题满分 100 分,考试时间分,考试时间 100 分钟。分钟。注意事项:注意事项:1.答题前,考生须用答题前,考生须用 0.5mm 黑色字迹的签字笔在本试题卷规定位置填写自己的姓名、准考证号;黑色字迹的签字笔在本试题卷规定位置填写自己的姓名、准考证号;2.考生须在答题卡上作答,不能在本试题卷上作答,答在本试题卷上无效;考生须在答题卡上作答,不能在本试题卷上作答,答在本试题卷上无效;3.考试结束,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回;考试结束,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回;4.本试题卷包括七道大题,共本试题卷包括七道大题,共

2、8 页。如缺页、印刷不清,考生须声明。页。如缺页、印刷不清,考生须声明。第一部分第一部分选择题(三大题)选择题(三大题)一、单项填空一、单项填空(共 10 小题,每小题 0.5 分;满分 5 分)从从 A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.May I use your dictionary?I left _ at home.A.yoursB.yourC.mineD.my【答案】C【解析】句意:我可以用你的字典吗?我把我的落在家里了。考查名词性物主代词。yours 你的,名词性物主代词;your 你的,形容词性物主代词;mine 我的,名词性物主代词

3、;my 我的,形容词性物主代词。分析句子可知,本句主语是 I,所以此处指“我的字典”,可用名词性物主代词 mine 代替 my dictionary。故选 C。2.To improve your handwriting,you should practice _ possible.A.as few asB.as many asC.as little asD.as much as【答案】D【解析】句意:为了提高你的书写,你应该尽可能多地练习。考查 asas possible 用法以及形容词、副词辨析。分析句子可知,此处表示“尽可能”,构成 asas possible短语。few 形容词,很少的;

4、many 形容词,许多的;little 形容词,很少的/副词,完全不;much 形容词,许多的/副词,非常。分析句子可知,此处表示“尽可能多”,修饰句子动词 practice,所以使用表示“多”的副词。故选 D。3.After a short _,someone suddenly made a loud noise.A.silenceB.dangerC.victoryD.progress【答案】A【解析】句意:短暂的沉默之后,突然有人大声喧哗起来。考查名词。silence 沉默;danger 危险;victory 胜利;progress 进步。根据下文 someone suddenly mad

5、e a loudnoise 可知,此处指的是短暂的沉默之后。A 选项符合句意,故选 A。4.David forgot to _ his book with him when he came here.A.takeB.getC.bringD.carry【答案】C【解析】句意:David 来这儿时忘记带书了。考查动词辨析。take 带走,表示将人或物带离说话者所在的位置;get 获得、得到;bring 带来,表示从别处将人或物带到说话人这里来;carry 搬运,一般无方向性。根据句意可知是 David 忘了把书从其他地方带到说话人这里来,所以应用 bring,故答案选 C。5.Troy chose

6、 to leave his unhappy memories _ and move on with his life.A.awayB.behindC.offD.around【答案】B【解析】句意:特洛伊选择放下不愉快的回忆,继续他的生活。考查副词。away 离开;behind 在(或向)的后面;off 离开;around 周围。短语 leave behind 意为“把抛在后面”,指放下不好的回忆,继续生活。符合句意,故选 B。6.Snow _ on the roads,so it is dangerous to drive.A.will collectB.collectedC.was coll

7、ectingD.has collected【答案】D【解析】句意:路上积了雪,开车很危险。考查动词时态。will collect 一般将来时;collected 一般过去时;was collecting 过去进行时;has collected 现在完成时。根据语境,可知是路上已经积雪了,所以开车很危险,这里表示动作发生在过去,对现在造成了影响和结果,所以时态应用现在完成时,其结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词,故答案选 D。7.The apples on my desk are bigger than _ on my brothers desk.A.thatB.thoseC.oneD.o

8、nes【答案】B【解析】句意:我桌上的苹果比我哥哥桌上的苹果大。考查指示代词的特殊用法。that 表比较,指单数;those 表比较,指复数;one 表泛指,指单数;ones 表泛指,指复数。分析句子可知,此处表示比较含义,可用指示代词 that/those 代替;又因为此处指代前面的 The apples表复数,故选 B。8.We havent decided _ we will take a trip to the beach this summer holiday.A.whetherB.whichC.whereD.what【答案】A【解析】句意:我们还没有决定今年暑假是否去海滩旅行。考查

9、宾语从句。whether 是否;which 哪一个;where 哪里;what 什么。根据句意可知,我们还没有决定今年暑假是否去海滩旅行,故空格处应填入意为“是否”的引导词。故选 A。9._ useful water is!We must save it.A.WhatB.What aC.What anD.How【答案】D【解析】句意:水多有用啊!我们必须节约它。考查感叹句。根据句子结构,本句属于“How+adj./adv.+主语+谓语+其他成分!”感叹句结构,故选 D。10.Are you sure you can do well in tomorrows test,Sara?_.Ive go

10、t everything ready.A.Its hard to sayB.Im afraid notC.I think soD.I hope not【答案】C【解析】句意:萨拉,你确定明天的考试你能表现很好吗?我想是的。我已经准备好了。考查情景交际。Its hard to say 很难说;Im afraid not 恐怕不是;I think so 我想是的;I hope not 希望不是。根据答句可知,萨拉都已经准备好了,所以她认为自己在明天的考试中能够考得好,故选 C。二、完形填空二、完形填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从阅读短文,掌握其大意

11、,然后从 A、B、C、D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Aman had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down.He _11_warm milk.It would not come down.The tree was not _12_ enough to climb,so the man decided that if he tied rope to his _13_ and pull ituntil the tree be down.h

12、e could then _14_ and get the kitten.Thats what he did.all the while checking his progress in the car.He then thought if he went just a little bit_15_,the tree would be bent low enough for him to reach the kitten.But as he moved the car a little furtherforward,the rope broke.The tree went boing!and

13、the kitten was nowhere to be found.The man felt _16_.He asked people he met if theyd _17_ a little kitten.No.Nobody had.Afew _18_ late the he met a neighbor at the store.He happened to look into her shopping basket and was_19_ to see cat food.This woman was a cat _20_ and everyone knew it,so he aske

14、d her,_21_ are you buying catfood?She replied,You wont believe this,and then told him how her little girl had been begging her for acat,_22_ she kept refusing.Then a few days before,the child had begged again,so the Mom finally_23_ her little girl,Well,Ill let you keep a cat if it falls from the _24

15、_.She told the man,I watched my child go out in the yard,and look straight into the sky.Andreally,_25_ wont believe this,but I saw it with my own eyes.Akitten suddenly came lying through the air,and landed right in front of her.Word Bankbend弯曲forward向前beg恳求11.A.leftB.offeredC.threwD.drank12.A.tallB.

16、oldC.closeD.strong13.A.carB.bodyC.doorD.window14.A.pick upB.look upC.reach upD.climb up15.A.fasterB.higherC.nearerD.further16.A.sickB.boredC.funnyD.terrible17.A.seenB.lostC.raisedD.bought18.A.hoursB.daysC.weeksD.years19.A.happyB.sorryC.worriedD.surprised20.A.loverB.haterC.keeperD.trainer21.A.WhyB.HowC.WhenD.Where22.A.soB.orC.butD.until23.A.toldB.warnedC.advisedD.ordered24.A.skyB.treeC.wallD.building25.A.heB.youC.sheD.they【答案】11.B12.D13.A14.C15.D16.D17.A18.B19.D20.B21.A22.C23.A24.A25.B【解析】这篇文章主要向


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