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1、福建省厦门市高职单招2022-2023年英语预测卷(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.My friend invited me _ the art club,and I accepted it with pleasure.A.join B.to join C.joined D.joining2.This is the place()we took the book.A.in which B.for which C.at which D.at where3.-Which would you like,rice or noodles?-()is OK. Im h

2、ungry.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.All4.-Last Saturday,I gave a talk()how to learn English.-Really? Where did you give() talk?A.for;a B.on;a C.for;the D.on;the5.Lets clean() room first and() later.A.theirs;ours B.their;our C.their; ours D.theirs;our6.Please dont touch that fish.It smells _.A.bad B.ba

3、dly C.good D.well7.- I only told Tom about it. - You _ anyone about it.A.wont have toldB.mustnt have toldC.shouldnt have toldD.wouldnt have told8.Amy wants to fly to()USA.Please buy()one-way ticket for Amy.A.the,a B.the,an C./,a D./ ,an9.When James arrived at the railway station,he tried to look _ a

4、 place to park his car.A.after B.at C.up D.for10.I was good() learning() others.A.in; to B.in; in C.at;from D.at;/二、完型填空(10题)11.(6)A.Far B.High C.Low D.Broad12.(4)A.carried B.given C.turned in D.taken13.(10)A.excited B.satisfied C.happy D.guilty14.( )A.makes B.takes C.helps D.gets15.(7)A.his B.their

5、 C.your D.our16.( )A.them B.children C.young people D.it17.(5)A.saw B.listened to C.heard D.looked at18.(14)A.desert B.city C.state D.country19.6()A.to B.about C.On D.after20.(20)A.thoughts B.ways C.things D.habits三、补充对话(10题)21.- (),Where is the nearest post office?-Go along this street and then tur

6、n left at the second crossing.A.while I am awayB.when I come backC.Excuse meD.Lets go walkingE.By bikeF.Whats your weekend?G.Do you live hereH.How long have you lived here?22.Tom: (1)Li: Oh,hello. Could I speak to mike,please?Tom: (2)Li: Yes,could you ask him to call me,please?Tom: (3)Li: Liming.Tom

7、: (4)Li: 65443221Tom: (5)(1)A.How are you?B.Hello ,68813721C.Good morning. My name is Mary.D.Sure,whats your name,please?E.See you later. Bye.F.Im afraid hes out now. can I take a message?G.Whats your number,please?23.(3)A.Then Ill take the tickets.B.Id like two tickets to shanghai.C.Dose it stop an

8、ywhere?D.But all the tickets for that day are sold out.E.What time is the earliest flight?24.对话:A: What can I do for you?B: (1)A: What size do you wear?B: (2)A: Here you are.B: 0h,a red one. I dont like red.Have you got any blue ones?A: Im sorry we havent got any at the moment. What about a white on

9、e?B: Thats all right. (3)A: Certainly.B: (4)A: 200 yuan,please.B: (5)(1)A.May I try it on?B.OK. Ill take it.C.How much is it?D.Id like to have a hat.E.Size L.25.(5)A.AhIs there anything serious?B.Thank you,doctor.C.Ive got a bad headache.D.My temperature seems all right.E.About two days.26.-Hi,Tom.

10、You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?-().A.I caught a bad coldB.Its a good ideaC.By trainD.He is tall and handsomeE.Im not sure. F. OK!F.You11 be fine soon.G.H. How are you feeling now?27.-What does your friend look like?-().A.I caught a bad coldB.Its a good ideaC.By trainD.He is ta

11、ll and handsomeE.Im not sure. F. OK!F.You11 be fine soon.G.H. How are you feeling now?28.-I am glad to have met you,Linda.-().A.I am TomB.Is he your father?C.So do I!D.This is Tom E. Thank you.E.Do you like wine?F.What about your father?G.H. How are you?29.(4)A.AhIs there anything serious?B.Thank yo

12、u,doctor.C.Ive got a bad headache.D.My temperature seems all right.E.About two days.30.(2)A.May I try it on?B.OK. Ill take it.C.How much is it?D.Id like to have a hat.E.Size L.四、翻译(10题)31.Fish stay in water, or they will die.32.He was late because of 8 traffic jam.33.That gentlemen can speak three l

13、anguages fluently.34.There are about 50 people in the room.35.It may help some people, but it may not help everybody.36.在我改变主意之前,你最好快点走。37.她很喜欢迈克,但是她不想这么早结婚。38.He is old enough to go to school.39.She kept on working although she was tired.40.中国将在十年后建造一个空间站。五、汉译英(10题)41.我们在聚会上玩得很尽兴。42. Most people ha

14、ve red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they wont go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay for their food.Some are afraid of meeting new people,so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.If shyness doesnt stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isnt a very big problem. Some experts say shy people are cleverer because they think



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