仁爱版英语七年级上册Unit 4 topic 2学案

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1、七年Unit4 topic2一打电话用语1 This is Kangkang. 我是康康。 This is +某人(+ speaking )。 我是.2. Is that/it+某人(+ speaking )? “你是吗?”3.Who is this( speaking)? “你是谁?” 这些句子中的speaking往往可以省略。二重点句子:1.(电话用语):请找康康接电话? Kangkang?我是康康。 Kangkang. 你是谁? ?2.他现在不在家。He now. 在家 be = be 什么事? ?3. 你能叫他今晚给我回电话吗? you please him me this eveni

2、ng?4.你想去西山野餐吗?。Would you like the West Hill ? 对不起我不能,我必须做饭。Im I . I cook.5.请告诉他关于这件事。Please him it.6. 你这星期天有空吗? you this Sunday?7.Lucy 想要买一个玩具给她表妹。.Lucy a toy her cousin.9.你想和我去钓鱼吗?Would you like go /是的,我很乐意。Yes, .9.和我一起放风筝好不好? kites with me?我好想,但很抱歉 我没时间。Id ,but I have .10.Steve必须提水。Steve some wate

3、r .11.我最喜欢的食物是汉堡包。 food is .12.我想要带一些面包。I some bread.13.你想和我去钓鱼吗?Would you like ?和我去钓鱼怎样? What about ?为什么不和我去钓鱼? Why not 、三易混淆单词和短语辨析1. 辨析:have to, musthave to表示“必须”,have to是行为动词短语,表示客观上要求主语不得不或必须去傲某事,可用于一般现在时、一般过去和将来时态中。must表示“必须”,表示主观上要求主语必须去做某事,只用于一般现在时。 如:There is something wrong with my bike, s

4、o I have to walk to school.我的自行车坏了,所以我不得不步行去学校。You must work hard.你必须要努力学习。2. 辨析:speak, talk, say, tellspeak强调单方地“说”或“讲”,一般用作不及物动词,要表示“对某人说(某事)”可用 speak to/with sb (about sth)。说某种语言用“speak+语言”。talk强调双方“交谈”,一般用作不及物动词,表示“同某人谈论(某事)”,可用 talk to /with sb (about sth)。say强调说话内容,一般用作及物动词。表示“对某人说”,可用say to s

5、b。tell表示“告诉”可接双宾语,双宾语易位时用介词to引出间接宾语。3. 辨析:no, notno意为“不”,no则可单独使用,它的反义词是yes,用于回答一般疑问句。no还可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。not意为“不”,not是副词,常与be动词、助动词、情态动词等一起构成否定句。如:He is not a student. 他不是一个学生。Are you a student?你是一个学生吗?No, Im not.不,我不是。She has no toys.=She has not any toys.她没有玩具。【备战宝典】Unit4 Topic2 必考知识点汇编1.【考点】h

6、ave to的用法【课文原句】Im sorry I cant. I have to cook. (教材P91)【典例】Dianas mother is out. So she _ cook for her little brother.A. can B. may C. have to D. has to【解析】D can表示“能够”;may表示“可能”;have to表示“不得不”,强调的是客观情况。Diana的妈妈不在家,所以她不得不给她的弟弟做饭。she是第三人称单数,故用has to。2. 【考点】表达建议的句型以及答语【课文原句】What about having a picnic w

7、ith Mr. Cooper? Yes, Id love to. (教材P93)【典例】How about _ hiking(远足,徒步旅行)this Sunday? Great. Id like _ with you.A. to go; going B. going; going C. going; going D. to go ; to go【解析】C How about或What about后面跟动词的-ing形式,而would like后面只能跟动词不定式to do sth.四综合练习:.单项选择。( ) 1. Hello! May I speak to Jane, please? Y

8、es. _ is Jane.A. ThatB. ThisC. SheD. Who( ) 2. Dont forget _ your school bag home. All right, see you then.A. takeB. to takeC. bringD. to bring( ) 3. Would you like to go _ a picnic. Yes, Id love to. A. forB. toC. atD. out( ) 4. Lucy _ cook food for the picnic. A. have B. have toC. has D. has to( )

9、5. Do you have any time this afternoon? Yes. _A. What are you?B. Whats going? C. Whats up?D. Whats the matter?( ) 6. What about _ an English song? Good idea.A. singB. to singC. singingD. sings( ) 7. How about going swimming? Id like that, _ Im afraid I have no time.A. andB. orC. butD. so( ) 8. May I

10、 _ Lily? Im afraid you have the wrong(错误的) number.A. tell toB. speak toC. say toD. ask( ) 9. Would you like to sing some songs with us? _ I have to cook.A. Of course.B. Id love to. C. Im sorry I cant.D. Its fun.( ) 10. Would you please tell Maria about it? _A. Good idea.B. Sure.C. No, thanks.D. Yes,

11、 please.词汇。(10分)(A)根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词。1. Im afraid I have no time. Im not f 2. Young people like to send m with cell phones.3. The first day is S of a week. 4. I can sing an English s .5. What about (fly) kites this afternoon, Kangkang? Good idea.6. He often goes (swim) with his classmates on Sunday.7. Im (抱歉) I cant come with you.8. Dont forget to bring your (风筝). All right.9. Lets have a (野餐) on the farm. Its v



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