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1、江西省景德镇市高职单招2021-2022年英语模拟练习题三及答案学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.I have seen the movie_times.A.the number of B.a number of C.much D.a number2.Our English teacher always encourages us()English as much as possible.A.talking B.to speak C.to say D.speaking3.I wont go away()I see you.A.as soon as B.because

2、 C.until D.and4.Please _ the new shoes here and _ the old ones there.A.bring;take B.take;bring C.bring;bring D.take;take5.-Can you answer this question?-Sorry,I can() understand its meaning.A.hardly B.almost C.quite D.nearly6.The streets in the small town have become _than they were two years ago.A.

3、so clean B.very clean C.much cleaner7.Hong Kong is()the south of China.A.on B.in C.of D.at8.Jim is _ English boy.He is _ good student.He likes playing _ football.A.an;an;the B.an;a; / C.an;a;the D.a;an;the9. Did you see()in Beijing?A.something interestingB.anything interestingC.interesting something

4、D.interesting anything10.The number of the people who()cars()increasing.A.own;are B.own;is C.owns;is D.owns;are二、完型填空(10题)11.A man who had been working so much found that he could not sleep at night, but kept on falling _ during the _ .He became so _ that he went to this _ . “Can you help me, doctor

5、 ?” he asked _ , “I used to sleep so well, _ recently I havent been able to sleep _ than two hours a night.” The doctor _ him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him _ less hard, and told him to take some kinds of _ to help him. The doctor was _ that he was not seriously _ and that he would soon

6、 be better. But the man grew worse _ better. He slept even _ than expected at night, and was _ falling asleep in his bed. He visited his doctor very _ , and it _ the doctor a long time to discover _ the mans servant gave him the _ medicines in the morning, and the ones to keep him _ at night. ( )A.s

7、leep B.sleepy C.asleep D.sleeping12.(8)A.laugh B.cry C.look D.smile13.( )A.spends B.costs C.pays D.takes14.4()A.drink B.break C.rest D.look15.(6)A.shop B.supermarket C.production D.market16.7()A.put out B.turn over C.use up D.take away17.Sometimes it is better not to know the _ of a country that you

8、 are visiting _ it is to know just a little of it. The _ is this: the natives of your host country will often rush to _ if you seem completely lost and helpless. But they will usually misunderstand your small attempts to speak their language. They will think that you know _ more than you do. For exa

9、mple, I once asked three people in carefully memorized phrasebook Spanish how to get to a bus station in Mexico City. In reply each of them poured out a flood of (大量) complicated Spanish. The result was _ I didnt understand a word and wandered (徘徊) around for an hour before I found the station. _ I

10、had missed the bus. The next time I met a situation like this in another city, I was a lot smarter,so I acted dumbly(哑). Trying to look very pitiful, I _ a stranger and asked simply, “Bus station?” He not only told me how to get there. He showed me the _, walking three blocks out of his way to help

11、a poor, dumb and helpless _. ( )A.habit B.customs C.people D.language18.A certain good woman one day said something that hurt her best friend of many years.She_1_immediately and would have done anything to have taken the words back._2_she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself

12、 hurt_3_the pain she caused._4_to cancel what she had done,she went to an older,wiser woman in the village,explained her situation,and asked for_5_.Listening to her,the older woman_6_the younger womans distress and knew she must help her.She also knew she could never_7_her pain,but she could teach.S

13、he knew the_8_would depend only on the character of the younger woman.She said,“Tonight,take your best feather pillows and put a single feather on the doorstep of each house in the town_9_the sun rises.”The young woman hurried_10_to prepare for her chore,even though the feather pillows were very_11_

14、to her.All night long,she labored alone in the cold.Finally the sky was getting_12_,she placed the last feather on the steps of the last house.Just as the sun rose,she returned to_13_.“Now,” said the wise woman,“Go back and_14_your pillows with the feather you have put on the steps.Then everything w

15、ill be_15_it was before.”“You know thats_16_!The wind blew away each feather as fast as I placed them on the_17_!” The younger woman was surprised.“Thats true,” said the older woman.“Never forget.Each of your_18_is like a feather in the wind.Once spoken,no amount of effort,_19_how heartfelt or sincere,they can never return to your mouth.Choose your words well and_20_them most of all in the presence of those you lov



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