人教版英语七年级下册Unit2Section B 1a 2c 教学设计

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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 教学设计Period 3教材分析: 本节课是人教版新目标七年级下册第二单元section B 1a2c的内容。本单元主要学习如何表达时间和培养学生科学合理的学习安排;同时承接以前学习的一般现在时态,是本学期的重要教学任务,在历年中考题中运用频率相当高。 学情分析: 我的学生大部分的成绩还是不错的,对英语学习的兴趣是很高的,但也有部分学生学习英语的态度不太坚定,有想放弃的,原因可能是他们没有找到好的学习方法,在学习过程中遇到困难了,想知难而退,因此我想通过这节课的学习能够让他们树立学好英语的信心。教学目标:1、知识与技能

2、:(1) 通过听和读掌握词汇和短语half, past, run, quarter, take a walk,half past seven, a quarter to eight(2) 通过讨论学习掌握学习英语的基本技能。(3) 提高学生的听、说、读、写四种基本能力。2、过程与方法能力目标:1)练习 what time do you do your homework? I do my homework at a quarter past eight in the evening. 2)巩固一般现在时的其它用法:A: what does Tom usually get up? B: He ge

3、ts up at half past five.情感目标:培养学生合理地科学地作息习惯教学过程: Step one organization1. greetings S: Good morning everyone. What time is it?T: Eight fifteen.2. 展示第一张幻灯片,介绍今天讨论的话题。3. 展示第二张幻灯片,要求学生读出时间,并简单地说出几个时间。4. 展示第三张幻灯片,回答下列问题。1) What time do you usually get up?2) What time do you do your homework?3) What time

4、do you eat dinner?4) What time do you eat breakfast?5) What time do you go to school? Step two presentation1. 向学生讲述以上时间的另一种表达优雅,同时引入新词 quarter, past, to.1) I usually get up at half past six in the morning.2) I do my homework at a quarter to seven.3) I eat dinner at ten to seven.4) I usually have bre

5、akfast at seven oclock.5) I always go to school at a quarter past seven.2. 组织学生分组进行问答练习,然后表演,同时老师走下讲台给以必要的帮助,及时纠正学生的错误。activitytimeactivitytimeget up5:30run6:00eat breakfast7:00go to school7:45do your homework5:30clean your room6:50eat dinner7:00go to bed9:00如:A: What time do you usually get up?B: I

6、 usually get up at half past five. Step three listening1. Explain the information of 1c, listen to tape and circle the activities you hear.2. Play it again, write the times next to the activity you circled in 1c.3. 组织学生以小组形式练习对话,用1d的信息For example: A: What time do you get up? B: I get up at half past

7、 five.学生练习对话的同时老师来到学生当中提供必要的帮助,并帮助学生改正他们的错误。 Step four practicing1. Reading the example first.2. Organize students to make some similar conversations about times.如:A: What does Tom usually get up?B: He usually gets up at half past five.设计此练习的意图是想让学生学会转述他人的信息,在学生练习对话的同时老师来到学生当中提供必要的帮助,并帮助学生改正他们的错误。 S

8、tep five homework1. say out these times with past, to, half, quarter. 3:15, 4:15, 9:45.2. make two conversations about Toms day, for example: A: What time does Tom run? B: He runs at six oclock. 同时要求学生一定注意动词的形式,如does, goes, cleans, eats. Teaching design:1. six thirty_ half past six2. six forty-five_

9、 a quarter to seven3. six fifty_ ten to seven4. seven fifteen_ a quarter past seven5. A: What time does he/she.?B: He/She gets up at. brushes teeth at. cleans the room at. does his/her homework at. 设计内容:七年级下英语 unit 2 what time do you go to school? Period 3 设计者:魏县牙里中学 刘雪灵 设计时间: 2019-3-11说课稿Unit 2 wha

10、t time do you go to school? 这一单元重点学习的是时间的表达方式,同时复习了一般现在时的基本用法,但要让学生的掌握基础知识的同时也要学会举一反三的本领。如一般现在时的第三人称单数作主语时,动词的变化形式也是本节的一重点。 具体到本节的学习情况时,我认为本节课重点讲的是时间的表达方式,重点让学生熟习直读法,在此基础上还应让学生掌握用past ,to ,half 和quarter 的时间表达方式,如在上课期间,我多次组织学生以小组对话的形式练习这种时间表达方式,如:A: what time do you get up in the morning? B: I usuall

11、y get up at six oclock in the morning. 或 B: I usually get up at half past five in the morning. 还可以问这些内容:A: what time do you brush your teeth? B: I often brush my teeth at a quarter to seven in the morning. A: what time do you do your homework at school? B: I always do my homework at a quarter past f

12、ive in the afternoon. 等对话内容。还有除了这样的练习内容外,我还添加了一些新的知识点,如组织学生转述他人的作息情况,如 what time does he get up in the morning? B: He gets up at half past five in the morning. 练习这样的对话时,就强调这个知识点。注意动词的形式,第三人称单数作主语时,动词形式是特殊的,多次让学生练习这个知识点。最后布置作业的同时再次强调,要注意动词的形式。总之,我认为本节应多次组织学生操练时间的表达方式,最好以小组对话的形式展开练习。才能完善的完成教学任务。 刘雪灵 2019-3-17 第 6 页


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