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1、内蒙古自治区乌海市高职单招2022年英语自考测试卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.You should get up early to avoid()the early bus.A.missing B.missed C.to miss D.miss2.() you()England? Yes,it()a beautiful country.A.Will,gone to,wasB.Have,been to,isC.Had,been to, isD.Have,gone to,is3.-How time flies !-Yes. Two months()a s

2、hort time.A.are B.was C.is D.have passed4.I began to fall over my own feet.Down() .A.I went B.did I go C.I did go D.went I5.The man standing over there is a friend of _.A.them B.Toms fathers C.Tom D.Toms father6.Could I have _?A.half kilo B.half a kilo C.half and kilo D.kilo half7.PassageFeeling lef

3、t out? A reader wrote in to say that she was feeling lonely at break because her best friend wasnt around.Heres our advice to herand to all kids who feel lonely sometimes. Its hard when a best friend isnt aroundmaybe because she moved to a different school or a different class.You may feel lonely at

4、 break or lunchtime.You want to have new friends.but how do you make them? Maybe it seems like everybody else already has their friends.But remember, theres always room for more friends. Start by looking around your classroomthink about which kids youd like to play with at break.Look for chances to

5、say hi to them,smile,and be friendly.Offer to share something or express your appreciation(欣赏)to them.Invite someone to play with you or say Do you want to sit here? in the lunchroom.When youre at break,walk over to kids you want to play with.act friendly,and say Hi,can l play, too? or just join in.

6、 If you have trouble doing this or if youre feeling shy, ask your teacher to help you make new friends.Teachers are usually pretty good at matching up friends.The best way to make friends is to be a friend.Be kind,be friendly,share,say nice things,offer to helpand pretty soon,youll have one,or two,o

7、r even more new friends. You might still miss that special best friend.But when you see each other, you can share something you didnt have before she left:You can introduce her to your new friends!This text is written for_.A.teachers B.parents C.students D.visitors8.Please _ the new shoes here and _

8、 the old ones there.A.bring;take B.take;bring C.bring;bring D.take;take9.-He must have received a good education in his childhood,()he?-(), he is polite and well-behaved and acts like a gentleman.A.didnt; Yes B.has; Yes C.has; No D.didnt; No10.It is necessary () us to have plenty of exercise to keep

9、 our hair healthy.A.of B.for C.with D.to二、完型填空(10题)11.(4)A.Some others B.Others C.Another D.The others12. Buying a Christmas tree is a holiday tradition for many Americans . One (1) found that almost eighty percent of American (2) had a Christmas tree last year.Many people (3) that Christmas trees c

10、ome from forests (4),most trees are carefullygrown on farms. Farmers plant and harvest Christmas trees as a crop, (5) fruits or vegetables. There are about 15, 000 Christmas tree (6)in North America.The industry employs more than 100,000people.Farmers (7)evergreen trees for Christmas trees. They rem

11、ove seeds from the trees and plant them. Farmers care for the young trees(8) they are about three to five years old. Then farmers replant them in fields , cut the tops of the trees to (9) they are growing. This gives the trees the (10) that people will like.1()A.book B.article C.holiday D.study13.(

12、)A.wake B.waking C.waken D.awaken14.3()A.lesson B.lessons C.subjects D.subject15.( )A.desire B.award C.bet D.ambition16.(12)A.drive B.walk C.run D.ride17.(16)A.hank B.library C.shop D.hotel18.(10)A.thirsty and hungryB.healthy and happyC.fat and tiredD.thin and weak19.4()A.carry B.fix C.make D.catch2

13、0.(13)A.by the wayB.all the wayC.in the same wayD.in a different way三、补充对话(10题)21.(3)A.How are you?B.Hello ,68813721C.Good morning. My name is Mary.D.Sure,whats your name,please?E.See you later. Bye.F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message?G.Whats your number,please?22.(3)A.Then Ill take the ti

14、ckets.B.Id like two tickets to shanghai.C.Dose it stop anywhere?D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out.E.What time is the earliest flight?23.-Dont worry. Take care of yourself().-Thank you.A.I caught a bad coldB.Its a good ideaC.By trainD.He is tall and handsomeE.Im not sure. F. OK!F.You11

15、be fine soon.G.H. How are you feeling now?24.-().-Oh,nothing special. I read some newspapers.A.while I am awayB.when I come backC.Excuse meD.Lets go walkingE.By bikeF.Whats your weekend?G.Do you live hereH.How long have you lived here?25.- (),Where is the nearest post office?-Go along this street and then turn left at the second crossing.A.while I am awayB.when I come backC.Excu


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