Unit 3 Diverse Cultures Video Time 精品教案【英语人教必修第三册】

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1、Unit 3 Diverse Cultures子主题3:多元文化共存Period 1 Video Time一、教学内容分析本部分聚焦纽约市皇后区,展现美国的“熔炉文化”特色。帮助学生了解多种族集聚区的特点,进而加深学生对多元文化共存这一社会生态现象的理解,促进学生对多元文化的尊重。二、语篇分析【What】该视频聚焦纽约市皇后区(Queens), 展现美国的“熔炉文化”。视频中介绍了美国皇后区是多种族混居区的基本特征和信息,几位来自不同种族的纽约市民介绍了自己的种族背景。视频还介绍了一项有趣的研究,用以判断一个地区是否体现多元性。【Why】 在皇后区,将近一半人口出生在其他国家,居民由100多个

2、民族组成,皇后区的居民说150多种语言,其英语发音或多或少带着各自母语的发音特点。这一地区各种族文化交融共存,是美国的“熔炉文化”的浓缩体现。观看视频可以对纽约皇后区有非常直观的了解,进而更全面地了解民族文化共存这一主题。【How】该视频以旁白和路人自述的两种形式呈现。前者从客观角度介绍了美国皇后区是多种族混居区的基本信息,后者自述则从完全主观的角度呈现皇后区的种族多元化,自述者们带有母语发音的痕迹和外貌特征更是让人信服。三、学情分析 随着国际人口流动的不断增加,多种族文化共存这一现象成为很多国家的客观存在。但中国高中学生对此话题比较陌生,他们只是通过历史、地理、音乐等人文学科的学习和各大媒体

3、、网络和影视作品的宣传有或多或少的了解。但是,近年来,随着越来越多的来自世界各国的人来到中国生活定居,中国局部如:北京、黑龙江哈尔滨、浙江义乌、广东广州等地的中学生对多种族文化共存这一话题也有了一些直观的了解。四、教学目标通过本课时学习,学生能够:1. 获取梳理并简单介绍美国皇后区的多元文化共存情况;2. 评价中国文化多样性。五、教学重难点【重点】美国纽约皇后区的多元文化共存体现。【难点】中国文化多样性的体现。六、教学活动设计环节一: 创设情境,导入话题,激活已知(2 mins)教师呈现纽约皇后区的图片及视频标题,引导学生根据图片和自己的背景知识描述对这一地区的印象,同时阐述自己对“melti

4、ng pot”这一概念的理解,导入本课话题。教学活动1. Ss look at the photo of Queens and the title of the video, then think about the following questions. What kind of community do you think it is?What is your understanding of “melting pot”?活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价通过提问及观察学生反馈,了解其关于纽约“皇后区”及“melting pot”的已有认知。环节设计意图:导入话题,激活学生关于美国纽约

5、“皇后区”的了解。 环节二:阅读视频简介,学习词汇(6 mins)教学活动2. Ss read the introduction of the video and answer the following questions:Where is this place?Why is this place considered the worlds biggest melting pot?3. Ss match the words and phrases with their definitions. (教材第36页BEFORE YOU WATCH活动)活动层次学习理解之感知与注意效果评价通过提问,

6、了解学生对视频简介内容的理解,以及利用构词法及提供的例句推测单词意义的能力。环节设计意图:为观看视频做准备,降低视听任务难度。环节三:观看视频,获取、梳理和整合信息。(19 mins)教师引导学生观看视频,获取主要信息。再通过第二次和第三次播放视频,引导学生获取细节信息。教学活动4. Ss watch the video and answer the following question: What does the video mainly tell you?5. Ss watch the video again and answer the following questions:Who

7、are those speakers in the video?What are they talking about?6. Ss watch the video for the third time and finish the sentences with the correct words:(教材第36页WHILE YOU WATCH活动)活动层次学习理解之感知与注意、获取与梳理效果评价通过提问及观察学生在观看视频过程中记录信息的情况,了解学生概括主旨和获取细节信息的能力。环节设计意图:引导学生获取、梳理和整合“皇后”区多种族文化的相关信息。环节五:深入探讨视频中的核心内容(5 mins

8、)教师引导学生进行小组讨论,探讨自己对皇后区“熔炉文化”的认识,加深对“文化多样性”这一主题的理解。教学活动7. Ss discuss the following questions in groups:What kind of community do you think Queens is? Why?Do you think it would be easy to live in Queens if you were an immigrant? Why or why not?活动层次应用实践之分析与判断效果评价通过观察和倾听,了解学生对皇后区“熔炉文化”的理解。环节六:联系自身知识,迁移创

9、新,谈论中国多元文化现象。(8 mins)教师鼓励学生联系自身知识,评论中国是否是多元文化的国家并说明理由。教学活动Ss watch a short video and finish the following tasks.Step 1: Watch the video and answer the question.What information does the video want to convey?Step 2: Discuss the following question in pairs. Do you think China is a diverse country? Why

10、 or why not?活动层次迁移创新之想象与创造效果评价通过观察与倾听,了解学生迁移创新的能力。环节设计意图:引导学生通过评论中国的多元文化特点,实现迁移与创新的能力。作业与拓展学习设计 (The second one is optional.)1. Make a short speech titled Worlds Biggest Melting Pot to introduce Queens.2. Make a short speech titled China, a diverse country to introduce China.WorksheetUnit 3 Video Ti

11、meActivity 1: Look and thinkStep 1: Look at the picture and think about the question. What kind of community do you think it is?Step 2: Look at the title and think about the question. What is your understanding of “melting pot”?Activity 2: Read and answerRead the introduction of the video and answer

12、 the questions. Where is this place? Why is this place considered the worlds biggest melting pot?Activity 3: Match each word or phrase with the correct definition (教材第36页BEFORE YOU WATCH活动)Activity 4: Watch and find outWatch the video to find out the main idea.Activity 5: Watch and answer Who are th

13、ose speakers in the video? What are they talking about?Activity 6: Watch and completeComplete the sentences with the correct words.(教材第36页WHILE YOU WATCH活动)Activity 7: Discuss in groups What kind of community do you think Queens is? Why? Do you think it would be easy to live in Queens if you were an

14、 immigrant? Why or why not?Activity 8: Watch and finish the tasksStep 1: Watch the video and answer the question. What information does the video want to convey?Step 2: Discuss the following question in pairs. Do you think China is a diverse country? Why or why not?ItemPeer-evaluationTeacher-evaluationYour statement Supporting evidence Language accuracy Logic and coherence Homework:1. Make a short speech titled Worlds Biggest Melting Pot to introduce Queens.2. Make a short speech titled China, a diverse country to introduce China. (Optional) 6 / 6



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