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1、2023年银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识能力测试试卷A卷附答案单选题(共100题)1、Passage 6A.Less Screening for More SafetyB.PreChecka Belated SolutionC.Getting Stuck in Security LinesD.Underused PreCheck Lanes【答案】 C2、不列入存货的是()。A.生产设备B.库存商品C.原材料D.低值易耗品【答案】 A3、Mobile and portable technologies allow learners to access information irrespectiv

2、e of their physical context, for example on a bus or,_as a way to provide learners with location-based information.A.simultaneouslyB.generallyC.accordinglyD.alternatively【答案】 D4、The companys profits are_to hit their peak in the next quarter mainly due to the release of its new line of clothing.A.for

3、ecastB.forecastingC.to forecastD.will forecast【答案】 A5、Under no circumstances_without looking carefully to the rear.A.should one back up a motor vehicleB.a motor vehicle should back upC.one should back up a motor vehicleD.should back up a motor vehicle【答案】 A6、2.3,4.8,8.24,16.51,32.89,()A.64.138B.64.1

4、36C.128.138D.128.136【答案】 A7、宏观经济指标是体现经济情况的一种方式,下列指标中属于金融指标的是()。A.货币供应量B.消费物价指数C.国民生产总值D.社会消费品零售总额【答案】 A8、组织文化的核心和灵魂体现在它的()。A.物质层B.中间层C.制度层D.精神层【答案】 D9、Which of the following is or was an example of representative full-bodied money?( )。A.Debt moneyB.ATS accountC.Gold certificateD.Demand deposit【答案】 C

5、10、Little help seems to_ the disaster-hit area since the explosion took place 3 hours ago.A.offerB.have been offeredC.be offeredD.have offered【答案】 B11、Players must not _raise the ball from a hit except for a shot at goal.A.intentionallyB.shylyC.timidlyD.unwillingly【答案】 A12、资料:Faces, like fingerprint

6、s, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child or even an animal, such as a pingeon can learm to recognize faces. We all take this abil

7、ity for granted.A.psychologistB.behavioristC.writerD.sociologist【答案】 A13、下列关于期权的说法中,()是不正确的。A.期权的买方只有义务而没有权利B.期权的卖方没有选择权C.期权的交易对象是选择权D.期权的买方可以放弃行使期权【答案】 A14、生命化学进化四个阶段不包括( )。A.从有机小分子物质生成无机小分子物质B.从有机小分子物质形成有机高分子物质C.从有机高分子物质组成多分子体系D.从多分子体系演变为原始生命【答案】 A15、The fact is that _ is given to seniority and ma

8、ny people would rather be the tail of a lion than the head of a dog.A.priorityB.focusC.emphasisD.attention【答案】 A16、资料:Its almost considered sacrilegious today to leave work at the end of your workday or(for shamel)on a Friday and simply not check your email until you return the office during normal

9、working hours.A.Its shame if you check your email all the timeB.The employees are willing to leave work at the end day of the workdayC.The employees are expected to answer emails although its not working timeD.Work email is the essential part in workers daily life【答案】 C17、中国人民银行在()领导下依法独立执行货币政策,履行职责

10、,开展业务。A.全国人民代表大会B.全国人民代表大会常务委员会C.中国银行保险监督管理委员会D.国务院【答案】 D18、Almost of the information we gather is also available online around the world,with the_ coming from our contacts,from direct growers and wholesalers。A.remainedB.remainingC.remainsD.remain【答案】 B19、需求量和价格之所以呈反方向变化,是因为()。A.替代效应和收入效应同时作用B.替代效应C

11、.补偿效应D.收入效应【答案】 A20、资料:Procrastination comes in many disguises. We might resolve to tackle a task, but find endless reasons to defer it. We might prioritize things we can readily tick off our to-do list- answering emails, say- while leaving the big, complex stuff untouched for another day. We can lo

12、ok and feel busy. while artfully avoiding the tanks that really matter. And when we look at those rolling, long untouched items at the bottom of our to-do list, we cant help but feel a little disappointed in ourselves.A.Concrete things are more attractive than the abstract thingsB.The long term upsi

13、de is easily dominated by short-term effort in our mindsC.We cannot avoid present bias in our brainD.The brain can be trained to procrastinate often【答案】 B21、金某与妻子叶某于2013年6月4日在明华小区租了一套房子居住,与房东书面约定租期为2013年6月5日至2015年5月10日,并按时交付租金。2014年11月3日,金某遭遇交通事故意外身亡。则在租赁期间()。A.叶某可以按原租赁合同租赁该房屋B.叶某若继续租赁房屋,须重新订立租赁合同C.

14、原租赁合同终止,不得继续租赁该房屋D.叶某必须按原租赁合同租赁该房屋【答案】 A22、Passage 4A.the money paid by the insurersB.the cost of administering insuranceC.the money paid by the insuredD.the amount of each premium【答案】 C23、每个组织都需要注意本组织优良文化的积累,把组织精神灌输到一代又一代,这体现了组织文化的哪个特征?()A.实践性B.可塑性C.传承性D.独特性【答案】 C24、资料:The Oakview CafeA.It opens for dinner at 7p.mB.It advertises in a local newspaperC.It is located in the citys business districtD.It is a small restaurant【答案】 A25、”This is the best present Ive ever received,”Mary said with a smile trying to_her tears.A.keep downB.keep upC.keep backD.keep at【答案】 C26、温家宝总理在给一位国务



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