人教八下Unit3SectionB (2a2e) 学案(无答案)

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《人教八下Unit3SectionB (2a2e) 学案(无答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教八下Unit3SectionB (2a2e) 学案(无答案)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3SectionB (2a2e)【学习目标】 1.知识目标: 单词、短语:develop provide fall ill depend on in order to do sth句型:It is +adj(形容词)+ for sb to do sth The earlier. . ., the better:越早越好the+比较级. . ., the+比较级:越怎么样越怎么样2.能力目标:学习通过略读、快读、细读等阅读方法获取文章信息的能力。 3.情感目标: 关爱父母,替父母分忧解难。 【组议】(小组合作,出声朗读3 minutes).1.干家务_ 2.花费时间在某事上_3.为了做某

2、事_ 4.进入_5.依赖;依靠;取决于_ 6.照看;照顾_7.不知道_ 8.因此;结果_9.生病_ 10.越早. . .越好_【独学】 Skim(略读) the passage and decide(默读3 minutes).The general idea(大意) of the article is about_.A. kids should spent time on schoolwork.B. kids should help with chores or shouldntC. kids shouldnt help to do chores at home.D. kids should

3、help to do chores at home.Skim (略读) the passage again and answer the questions(默读2 minutes ).1.Who agrees that kids should help out with chores ?_ 2.Who disagrees that kids should help out with chores?_Scan(细读) the first letter and do the exercises(默读3 minutes).1.Why does Ms Miller think kids have n

4、o time to study and do housework, either(也) ?_ 1.What does Ms Miller think kids should do?_Scan(细读) the first letter and decide T/F (判断正误T/F). 3. Ms Miller thinks doing chores will waste students time. ( )4. Ms Miller thinks kids could do chores after they become older. ( )5. What should parents do

5、for their children? ( )The reasons of cons(反对做家务的原因)Scan(细读) the first letter and fill in the forms(填表格)(默读2 minutes).Scan(细读) the second letter and decide (判断正误T/F)(默读3 minutes).1. Mr Smith doesnt think its enough for kids to just get good grades at school. ( )2. Children these days dont always ask

6、 their parents to do a lot of things. ( )3. Everyone should play a part in doing housework in a family. ( )Scan(细读) the second letter and answer the questions4.Is it very meaningful for children to do chores? _5. What are the meanings of doing chores for children? _The reasons of pros(赞成做家务的原因)Scan(

7、细读) the second letter and fill in the forms(填表格)(默读2 minutes).【堂测】根据汉意思完成句子1.看电视太多是一种时间的 浪费。Watching TV_is _.2.他昨天花了十元钱买了那本书。 Yesterday he_ten yuan_that book. Yesterday he_ten yuan_that book.3.昨天为了赶上早班车 ,他起床很早。He_very early_the early bus yesterday.4.对于孩子们来说,没有必要天天早起。_children_every day.5.照顾好孩子们是父母们的职责。 _job_the kids well 第 2 页



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