人教七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball 学案(无答案)

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1、七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?一、学习目标1. 学会用have 对物品的所属进行提问以及应答,学会句型:Do you have a ping-pong bat?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does Jane have a tennis ball?Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.2. 学会用lets提建议。二、重点、难点重点1. 单词:go, late, get, play, interesting, watch, same, love, like, after, with2. 短语:sound

2、interesting, play sports, on TV3. 句型:1) Do you have a ping-pong bat? 你有一个乒乓球拍吗?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。2) Lets play basketball. 让咱们打篮球吧。难点have的一般现在时的用法。一、单词领读go v. 去;走get v. 去取(或带来);得到play v. 比赛或运动;玩耍watch v. 注视;观看love v.n.爱;喜爱like v. 喜欢;喜爱late adj. 迟到interesting adj. 有趣的same adj. 相同的with prep. 和在一起;带有;使用a

3、fter prep.conj.在以后二、重点单词【单词学习】1. go v. 去;走【用法】(1)不及物动词,如果要接名词作宾语,需要加介词to:go to hospital。(2)go之后可直接加不定式或动词的-ing形式或介词短语:go to play go fishing go after。(3)go的反义词是come“来”。【例句】She often goes shopping on Sunday. 她星期天常去购物。Lets go to school. 让咱们去上学吧。Come to my school. 来我学校吧。【拓展】go n. 企图;尝试Do you want a go?

4、你想试一试吗?【考题链接】1. He often _ to the store with his mother.A. go B. come C. goes D. to come答案:C思路分析:主语he是第三人称单数,故实义动词用第三人称单数形式,排除A, B, D三项。2. Lets _.A. go to home B. go home C. goes to home D. goes home答案:B思路分析:let后接动词原形,故排除C, D两项;home是副词,故go后的介词to需去掉,B项正确。句意为“咱们回家吧”。2. late adj. 迟到【例句】Dont be late. 不要

5、迟到了。【拓展】late常构成短语be late for, 意为“因迟到”“干迟到”。【例句】John is always late for school. 约翰上学总是迟到。【考题链接】Anna, are you late _ class today?No, Im not.A. to B. on C. for D. at答案:C思路分析:be late for, 意为“因迟到”。句意为“安娜,你今天上课迟到了吗?没,我没有。”3. get v. 去取(或带来);得到【用法】(1) 指先到别处去再把某物(人)带来,常用在口语中,强调的是动作的往返。(2) 表示“得到”时,常用短语:get st

6、h. from sb./ sw. 从某人/某地得到某物【例句】I can get some chalk for you, Mr. Wang. 王老师,我可以去给你拿一些粉笔。I get a book from my sister. 我从我姐姐那儿得到一本书。【考题链接】Can you _ some water for me? A. have B. has C. get D. gets答案:C思路分析:can为情态动词,其后接动词原形,排除B、D两项;根据句意“你能给我取点水吗?”可知,应选C项。4. play v. 比赛或运动;玩耍【用法】球类名词作play的宾语时,球类名词前不加冠词。【例句

7、】He can play tennis. 他会打网球。【拓展】(1) play with sb. 和某人玩耍(2) play with sth. 玩某物(3) play v. 演奏;弹奏;吹奏,乐器名词前加冠词the。 【例句】He often plays with me. 他经常和我玩。The boys are playing with balls. 男孩子们正在玩球。He can play the violin. 他会拉小提琴。 【考题链接】1. Do they play _ soccer?A. a B. an C. the D. /答案:D思路分析:soccer 意为“足球”,是球类名词

8、,作play的宾语时,不加冠词,故排除A, B, C三项。2. His father can _ basketball, but he only _ basketball.A. play; plays B. plays with; play C. play; play with D. play; plays with答案:D思路分析:根据情态动词can后接动词原形可知B项错误;后半句的he是第三人称单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故C项错误;根据句意“他的爸爸会打篮球,但是他只玩篮球”可知排除A项,D项正确。5. interestingadj. 有趣的【用法】主语常为表物的名词,用于系动词后

9、,构成系表结构,充当表语;还可用于名词前,作定语。【例句】The game is interesting. 这游戏很有趣。My brother has an interesting book. 我弟弟有一本有趣的书。【拓展】interested adj. 某人对感兴趣的,常构成短语: be interested in,意为“对感兴趣”,主语通常是表示人的名词。【例句】Im interested in the book. 我对这本书感兴趣。【考题链接】Are you _ in the _ book?A. interested; interested B. interesting; interes

10、tedC. interested; interesting D. interesting; interesting答案:C思路分析:book表示物,其前用interesting修饰,排除A, B两项;主语是you,对书感兴趣用interested,排除D项。句意为“你对这本有趣的书感兴趣吗?”6. watchv. 注视;观看【用法】用来表达“看电视、看比赛”,其第三人称单数形式要在词尾加-es。【例句】The children are watching the basketball match. 孩子们正在观看篮球比赛。He watches TV at night. 他在晚上看电视。【考点】w

11、atch, see二者都有“看”的意思,但“看”法不同。watch表达“看电视、看比赛”一般用watch。He often watches soccer matches.他经常看足球比赛。seesee“看到”,表示视觉器官有意识或无意识地看到物体,强调“看到”的结果。I can see a beautiful bird.我能看到一只美丽的鸟。【考题链接】My parents dont _ TV in the evening.A. see B. watch C. sees D. watches答案:B思路分析:浏览题干可知dont 后接动词原形,排除C,D两项;表达“看电视”用watch,故选B

12、项。7. same adj. 相同的【用法】(1)其前常用定冠词the。 表示“与相同”时用the same as。(2)same的反义词是different, 意为“不同的”,表示“与不同”时用短语be different from。【例句】The girl has the same schoolbag as me. 这女孩有和我一样的书包。Our school is different from theirs. 我们的学校和他们的不同。【考题链接】Marys shoes are _ Tinas.A. the same to B. the same C. the same as D. sam

13、e as答案:C解析:因为same与the不分家,故排除D项;句意为“玛丽的鞋子和蒂娜的一样”。表示“与相同”时用the same as。8. love v.n.爱;喜爱【用法】love + n. 喜爱love to do 喜爱做love doing喜爱做【例句】The boy loves swimming. 这男孩喜欢游泳。【拓展】would love to do sth. = would like to do sth. 想做某事;愿意做某事【例句】Would you love to come to my party? 你愿意参加我的聚会吗?Yes, Id love/ like to. 是的

14、,我愿意。【考题链接】He loves _ basketball and Id love _ping-pong.A. play; playing B. to play; to play C. playing; playing D. to play; playing答案:B思路分析:love后可以接带to的动词不定式,动词的-ing形式,先排除A项;would love 接to do sth.,故排除C, D两项。句意为“他喜欢打篮球,我愿意打乒乓球”。9. with prep. 和在一起;带有;使用【用法】1)和在一起 with my parents2)拥有、具有 with bong hair3)用工具 with a pen【例句】My son often goes to play basketball with Jack. 我儿子经常和杰克一起去打篮球。I have a book with a beautiful cover. 我有一本封面美丽的书。Please write with a


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