中考英语一轮复习(人教版)培优测试题八下Units 3~4 (含答案)

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1、中考一轮复习(人教版)培优试题 八(下) Units 34一单项选择1. If you always _ yourself with others, you may have tons of pressure. I agree. We should believe in ourselves. A. compare B. complain C. connect D. consider2. 5G Internet makes it possible for us to _the information easily and quickly. A. look like B. look after C

2、. look around D. look through3. We all know that doing chores can help to_ childrens independence.A. create B. change C. develop D. provide4.The young are always busy checking their mobile phones while getting together.So it is. They should put down phones and have more talks, _A. still B. too C. ei

3、ther D. instead5.Hows Peter now? I havent seen him for a long time.I hear the company _ him a very good job, but he turned it down.A. presented B. servedC. offered D. introduced6. Dont worry!Im sure youll _ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them. A. come up with B. agree with C. keep u

4、p with D. get on well with7.What does Huaweis newest smartphone look like?Its wonderful!You can _ it in half just like closing a book. A. fold B. pass C. hand D. cut8. The movie is really boring!I agree with you. It is a _ of time to watch it. A. result B. stress C. mess D. waste来源:学科网ZXXK9. Ted, co

5、uld you please_ this rubbish?Of course, Mom.A. take after B. take out C. take off D. take care of10. Do we have to share the housework with other family members?Yes. I think it helps us to understand the idea of _A. mess B. fairness C. business D. kindness11.Do you want to be a policeman or a soccer

6、 player? . I want to be an astronaut and fly to the moon one day.ABoth BAll CEither DNeither12 give them some good books?AWhy dont BWhat aboutCWhy dont you DWould you like13She lent me an umbrella I wouldnt get wet in the rain.Afor Bso that Cin order to Dsuch that14. I was very when I traveled by pl

7、ane for the first time.Anervous Binterested Crelaxed Dlonely15. Why is the price of the house so high?Well, just a few words cant this problem. Arequire Bexplain Cmention Dinclude二完形填空Tom shook his piggy bank again. There was nothing left! He carefully 1._ the coins that lay on the bed. All he had w

8、as $24.52. The 2._ he wanted was at least $90! How was he going to get the rest of the money? His friends all had bicycles. It was 3._ to hang out to with people when you were the only one without a bicycle. He thought about 4._ he could do.There was no point asking his parents, for he knew they had

9、 no extra money.The only way he could get more money was to earn it. He would have to find a 5._. He decided to ask Mr Clay for advice.“Well, you can6._ right here,” said Mr Clay. “You see, my windows need to be cleaned and my car needs 7._.” That was the 8._of Toms part-time job. For the next three

10、 months, he 9._every day after finishing his homework. He 10._ dogs for walks, cleared out cupboards and mended books.The day finally came when Tom counted his money again and found $94.32. He 11._ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode home 12._ , looking forwar

11、d to showing his new bicycle to his friends. He had done a lot of hard work, So Tom 13._ his bicycle far more than 14._ elses. He had achieved what he thought was 15._ and that was worth even more than the bicycle. What he had done would shape his whole life.1 A. counted B. spread C. watched D. toss

12、ed2. A. book B. bicycle C. car D. skateboard3. A. easy B. good C. hard D. possible4. A.how B.what C.which D. where5. A.friend B. mall C.company D. job6. A. wait B. start C. learn D. stay7. A. driving B. locking C. running D. washing8. A. beginning B. ending C. trouble D. difficulty9. A. studied B. r

13、an C. practised D. worked10. A. fed B. carried C. took D. left11. A. had B. lost C. wasted D. spent12. A. slowly B. helplessly C. proudly D. carelessly13. A. valued B. rode C. wanted D. used14. A. someone B. anyone C. nobody D. something15. A.impossible B. important C. necessary D. independent三 阅读理解


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