Unit 5 The Value of MoneyDiscovering Useful Structures 示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】

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Unit 5 The Value of MoneyDiscovering Useful Structures 示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】_第1页
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《Unit 5 The Value of MoneyDiscovering Useful Structures 示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 5 The Value of MoneyDiscovering Useful Structures 示范课教案【英语人教必修第三册】(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 5 The Value of Money子主题2:树立正确的金钱观Period 2 Discovering Useful Structures一、教学内容分析该板块的主题为“表达情态并谈论过去范畴的将来事件”(Express modality and talk about future events in the past)。充满意外、讽刺和惊喜的戏剧以及宣扬社会正能量的“拾金不昧”给学生带来深刻的印象和不同的感受。利用本单元复习的情态动词,学生可以充分描述各种场景和事件,并表达自己的看法。二、学情分析学生已经学过一些情态动词的基本用法,但是并没有形成比较完整的知识体系;同时在面对情

2、态动词问题时过于依赖中文翻译,不重视使用情态动词的语境。而戏剧剧本中丰富的情节和角色之间的交际需求为学生学习情态动词提供了很好的场景。三、教学目标通过本课时学习,学生能够:1. 正确理解含常见情态动词的句子,并分析、概括情态动词的表意功能;2. 识别过去将来时基本结构并体会其语用;3. 准确理解本单元含有情态动词和过去将来时的句子,并能在新的语境中正确应用。四、教学重难点【重点】1. 正确理解含常见情态动词的句子,并分析、概括情态动词的表意功能;2. 识别过去将来时基本结构并体会其语用;【难点】准确理解本单元含有情态动词和过去将来时的句子,并能在新的语境中正确应用。 五、教学活动设计环节一:导

3、入话题,激活已知 (7 mins)学生观看视频,找出其中的情态动词,同时说出更多的情态动词,并思考情态动词的功能。再阅读百万英镑剧本、回答问题、观察含有情态动词的句子。教学活动1. Ss watch a short video, and then finish some tasks.Step 1: Try to find out the modal verbs in this video.Step 2: Can you think of more modal verbs?Step 3: Discuss the functions of modal verbs in pairs based on

4、 what you have learnt before.活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价学生能够找出视频中的情态动词,同时结合之前所学,说出更多的情态动词,并答出情态动词的基本功能。教学活动2. Ss read the scripts on Page 52 to find the sentences with modal verbs and discuss their functions.What do these sentences with modal verbs mean?What are the functions of these modal verbs?活动层次学习理解之感知

5、与注意效果评价通过阅读课本52页剧本中含有情态动词的句子,学生能够准确理解这些句子,并在教师的引导下关注情态动词的句法功能。环节设计意图: 导入本节课的学习主题,激活有关已有情态动词的语法知识。环节二:识别并分析含有情态动词的句子,讨论并总结情态动词的句法功能(18 mins)学生观察含有情态动词的句子,结合已有知识,分析总结情态动词的句法功能。教学活动3. Ss read the sentences with modal verbs and match them with their functions. 4. Ss read the sentences and summarize the

6、functions of different modal verbs.活动层次学习理解之概括与整合。效果评价学生能够强化对情态动词句法功能的理解,并通过拓展补充完善相关的知识结构。教学活动5. Ss read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable modal verbs in the box. (教材第54页活动2)活动层次应用实践之分析与判断效果评价通过复现本单元课文相关的内容,学生能够在语境中识别、理解并分析情态动词的意义与功能。教学活动6. Ss work in pairs to discuss the scene from T

7、he Million Pound Bank Note on Page 52 and share their understanding of the story, using modal verbs when necessary. The example on Page 52 may be helpful. (教材第54页活动4)活动层次应用实践之内化与运用迁移创新之批判与评价效果评价学生能够在具体语境中恰当使用情态动词来表达自己的看法和感受。环节设计意图: 引导学生关注总结情态动词的意义与功能,进行简单的模拟运用后进一步内化目标语言的形式和意义。环节三:识别并分析含有“would do”和“

8、was/were going to do”的句子,讨论并总结其句法功能(10 mins)学生阅读含有目标语言的句子并归纳总结目标语言的功能和特点,并完成相应的练习。教学活动7. Ss read the examples and explain the differences between “will do”/“am/is/are going to do” and “would do”/“was/were going to do”. What are the differences of these sentences?活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价学生能够对含有“would do”和“

9、was/were going to do”的句子进行分析。教学活动8. Ss read more sentences and try to explain the functions of “would do” and “was/were going to do”.活动层次学习理解之获取与梳理效果评价学生能够对“would do”和“was/were going to do”语用功能进行总结。教学活动9. Ss complete the sentences that describe the future in the past using correct forms of the given

10、 verbs. (教材第54 页练习3)活动层次应用实践之分析与判断效果评价学生能够根据句子语境,运用“would do”和“was/were going to do”完成句子。环节设计意图: 引导学生关注“would do”和“was/were going to do”的意义与功能,进行简单的运用。环节四:讨论并分享自己对陈丽燕“拾金不昧”事件的看法 (10 mins)学生两人一组,谈论自己对上节课了解到的陈丽燕“拾金不昧”事件的看法,要求正确使用情态动词描述感受。教学活动10. Ss talk about their opinions about Chen Liyans returning

11、 lost money in pairs and give evaluations on others. (详见worksheet评价表)活动层次迁移创新之批判与评价效果评价在具体语境中恰当使用情态动词来表达自己的看法和感受环节设计意图: 强化学生对目标语言的理解,并能清楚准确表达自己的看法和感受。作业与拓展学习设计Write a short passage to express their opinions about Chen Liyans good deed of returning lost money, trying to use modal verbs properly. Work

12、sheetUnit 5 Discovering Useful StructuresActivity 1: Watch and finish the tasksStep 1: Try to find out the modal verbs in this video.Step 2: Can you think of more modal verbs?Step 3: Discuss the functions of modal verbs in pairs based on what you have learnt before.Activity 2: Find and thinkRead the

13、 scripts on Page 52 to find the sentences with modal verbs and answer the following questions.1. What do these sentences with modal verbs mean?2. What are the functions of these modal verbs?Activity 3: Read and matchActivity 4: Fill and summarizeActivity 5: Fill in the blanksRead the passage and fil

14、l in the blanks with suitable modal verbs in the box. (教材第54页活动2) Activity 6: Think and sayWork in pairs to discuss one of the scenes from The Million Pound Bank Note on page 52 and share your understanding of the story, using modal verbs when necessary. ItemPeer-evaluationTeacher-evaluationContents

15、:What happened?Opinions/feelings and reasons Language accuracy: Pronunciation / Vocabulary / Grammar Use of modal verbs:the modal verb and its function Fluency Logic and coherence Activity 7: Read and compareRead the following sentences and answer the question. What are the differences of these sentences?Samples:1) The weather forecast says it will/is going to rain, so Im taking my umbrella.2) The weat



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