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1、总复习原形 三单 现在分词 过去式playleaveswimpassfixteachwishdostudycarryFlylistenspendstayhaveclosesitbeginrunputLielookplayworklikelivehopeplanstopdropstudyworrycrySangTaughtBroughtHeardThoughtPaidSoldSaidbought一、一般现在时1. 谓语构成:2. 标志词:3. 用法:1)2) 3)4. 变一般疑问句5. 变否定句 二、现在进行时1. 谓语构成:2. 标志词:3. 用法:1) 2) 4. 变一般疑问句:5. 变否定

2、句:三、一般过去时1. 谓语构成:2. 标志词:3. 用法:4. 一般疑问句:5. 变否定句:练一练1 _ your teacher _ from them very often? Certainly. A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive2 ._ your mother _ some cleaning on Sundays? A. Doesdoes B. Dodoes C. Doesdo D. Do do3 He usually _ TV on Sunday evening. A. watch B. watches C. watchin

3、g D. is watching4 Nobody _ how to run this machines. A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing5 The Young Pioneer _ water for the old man every day. A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries6 Some are _ in the river and some are _ games. A. swimming playing B. swimmingplaying C. swimming I playing D

4、. swimmingplaying7 Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _ . A. playing dance B. playing dancing C. play dancing D. play dance8 He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening. A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins9 _ he _ on well with his friends this term ? A. Doesg

5、ets B. Doesget C. Isgetting D. Isgeting10 He often _ late in the forest. It _ me very much., A. stayedworried B. staied worried C. stayedworryed D. staied worried11 I _that the boy _ with no tears in his eyes. A. noticed cryed B. noticed cried C. noticedcried D. noticed cryed12 When I _ the Children

6、s Palace, the children _ with joy. A. visited jumpped B. visited jumped C. visited jumped D. visited jumpped13 _ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they _. A. Did they have did B. Did they have had C. Had they had D. Had they did14 _ you _out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I _. A. Didwentwent B. Did

7、go went C. Did went did D. Did go did15 _ Jack _ on with his work or _ to have a rest?A. Did went stopped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped句型转换一、 一般疑问句 There be句型情态动词三大时态二、 划线部分提问三、 否定句 There be句型情态动词三大时态练一练1、Lucy likes going skating with her friends. (改写成否定句)_2、Aunt Lis son has ten t

8、oy bears. (对划线部分提问)_3、His watch costs 300 yuan. (变成一般疑问句并否定回答)_4、I like being a nurse for the old. (变成一般疑问句)_5、Yesterday I went swimming.(改写成否定句。)_6、He was born in Shanghai.(对划线部分提问)_7、Bruce often writes letters in English. (用now改写句子)_8、They are surfing. (对划线部分提问)_9、 there is some water in the bottl

9、e.(一般疑问句)_10、 Id like to drink some juice. (一般疑问句)_11、He can play the piano. (划线提问)第 15 页交通方式做谓语动词做方式状语坐公交车坐地铁坐飞机开车走路骑自行车同类用法:with(have、wear、and)练一练1、 Tom and his friends _( go) to the beach every day.2、 Tom with his friends _( go) to the beach every day.3、 The girl who _ (wearwith) a pair of glasse

10、s is my sister.4、 There is a house _ (withhave) a beautiful garden.5、 I usually go to school _ bus. But yesterday I _ my bike to school. A. by, take B. on, take C. by, on D. on, rode6. -_ does it take you to your school? -It _ me ten minutes by subway. A. How long, take B. How far, took C. How long,

11、 takes7. - _ is it from your home to school? - Ten minutes _ a car. A. How long, by B. How far, drive C. How long, inFor 人 Be good at 花费 With 物To区分be like look like Get to arrive in,at reach N. remember doingKind forget to do Adj.练一练用at / for / with / to 填空1. We should be good _ learning from each other.2. He is very good _ the children.3. My friend was good _ me when I was ill.4. Eating more vegetables is good _



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