人教版七上 Unit 6复习 学案(无答案)

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1、Unit 6复习攻略一、短语1.电脑编程员-学习电脑科学 ; 厨师-上厨师学校; 医生-在大学研究医学; 工程师-努力学习数学; 小提琴家-上小提琴课; 篮球运动员-每天练习篮球 科学家-学习科学 ; 演员-上表演课 ; 学校老师-研究 教材; 2足球运动员每天练习 ; 歌手-上演唱课 ; 一名赛车手-买一辆快车记者-写文章,并给报社投稿 ; 公交司机; 飞行员; 钢琴家3.长大 4.对于将来的计划 5.搬到上海 6.高中和大学毕业 7. 学会如何教孩子 8. 擅长写故事 9.继续写故事 10.对-确信 11.不是每个人都知道 12. 确保你尽全力 13.你可以成就你想做的 14. 你是对的

2、15. 制定新年计划(我的新年计划是):学会弹钢琴; 组建足球队;取得好成绩;吃更健康的食物;进行大量锻炼; 16. 学习另外一门外语 17.听起来像一个好计划 听起来有趣 18.让计划实施 19. 一种承诺 20.向别人许诺 21.清理房间 22.返校 23.你对自己的承诺 24. 最常见的一种 25.在年初,我们希望我们会改善生活 26. 写下他们来年的计划 27.一些-其他的-28.告诉-关于他们的希望和计划 29.身体健康 30. 开展一项锻炼项目,少吃快餐31.和自我提高有关 32.从事一项像画画或照相一样的爱好 33.为作业制定周末计划34.有一个共同点 35.有时计划太难不好执行

3、 36.因为这个原因37.让你的生活更容易 38.一个制定计划的时间 39.最好的决定就是没有决定40.让你成为一个更好的人 41.改善和家人的关系 42.最后一个决定是关于如何做的更好 43.让地铁更好二、根据汉语完成句子(每空1分)1. 李伟昨天制定了他的新年计划。Li Wei his New Years yesterday.【来2. 他打算怎样成为一名编程人员? is he going to a _ _?3. 第一个决心与我的学习有关。The first _ my studies.4. 她在聚会开始的时候唱了一首英文歌。 She sang an English song the part

4、y. 5. 她5岁时就会弹钢琴了。She the piano when she was five.6. 她哥哥有把握按时到达上海。Her brother in Shanghai on time. 7. 他打算周日去上钢琴课。He piano lessons on Sunday. 8.长大了我想做我喜欢的事情。When I _ _, I want to do _ I_.9.我对成功很有把握。I am quite _ _ the success.10.只需要确保她善于和孩子打交道。Just _ _ she is _ _ kids.11.每一学期,我们都向老师承诺。We all _ _ _ our

5、teachers every term.12. 他们打算搬到某个有趣的地方。 They are_ to _ _ _. 13. 我想成为一名时装杂志的记者。 I want to be a _ for a fashion magazine. 14. 寒假期间我打算找一份临时工。I am going to _ _ _ _ on winter vacation.15. 我的英语学得不好, 我想参加一个英语学习班。I dont learn English well. Im going to _ _ _ _.16. 几个女孩子说, 她们准备经常锻炼身体保持健康。Some girls said they w

6、ere going to _very often _ _ _.17. 你打算在哪儿工作? Where _ you _ _ _?18. 听起来巴黎就是我能喜欢的城市. Paris _ _ a city that I could _.19.在我们学校越来越多的学生打算上表演课。In our school, more and more students are going _ _ _ lessons.20.李先生打算把他的信发给杂志社和报纸。Mr.Li is going to _ his letters _ _ and newspapers.21.埃里克打算在大学里学医学。Eric is going

7、 to study _ _ _ _.22.你还记得你对自己的承诺吗?Do you remember your _ _ _?23.我认为你可以做个学习周计划。I think you can make _ _ _ for schoolwork.24.我们的想法有一点是相同的。Our ideas _ _ _ _ _.25.你知道如何改善与家人的关系吗?Do you know _ to _ _ _ your family?三、语法填空1. _ you know what a resolution is? Its a _of promise. Most _the time, we make _ (pro

8、mise) _ other people. (“Mom, I promise I_(tidy) my room when I _(get) back from school.”) However, promises you make to _(you) _(be) resolutions, and the _(common) kind is New Years resolutions. The_ of the year is often a time for _(make) resolutions .When we make _ at the _(begin) of the year, we

9、hope that we _(improve) our _. Some people _(write) down their resolutions and _(plan) for the _(come) year. This _(help) them _( remember) their resolutions. _ tell their family and friends _ their _ (wish) and plans.2. There _(be) different _of resolutions. Some _(be) about _ health. For example,

10、some people promise _(they) they are going _(start) _ exercise program or eat _(little) fast food. Many resolutions have_(do) with self-_(improve). These are about _(make) yourself a _ person. Some people _(say) they are going _(take) up a hobby like _(paint) or taking _ , or learn _(play) the guita

11、r. Some resolutions have to do with better _(plan), like making a _(week) plan for schoolwork. For example, a student may _(have) to find _ time_(study). 3. Although there are _(different), most resolutions have one thing _ common. People hardly ever _(keep) them! There are good reasons _ this. Some

12、times the resolutions may _(be) too difficult _(keep). Sometimes people just forget about them. For this reason, some people say the _(good) resolution is_(have) no resolutions! How about you _ you_(make) any next year?四、短文改错1. Do you know what resolution is? Its a kind of promises. Most of time, we make promise to other people. (“Mom, I promise Im going to tidying my room when I get back to school.”) However, promise you make for yourself are resolutions, and most common kind is New Years resolutions.


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