七年级上册英语教案Unit 8 When is your birthday 人教版

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1、人教版 初中七上Unit 8 When is your birthday教案Period OneTeaching aims(教学目标)1. 能理解并区别以下单词:when ,month, January, February ,March ,April ,May ,June ,July ,August ,September October ,November ,December2.能理解并正确使用以下句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is .3.学会正确使用英语来表达月份、日期。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:When is

2、your birthday? My birthday is .2、 要求掌握以下单词:when ,month, January, February ,March ,April ,May ,June ,July ,August ,September October ,November ,December教学重难点正确用英语来谈论表达生日的月份日期。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Greetings2. Revision对于月份词的教学感觉比较困难的一点就是如何找到一个切入口,这个切入口必须是学生所熟悉又要和本单元教学主体和内容是紧密联系的。所以考虑以下面这几个简单的问答来切入。Ho

3、w many days are there in a week?There are 7 days in a week .How many weeks are there in a month?There are 4 weeks in a month.3. Presentation(呈现新知识)利用谜语引出“一物生来真稀奇,身穿三百多件衣,每天给它脱一件,年底剩下一张皮。”出示图片进行演示教授新单词,教师先领读,然后让个别学生朗读,教师及时正音,然后齐读。最后听写生词。学生以学习小组为单位听写,然后互批互改,小组长汇报检查情况。然后播放生日快乐歌曲并用课件展示一个生日蛋糕,向学生提问:“你知道自

4、己的生日吗?你知道爸爸、妈妈的生日吗?你知道朋友的生日吗?你想学会用英语谈论你和别人的生日吗?这节课我们将学习相关知识。4. Work on 1aListen and repeat.听录音并跟读。教师纠正发音及提醒学生十二个月份的词汇的首字母要大写。然后出示图片展示自己的生日日期。向学生提问:My birthday is November 30th .Now I want to know your birthday . What should I ask ?利用课件展示出问句, “When is your birthday?”,引导学生作出正确的回答,“Its November 30th.”或

5、“My birthday is November 30th”.然后同桌互相联系1a中的对话,教师指导。5. Work on 1bListen and number the conversations1-3.听录音,要求学生根据所听到的内容为对话进行编号然后核对答案。然后听录音跟读对话。6.Work on 1cPractice the conversations above with your partner. Then make your own conversations. 引导学生练习对话,完成1c 口语交际的任务。然后让学生就1a部分中的日期进行对话练习。可采用师生互动带动生生互动的交流

6、方式。最后,把自己编好的对话展示给大家。7.Homework背112月份的单词, 练习1a对话,以巩固本课所学内容。板书设计:Unit 8 When is your birthday?A: When is your birthday ?B: Its . / My birthday is .课后反思:人教版 初中七上Unit 8 When is your birthday教案Period TwoTeaching aims(教学目标)1.能理解并区别以下单词:happy , Happy birthday, old, How old, party, See you, first, second, t

7、hird, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth2.能理解并正确使用以下句型:When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is .When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is .3.学会正确使用英语来表达月份、日期并能熟练运用序数词。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is .When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is .2

8、、要求掌握以下单词:happy , Happy birthday, old, How old, party, See you, first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth教学重难点正确用英语序数词来谈论表达生日的月份日期。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Greetings2. Revision复习基数词,教师可以问同学们的学号。Whats your number? Im Number 11. What his number? His number is 8. Can you count from 0

9、 to 30?Can you write these numbers down?Ask some others to check if the students write them correctly. Then students will talk about their birthdays with each other.When is your birthday?Its August fifteenth.(Pointing to a boy student) When is his birthday, do you know?Yes. His birthday is February

10、twelfth.3. Presentation(呈现新知识)讲授新单词,教师先领读,然后让个别学生朗读,教师及时正音,然后齐读。最后听写生词。学生以学习小组为单位听写,然后互批互改,小组长汇报检查情况。4. Work on 2a Listen and repeat.听录音并跟读。引入序数词:可由老师指定一个轮流的顺序和第一个学生。让他说I am No.1.然后依次是 I am No.2. I am No.3.一直到轮完所有的学生为止。此时黑板上的板书应该有No.1, No.2, No.3. (旁边注明No. One , No. Two)这个步骤的作用是为了在基数词和序数词之间进行搭桥帮助学生把

11、两个关联的而又有一定区别的知识结合起来便于他们的理解和记忆。接着大屏幕出示I am No. One = I am the first. I am No. Two = I am the second依次一边讲解一边出示fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth,thirtheenth,Twentieth, twenty-first twenty-second。大屏幕出示2a的图片,让同学们找出序数词的规律。讲解序数词,然后听录音并跟读。5. Work on 2bListen and circle the numbe

12、rs you hear in 2a.听录音,在2a中圈出所听到的数字。6. Work on 2cListen again. Match the names month and dates.再听一遍录音,将名字、月份、日期配对。7.Work on 2dTalk about the childrens birthday in 2c .Then ask your partner about the birthdays in his or her family. 引导学生练习2c中人物的生日,完成2c 口语交际的任务。然后让学生就彼此家人的生日进行对话练习。用到的句型:When is your fat

13、hers /mothers/sisters brothers birthday? His/Her birthday is .最后,把自己编好的对话展示给大家。8.Work on 2eRole-play the conversation.分角色表演对话。教师先领读,然后自己读,最后和同桌互相练习,熟练后再向全班展示。9.Homework背会2e的对话。板书设计:Unit 8 When is your birthday?When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is .When is your fathers birthday? His birthday is .

14、When is her birthday? Her birthday is .When is his birthday? His birthday is .课后反思:人教版 初中七上Unit 8 When is your birthday教案Period ThreeTeaching aims(教学目标)1.熟练使用以下句型:When is birthday? Her/Her birthday is .2.熟练使用英语来表达月份、日期并能熟练运用序数词。教学重难点正确用英语序数词来谈论表达某人的生日日期。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Greetings2. RevisionWhe

15、n is your birthday?When is your fathers birthday?When is your best friends birthday?3. Practice 大屏幕出示和生日有关的图片。以小组为单位,在全班进行练习。使用的句型When is birthday? Her/Her birthday is 。4. Work on 3a Match the questions and answers.将问句与答语配对。5. Work on 3bComplete the conversation and practice it with your partners.补全对话并与同伴练习。练习完以后,大屏幕出示和生日有关的图片,让同学们编对话,最后全班展示。6.Work on 3c Make a surveyFriends nameDate of birth调查组内



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